Name: ______Period: _____

ACCELERATED Unit 1: Theme Analysis Summative Assessment

MN State Standards Assessed:

 I can cite textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says and infers.

 I can determine a theme or central idea of a text.

 I can write an informative text to examine a topic (theme) and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.

Assessment Overview:

You will read a minimum of 4 short stories (list of choices below), identify a “way to theme” through a literary element for two of the stories you read using Cornell Notes, analyze the theme by citing direct evidence from the text for one of the stories you read using a graphic organizer, and finally produce an informative text summarizing your analysis. Rubric: On the back of this sheet.


Task / Particulars / DUE DATE / Task Completed
Read a minimumof 3 stories from the selection. / Story Selection:
1. Thank You, M’am—Prentice Hall pg 356
2. The Story Teller—Prentice Hall pg 363
3. The White Umbrella—Prentice Hall pg 380
4. The Medicine Bag—Prentice Hall pg 390
5. An Hour with Abuelo—Prentice Hall pg 209
6. The Monkey’s Paw—McDougal Green pg 680
7. The Lady or the Tiger—McDougal Green pg 592
8. The Necklace—McDougal Blue pg 183
9. The Treasure of Lemon Brown—McDougal Green pg 334
10. The Gift of the Magi—paper copy
11. The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse—McD Green 839
12. The Most Dangerous Game—paper copy
13. There Will Come Soft Rains—paper copy
14. Block Party—McDougal Green pg 830
15. The Interlopers—paper copy
16. The Use of Force—paper copy
17. Lamb to Slaughter—paper copy
18. All Summer in a Day—paper copy
19. The Leap—paper copy
20. Everyday Use—text book / 10/26/15
Ways to Theme / For your chosen story, explain how you came to the theme. / 10/27/16
Graphic Organizer / Story I chose to analyze is: ______/ 10/31/16
Literary Analysis Essay / Introduction: Introduce title, author, and stated theme as a big idea, life lesson, or words to live by. / ______
3 Body Paragraphs: each body paragraph contains 1 piece of direct evidence in support of the theme AND an explanation or summary of how the evidence connects to the theme (TOTAL of 3 pieces of direct evidence with supporting summary.) Evidence cited.
Concluding paragraph that ties it all together and restates the theme, preferably using different words or with a broader message.
MLA Format used

Name ______Period: ______

ACCELERATED Unit 1: Theme Analysis Summative Rubric

Standard/Skill / 4 Exemplary Proficient / 3 Proficient / 2 Basic Proficient / 1 Progressing / 0 No Evidence
I can determine a theme of a text.
MN Std:
Document: Theme Graphic Organizer—Theme and Text Evidence Sections
Ways to Theme / I can cite 3 pieces of textual evidence to stronglysupport the theme. / I can cite 3 pieces of textual evidence to support the theme. / I can cite 1 or 2 pieces of textual evidence to support the theme; some of the evidence may not clearly support the theme. / I can cite evidence but it may not support the theme. OR I do not cite textual evidence, use quotation marks, or use page numbers. / I have not completed this assessment.
I clearly and directly connect my evidence to the theme.
MN Std:
Document: Theme Graphic Organizer—Inference Section and Concluding Statement / I clearly and directly connect my evidence to the theme.
My connections contain many details. / I connect my evidence to the theme in a proficient way.
My connections contain a few details. / I connect my evidence to the theme in a basic way.
My connections may be weak or unclear and contain little or no details. / I do not connect my evidence to the theme OR it is not a clear connection. / I have not completed this assessment.
I use organization and relevant information from the text to convey my ideas about the theme.
MLA Format used
MN Std:
Document: Literary Analysis Essay / I strongly stated my theme and thoroughly examined it using strong evidence from the selection to support my analysis.
I can use quotation marks and page numbers to correctly cite my evidence.
I can expertly use MLA format. / I stated my theme and examined it using evidence from the selection to support my analysis.
I can use quotation marks and page numbers to correctly cite my evidence.
I can competently use MLA format. / I stated a theme but it may be weak or difficult to support; my evidence may or may not support it.
I can sometimesuse quotation marks and page numbers to correctly cite my evidence.
I can generally use MLA format. / I do not state a theme and /or I do not support it with evidence.
I can use some elements of MLA format. / I have not completed this assessment.