Access Services Planning FY13

Access Services is facing a second transition year. We will be hiring a new department head who will work with the staff to carry out Tisch’s strategic goals. This follows a year of assessment and planning with the director, associate director, and department staff in which we examined the challenges and opportunities resulting from changes in the publishing industry, emerging technologies, and user expectations. We examined data and developed the qualities and responsibilities for the new department head, and we are now actively seeking someone for that position.

In terms of planning for FY13, we are mindful of the fact that the new department head will need time to acclimate herself/himself to the work of the department and the library and to the Tufts environment in general. While the department is proposing new initiatives, it is possible that these will be reviewed and re-prioritized when the new department head comes on board.

Our plans reflect a desire to expand access to our collections and services from outside the physical library. The plans listed below are followed by the Tisch strategic goal or Tisch principle that they support.

  1. Hire and orient the new Head of Access Services. Timeline: Goal is to have position filled by early fall.
  2. Review and revise as needed the student training program. Put the training manual online. Francine Burke, with input from staff. Timeline: Summer.
  3. Implement LibAnswers at the circulation desk to capture patron questions. Includes training student staff. Evan Simpson will train staff. Timeline: Implemented by July 1. (Tisch Library is a data-driven organization)
  4. Explore the integration of reserves and Trunk. Allison Faeth, in conjunction with Chris Strauber. Timeline: Ongoing. (Fully integrate the library into the Learning Management System)
  5. Develop a scan-on-demand program for faculty and graduate students for print journals. Begin pilot over the summer in ILL. Use the pilot to assess staffing and equipment needs. Discuss also at the Document Delivery Team because it could have system-wide implications and need the assistance of ULTS. Timeline: Recommendations for full implementation made for FY14. (Enhance discoverability and improve the user experience of library and information resources)
  6. Participate, as needed, in the space renovation planning. This could include space projections and input on service models. Timeline: Ongoing for the life of the renovation. (Play an integral role in supporting teaching and learning)
  7. Strengthen the level 1 Tier of Service at the circulation desk. Department head in conjunction with Evan Simpson. Timeline: Ongoing. (Play an integral role in supporting teaching and learning)
  8. Work with the web team on the new Tisch web site; make the access services content more user friendly; enable the ability for users to fill out request forms for services online. Susan Brady for ILL; Francine Burke and Amey Callahan for circulation; Allison Faeth for reserves. In conjunction with the Tisch Web Team. Timeline: Ongoing through the academic year. (Create a dynamic Tisch Library website)
  9. Explore “Get It Now” and other alternatives to current interlibrary loan options. With Collections. Timeline: Decisions made by FY14 planning. (Enhance discoverability and improve the user experience of library and information resources)