Accident Reporting Policy (RIDDOR)

Reviewed December 2011

General Guidance

The legislation that applies is the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995. (RIDDOR)

All accidents and ‘near misses’, however minor, to staff or non-employees must be recorded in the accident reporting form held in every establishment.

In the case of accidents that necessitate the injured person leaving the premises for treatment, a formal investigation must be held by the appropriate Manager

IHAG recognises the need to pay heed to accidents that occur and to examine the cause of such accidents to prevent a recurrence. Furthermore, it is recognised that information regarding accidents is needed to provide comprehensive data about trends, the use of particular equipment or workplaces and certain practices.

1 Duty of Employer

An employer has a duty in law to investigate the circumstances of every accident reported to them (or entered in the accident reporting form) that results in personal injury to one of his employees.

This provision of the Social Security (Claims & Payments) Regulations 1979 (SI 1979 No 628) imposes an additional duty on the employer to record any discrepancy between the circumstances found by him/her as a result of the investigation and the circumstances reported or recorded by the injured employee. This information must be furnished to an officer of the Department of Social Security in the event that the injured person presents a claim for social security industrial injury or disablement benefit.

2 Duty of Employee

Every employee, who is injured at work, must inform his/her Manager as soon as possible after the accident took place. The employee will have complied with this duty if he/she enters the required particulars in the accident reporting form (or by having a workmate or first aid attendant enter those particulars on his/her behalf).

If the injured employee neglects to report the accident in the manner described above, he/she may forfeit any subsequent right to social security industrial injury benefit.

Signed by Executive Member: Date:

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Procedure for:

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)

1.  Should there be an incident or accident the Receptionist or the most senior Appointed Person / First Aider present should take charge, delegating another member of staff to inform the Director or a member of the Senior Management Team of the situation immediately. Another member of staff should be delegated to contact the emergency services, if necessary.

2.  It is the responsibility of all staff, in the first instance, to make sure that they are safe; in the second instance, to make sure that any clients are safe.

3.  The Director or in her/his absence a member of the Senior Management Team is responsible for notifying the enforcing authorities of any reportable accidents / incidents under the requirements of RIDDOR (the Reporting of Incidents, Dangerous Diseases Occurrences Regulations). All such accidents or incidents are formally investigated by the SMT and documented accordingly.

4.  Accidents or serious incidents (including violence or threats of violence) will be fully investigated by the Director and/or Senior Management to prevent re-occurrence.

5.  All accidents or ‘Near misses’ must be entered in the Accident Book (which is kept at reception). An accident includes any physical injury or serious illness occurring to staff whilst on duty anywhere, and to anyone in the office. A ‘Near miss’ is an incident which does not involve any injury but which could have lead to a serious injury. All such incidents, as described above, must be reported to the Director as soon as possible. When completed, the ‘tear off’ record must be sent directly to the Finance Administrator, who is responsible for maintaining the Accident records. An Incident Form should also be completed if appropriate.

6.  All serious incidents i.e. where staff feel they have been affected or distressed by a situation (including violence or threats of violence) must be reported to their Line Manager and entered on an Incident Form (which is kept at reception). Incident Forms are sent directly to the Finance Administrator who will pass to the next SMT

Copies of the reportable incidents form may be obtained from the HSE helpline 08701 545 500 or on their website address www.RIDDOR.Gov.UK.

A copy must be sent directly to the local authority Environmental Health Department and a copy to the Director.