10526, HWY 3 YARMOUTH, N.S. B5A 4A8



JULY 23, 2013


Chief Deborah RobinsonCouncillor Charmaine Stevens

Councillor Darlene CoultonCouncillor Andrew Francis

Councillor Tom PictouCouncillor Mike Paul

Councillor Jeff PurdyCouncillor Todd Labrador

Councillor Debra WentzellBand Manager Marsha Boudreau

The meeting was called to order at 10am.

Todd Labrador gave the opening prayer.

The agenda was approved as presented.

The minutes were reviewed. Motion was made by Debra Wentzell to approve the minutes as presented. 2nd by Andrew Francis. All in favor, the minutes were passed.

Charmaine Stevens wanted to clarify the confusion from the fisheries report from the previous meeting. The Chief and Council and Curt discussed the license leasing process. Additionally, clarification was provided on the process to apply to be a fisher on the boats.

Housing Report was submitted by Jim Pictou and approved as presented.

Chief and Council discussed an unsightly premises matter which was of particular issue within the community. The need for a policy to be developed to enforce power being maintained at band homes was discussed. Chief and Council authorized a letter be sent to the home occupant requesting the unsightly property issue be addressed in two weeks or other consequences would be considered. An inspection was needed to be carried out on this property.

A band member request for a dishwasher was denied as the policy is that dishwashers are not provided by the First Nation.

Council agreed on the RRAP grant being allocated.

The issue of selling of drugs on-reserve was discussed. It was mentioned again that a policy should be put in place that if a person is caught growing or selling drugs on reserve then they should automatically be evicted from reserve. Charmaine will work with Bruce Clarke on developing this policy.

A series of band member housing repairs were discussed and decisions reached. As many were outside the general housing services provided many were denied.

The capital construction crew was to concentrate on the new community center for now.

The bingo hall project is progressing.

The Wildcat youth gathering is July 24, 2013 starting with a sunrise ceremony at 6am.

Allan Sullivan from Eastlink attended the meeting. He is involved with site development. They have been looking for a site in Chester for a while now. Council’s concern was that Eastlink was putting a tower on reserve land without approval from council. Allan Sullivan confirmed that the tower will not be on reserve land.

Lisa Francis has 3 job postings to go on the web site. Council approved the 3 positions. They are all funded and are term positions. A species at risk person was hired to work out of Wildcat, a recreation co-ordinator and a communications officer were also hired. Council agreed to launch the new web site once the communications officer has been hired as that person will be dealing directly with the web site. The postings will be on the web site, job bank, also in all the offices and the stores. Band Manager is to forward all names of the applicants to council to review. Interview committee’s will be chosen at a later date.

Request from out of province for $3000.00 towards funeral expenses was approved.

Chief and Council reviewed a disability request. Medical evidence was provided and verified so Council approved this.

Council agreed that the offices will be closed Thursday, June 25, 2013 for St. Anne’s day.

A letter was reviewed regarding a request for assistance with payment for dentures. NIHB covered all they could. Council was unable to support the request.

The Ponhook project will be completed this week. A grand opening will be planned for the fall.

Chief Robinson updated the council on a presentation she had attended the night before on prescription drug abuse. An Acadia band member gave the presentation. It would be beneficial if she could give her presentation in all the reserves.

A community safety issue was discussed regarding the Gold River Reserve. The band members on Gold River reserve would like to meet with Chief & council about their concerns. Andrew will set up a meeting with the community and advise council when he has a date.

A band member had an issue with the gaming commission. The member will be requestedto put her concern in writing.

A medical transportation request was reviewed, however, as it was outside of the program it could not be supported.

Todd is looking at a possible date of August 13 to meet with Kiji. He will send an email to the Chief & council once the meeting is confirmed.

A staff meeting will be held with the youth center to address issues surrounding social media usage during business hours. A notice reminding the staff about the technology policy will be given out before the summer close down.

Gaming commission asked permission from the council to purchase a heat pump for the Greenfield store. Estimated cost is $5000.00. Council approved this.

Council to look at posting a position for maintenance work part time that would include a list of duties and expectations. This could be a position from Spring to Fall. Council to discuss this further in regards to posting the position for future work.

A residency matter regarding the duplex in Gold River was discussed. A letter is to be drafted stating that only the approved occupants can live in the duplex and if the occupant does not live there fulltime the duplex will be reallocated.

Audit meeting will be in Yarmouth, July 26 to approve the audit before it is sent to INAC.

In Camera session was asked for by Jeff Purdy at 12:15 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm.