ACCESS Executive Board Meeting Minutes
November 21, 2013
President: Nancy Beaver__X__ Past President: Carrie Nepstad:___ Secretary: Pat Martin _X___ Treasurer: Chris Lincoln____ VP -Collaboration: Linda Welsh _X__ VP- Communications: Crystal Swank __X__ VP-Prof. Dev: Sharon Carter__X__ VP-Membership – Kim Horejs ____ VP-State Affiliate Liaison: Nancy Gabriel___X__
Committee Chairs:
Mini Grants: Susan Wyatt__Social: Brenda Blackburn_X__ SKIP: Kathy Allen/Debra Murphy_X_ Teacher Research: Debra Murphy _X_
State Representatives:
Connecticut: Lori Blake__ Illinois: Cheryl Bulat_X_ Iowa: Amy McGraw__ Michigan: Lisa Morley__ Missouri: Karen Olsen__ New York Rep: Sandy Malcolm__ N.C. Rep: Helen Thomas_X_ Pennsylvania: Anu Sachdev _X_ Texas: Elaine Zweig__ Wisconsin: Joan Klinkner__
Nancy Beaver, President, called the meeting to order at 4:45 p.m EST.
- The minutes from October 11, 2013 were reviewed. Linda Welshmotioned to approve with corrections; Helen Thomasseconded. The minutes were approved.
President- Nancy Beaver:
- Nancy thanked Linda Welsh and Sharon Carter for attending meetings with her at the conference and thanked them for their hard work. She noted that,“it has to do with the commitment and passion that everyone has.”
- It was helpful having a Budget Committee this year.
- ACCESS should have enough money to provide a member benefit next year; there are enough buttons for PDI; Cheryl suggested the member benefit should include the ACCESS website (perhaps a calendar for a keyboard or a flashdrive – as Kim Horejs was researching). Carrie’s assessment book is also a possible member benefit.
Treasurer – Chris Lincoln:
- Chris Lincoln was not at the conference/meeting , but will submit a final report after 1/1/14.
Past – President –Carrie Nepstad:
- Carrie is will send out short biographies for the slate and will send the link for the election soon.
V.P. of Collaboration- Linda Welsh:
- Dr. Libby Doggett was the keynote speaker at the Alliance lunch. Linda will send a follow-up letter to tell her who we are and to thank her.
- Advocacy- How to make it relevant, engage students, include the importance of play.
- NAECTE met with the new Executive Director of NAEYC ; will meet with Marica Mitchell about evidence-based accreditation.
- 2014- Lunch at the conference is expensive and attendance is down at NAEYC’s Annual Conference. Would it be better to have the Alliance meeting and lunch at PDI?
- Exchange benefit – Roger Neugebauer and Ann Warren asked how members were doing with the member benefit and thanked Crystal Swank for organizing the member benefit. Exchange is thinking about offering a digital format. There is a possible grant to give as a membership benefit. Exchange will send a template for the grant and Nancy Beaver will write the proposal.
- ECADA- Marica Mitchell wants to work on articulation, perhaps show models of articulation agreements that are working; work on a pro/con statement on licensure; NAEYC considering expanding accreditation to Child Development programs.
Moved from Sharon Carter’s section
V.P. of Communications- Crystal Swank:(See report)
V.P. of Professional Development- Sharon Carter:
- NAEYC’s Annual Conference attendance is dropping affecting attendance at ACCESS Day. Should ACCESS
have full offerings at PDI and NAEYC Annual Conference or have round tables in the
afternoon at NAEYC (in Dallas- 2014) and speakers and presentations at PDI?
-Sharon will talk with Kathy Allen and Crystal Swank about putting the SCRIPT webinars on the
ACCESS website.
-PDI 2014- Camille Catlett will present about quality field experiences in the morning; STEAM
topics in the afternoon. Topics are to be determined.
New for Sharon’s section.
V.P. of Membership:
-Kim Horejs has retired to Belize.
Mini-Grants- Susan Wyatt – No Report
Social Committee- Brenda Blackburn:
- PDI is in Minneapolis, MN in 2014; Given the Mall of America is in Minneapolis, Brenda is thinking about a shopping theme for ACCESS day.
SKIP- Kathy Allen and Debra Murphy:
- Debra will check with Kathy and Marica about the spring SKIP call.
Teacher Research- Debra Murphy:
- Debra is working with Gail Perry to start an assignment section on teacher research in Voices of Practitioners.
- Nancy Beaver suggested giving Gail a membership so she can access the ACCESS website. Nancy Gabriel will contact Crystal, Chris and Kim to arrange the membership.
Vice President of Affiliates- Nancy Gabriel:
- Nancy G. suggested personally reaching out to states and working on replicating the North Carolina model in other states.
State Affiliate Updates:
- North Carolina- Helen Thomas reported that sixty-six members attended the North Carolina affiliate meeting and that Sharon Little is new affiliate president.
- Pennsylvania- Anu Sachdev (new PA affiliate representative) reported that ten members attended the Pennsylvania affiliate meeting.
Old Business:
●No old business.
New Business:
- No new business.
Next Executive Board meeting:
- Nancy Beaver will survey the board for meeting times for spring 2014.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Martin, Recording Secretary
Adjourn 6:35 p.m.