AccentureMONTHly Report

Media Monitoring Analysis

October 1 –October 31, 2005

  1. Clips Collection Overview

Content / Number of Clips
Accenture / 22
Competitors / 171
Industry / 12
Total / 205
  1. Accenture Clipping Analysis

Types of Media

No. / Type / No. / Ratio
1 /


/ 18 / 82%
2 / Magazine / 2 / 9%
3 / Online / 2 / 9%

Contents of Articles

No. / Content / No. / Ratio
1 /

Accenture- Consulting

/ 8 / 36%
2 / Accenture- Corporate Management / 8 / 36%
3 / Accenture Mentions / 6 / 28%
  1. Competitors Clipping Analysis

Number of Clippings

Marketing Activities Analysis


1) Why Excellent Companies Succeed?

“How can companies achieve high-performance” is the ultimate question in management focused on by theorists and methodologists. Accentureproposes three elements of high-performance:market focus and position, distinctive capability and high-performance anatomy. Interviewed by a reporter, Bill Green, CEO of Accenture, explained further that these were meant to see what kind of people a high-performance organization is composed of, how to push and motivate these people, and how to serve and inspire them. The key point about this research into corporate success is that a company needs to have good strategic positioning, core competence and organizational ability to achieve high-performance. Bill Green believes that high-performance is a journey instead of a destination.

2) Bill Green Aims for High Performance

In September 2004, Bill Green succeeded Joe Forehand as Accenture CEO. From the beginning, Green has been putting forward a high performance strategy, aiming to help customers in different industries constantly improve their performance with the highest efficiency. With the belief that the core of IT consultancy and services should be to help clients realize specific business target, Bill Green initiated a new way of pricing, that is, charging fees related to the ultimate results of clients, which has benefited Accenture in the last quarter in that its growth rate double that of its competitors. Compared to his predecessor, Green dedicates more resources to developing the outsourcing business. Bill Green plans to make outsourcing to achieve 50% share of total revenues over Accenture’s other two business lines: management consulting and technical services. In an interview, Bill Green revealed that the Accenture global management team had just come up with a strategic project tabbed Horizon 2012, in which China ranks first followed by Brazil, Russia and India.

3) Push for High Performance

In Mid October, Bill Green, CEO of Accentureled his executive leadership team to China for a conference, which aimed to demonstrate Accenture’s commitment to China market. In the financial year ending August 31st, 2005, Accenture’s net income was $15.55 billion. As the only Fortune-500 company focusing on consulting services, Accenture boasts a client base comprising more than two-thirds of Fortune-500 companies. In an interview, Bill Green stated that Accenture is paying great attention to China market, which differentiates itself with good human resources and market demand from other markets. Apart from active expansion into emerging markets, Accenture is also extending its business from mere management consulting to technical services and outsourcing, in order to help clients to build high performance organizations and participate in market competition.

4) How to Play the Game in the Future?

In October, Bill Green, CEO of Accenture chose Shanghai for the first senior management conference of the new fiscal year, as Accenture sees China as the fastest growing market in the whole Asia Pacific and even the world. Interviewed by a reporter, Bill Green and Gong Li, President of Accenture China, reviewed the development of consulting in China, detailed their multi-faceted judgment of Chinese economy, and raised recommendations for Chinese enterprises in different categories to grow.


1) According to McKinsey's latest report,only around 10% Chinese university graduates are qualified for foreign companies, and in the coming 10 to 15 years China would need 75000 medium level managers qualified for international market manipulation. Shortage of local talents would eventually severely affect international companies operating in China and overseas-oriented Chinese enterprises.

2) According to McKinsey's research report titled To Actively Develop Life Insurance and Promote the Persistent Enhancement of China's Economy and Harmonious Solidarity, although China's Life insurance industry has seen rapid development in the past 10 years, yet to realize the full development the policy environment and supervision approaches are to be updated. China's Life market only takes up 1.6% of global market. The report indicates that the common people are lacking in the basic understanding of insurance knowledge, and China's rural areas are to be tapped with its huge potential.

Roland Berger

Recently, Roland Berger issued a research report in Beijing titled " A More Flowing China". This report indicates that enterprise market of mobile communication services is taking shape and promising a big potential future. This report is based on an investigation carried out among 40 leading domestic enterprises in 10 key industries. Nokia has been successfully tapping this market.


According to anIPO quarterly research report by Deloitte, hiking oil prices in 3Q has spurred the IPO fashion for energy and natural resources companies. In 3Q, 20 IPOs were energy and natural resources companies related, which accounts for 46% of all IPOs in the period.


On Oct. 17th, BearingPoint denotes in its Global Research Study, transforming has become retail bank services' new successful mode. According to this report retail banks and bankers have uncovered three key factors that are converging to form a new type of equation for success and a new vision for banks for the next decade: 1. To realize value from investing in comprehensive end-to-end technology and processes. 2. A material change in the role of banks and bankers. 3. Customer experience/compliance conundrum. The report also gives a prediction on the problems that Chinese banking shall confront in the coming 5 to 10 years.


Recently IBM announced to put forward a new consulting service;to help enterprises tackle with the possible technology and knowledge loss in face of the large scale retirement of the people born in "Baby Boomers" age。