Table of Contents
Page 20 of 13
Accessing the Billing Manager 1
Understanding the Billing Log 2
Sorting Records 2
Definition of Colored Circles 3
Filtering 3
Columns 4
Short-cut menu 5
Error management 6
Functions of the last row of buttons 6
Transmit to Billing 7
Add Record 7
Edit Record 8
Delete Record 8
Toggle Hold 9
Toggle transmitted 10
View report 10
Transmit Only Selected Rows 11
ONCOCHART® Billing Management keeps a record of all charges and facilitates transfer of records to a center's billing software or billing company. It allows for full control of billing records and charges done through ONCOCHART® and any records imported by ONCOBridge®.
Users are given many different ways to view, record, and edit records making billing more streamlined and manageable.
Accessing the Billing Manager
To activate the Billing Manager module, select it from the Utilities menu.
1. Click Utilities from the menu:
2. Select Billing Manager.
OR Use hotkey CTRL+B
Understanding the Billing LOG
illing Management in ONCOCHART® is done through the Billing Log. The Billing Log lists all charges for any patient listed in ONCOCHART®. These are charges which have either been manually entered into ONCOCHART® or charges that have been "pulled" into ONCOCHART® by the ONCOBridge software that interfaces with a center's R&V system (Record and Verify- from the treatment machines). Charges listed in this view can be viewed, sorted, added, edited, deleted, and sent to the billing company that is specified in Center Maintenance.
Sorting Records
Columns can be sorted alphanumerically by clicking on the column name.
Þ Clicking again will reverse the order.
Definition of Colored Circles
Definition of Colored Circles on Each Billing Record
Þ Green: Record has passed all defined CCI Edits
Þ Yellow: Low level CCI conflict found
Þ Red: High level CCI conflict found
*An example of a yellow and a red message error is shown on page 6
1. Filter Records? The only option is Refresh.
2. Which Records?
a. All shows all PRICED items (Non-Hold and Hold).
b. When you click on Unpriced Items, it will add an additional filter button, named Date Range?:
NOTE: If you are not seeing charges that you believe should be in the Billing Log, it's possible that the problem lies in the Pricing Maintenance form. In order for a charge to appear, that CPT Code must have a price of at least $1 specified in the Pricing Maintenance form. Contact your Administrator.
3. Show transmitted for the last: All of the functions are for transmitted records except for Do not show Transmitted.
4. Which side of Dual Bill? ONLY if you are a dual billing site will this button appear and you will be able to filter out Professional and Technical records:
5. Center: Choose the center from the pull-down list ONLY if you have multicenters. Multiple facility sites view charges by center or by all centers combined.
6. Records can be filtered by the following:
a. SSN
b. Name: (Last Name, First Name)
c. ID Number: (Medical Record Number, or R&V ID, etc…)
d. Date of Service: the drop-down list contains a calendar to choose a date.
e. CPT Code
f. Physician Name: the drop-down list contains a list to choose an attending physician by last name then first.
1. Right-clicking on the column names will allow you to see the following sub-menu:
a. This is consistent among ALL screens in ONCOCHART® that are in a grid-like format.
b. Check Enable Show/Hide Columns to see how to customize the columns you want to see.
c. The first button contains filtering options depending upon which type of column you are on (text, date, numerical).
d. There are three options to choose from in the Adjust Column Widths:
Þ Click on Adjust after choosing any settings to change column widths.
Þ Check Autosize my grids only if you want ONCOCHART® to automatically size the columns according to the three options.
Þ Uncheck Autosize my grids to manually change column widths.
1. Column names can be rearranged by holding the mouse button down on a column and moving it to the left or right.
2. Columns can be sorted alphanumerically by clicking on the column name. Clicking again will reverse the order.
Short-cut menu
1. If you right-click on any record, a short-cut menu can be found. Many of these features are described under each of the corresponding buttons defined later on in this manual.
2. Most of these commands are self-explanatory; however View Report for Current Item(s) bears explanation.
a. This is not the same as the View Report button on the bottom of the Billing Manager screen. This option will open a report for the highlighted billing record only.
Error management
Red Error: High Level CCI conflict found
Yellow Error: Low Level CCI conflict found
Functions of the last row of buttons
here is a row of buttons at the bottom of the form that control the functionality of the form. Here is a description of each button and its usage.
Transmit to Billing
This button sends all non-hold (see Toggle Hold, below) items to your billing software.
Þ Once you press this button, ONCOCHART® makes an electronic connection to your software and passes the information. Assuming everything is completed without error, the successfully transmitted items will be removed from the grid.
Add Record
1. The Add Record button allows you to create a new billing record.
a. All billing records are triggered by a Calendar event; therefore there should be a very good reason for using this button, since a corresponding Calendar record will not be created. Data for your new record is entered into the Add/Edit form discussed below.
b. Save saves the data you have entered.
c. Cancel cancels the data and returns the record to its previous values.
d. Preview Validation checks that the record data does not violate any CCI edit. If there is a violation, the reason for it is displayed on the form.
e. The View Report button here is the same as View Report for Current Item found in the shortcut menu.
f. If a patient selected has more than one diagnosis code, the Manage Billed Diagnoses button shows up in the bottom right hand corner.
When you press on the Manage Billed Diagnoses, you will get the following window:
Þ This is where you can associate the patient’s diagnoses with the billing charge. By default, patient’s primary diagnosis will be checked. You can select which diagnoses are applicable for this charge and which order they should appear in the message transmitted to the billing software.
Edit Record
This button also brings up the Add/Edit form, however it is populated with data from the currently highlighted record.
a. This window looks the same as the Add Record screen. Here you can edit the information for the billing item as necessary and click on the SAVE button to save the changes.
NOTE: You can edit a record simply by double-clicking on it or clicking on your right mouse button and selecting Edit Record.
Delete Record
By pressing this button, you are declaring that you want to delete the currently highlighted record from the Billing Log.
a. After pressing the button, you will be asked a series of questions. First, you will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the selected record.
b. If the charge is from a Narrative, you will be asked if you want to delete the corresponding Narrative from the patient's record. You might not want to delete the Narrative, for example, when a duplicate procedure is done on the same day. In that case, you may not want to submit the charge that you know will not be paid, yet you want to leave it on the clinical record.
c. You will then be asked if you want to delete the corresponding procedure from the patient's Calendar. You might not want to delete the Calendar procedure, for example, when a 2nd simulation is done on the same day. In that case, you may not want to submit the charge that you know will not be paid, yet you want to leave it on the clinical record.
d. After deleting a record accidentally, all is not lost. You can restore a billing item by clicking on Which Records? And select Deleted Records. However, it will not bring back any associated narratives or procedures previously deleted.
e. Find your deleted record and right mouse-click on it.
f. Click on Restore Billing Item and it will drop back in All Records.
Toggle Hold
Occasionally, you may encounter a charge that you do not want to transmit to your billing software until you have researched the charge.
a. In that case, pressing this button will place the charge on hold and prevent it from being transmitted. Once you have completed your research, you can always remove the hold condition by pressing this button again.
b. To see the hold status for a billing record, look in the Hold column for a check mark. Or select the Hold Only option from the Which Records? Drop down menu.
Toggle transmitted
Although rarely used, this button allows you to change the transmitted status of a charge.
a. As an example, suppose that your billing software company loses a charge and asks you to re-transmit. Since ONCOCHART® only transmits untransmitted records, you would change the status of the charge by clicking on Toggle Transmitted. It would then transmit when you press the Transmit to Billing button.
b. The transmitted status is designated by a check mark in the Transmitted column.
Note: In the rare event, a transmitted record is reset to Toggle Transmitted, it will still show the original date it was transmitted when it goes back to the Do Not Show Transmitted filter; when you retransmit, the newest transmitted date will replace the original transmitted date in the Date Transmitted column.
View report
This button allows you to view and print reports that are showing in the grid.
b. The most common uses for this report are because your billing software cannot accept electronic messaging or because you require a report of this type for auditing purposes.
c. This button allows you to view and print reports of patient records filtered in the grid.
Transmit Only Selected Rows
You will find this checkbox at the bottom left hand corner of the Billing Manager form.
Þ Keep this checked to transmit the rows you have selected; otherwise, it will transmit all rows shown on the grid.
Accessing the Billing Manager 1
Add Record 7
Adjust Column Widths 4
Billing Log 1, 3, 5, 8
Billing Manager 1
Columns 2, 3, 5
Definition of Colored Circles 2
Delete Record 8
Edit Record 7
Enable Show/Hide Columns 4
Filter Records 2
Filtering 2
Functions of the last row of buttons 6
Hold 6, 9
Manage Billed Diagnoses 7
Restore Billing Item 9
Short-cut menu 5
Show Transmitted for the last: 3
Sorting Records 2
Toggle Hold 9
Toggle Transmitted 9
Transmit Only Selected Rows 10
Transmit to Billing 6
Unpriced Items 3
View Report 5, 7, 10
View Report for Current Item 5, 7
Which Records? 2
Which side of Dual Bill? 3