Welcome to the 2004-05 Academy Awards sponsored by the Teaching-LearningAcademy, the TLA. The individuals and groups being recognized today came out of the study that the TLA has conducted this past year around the question: What role, if any, does/should the University play in the development of ethical reasoning or civic engagement. The following awards were informed by that study.
TLA members nominated people and groups that they think exemplify sound ethical values and engage others in learning as a community.
To facilitate the awards distribution and to honor the words that nominators used, we are going to read the category and rationale first followed by the names. We ask that all award winners in the category come up to receive their award and stay up here until all the awards for that category have been made & that we wait to do a resounding round of applause until then.
Here we go:
Ia. STUDENT CHOICE - Named by students - Mercedes:
For cultivating such a supportive atmosphere with students, faculty, and staff = SUSAN ADAMS
For demonstrating how a political election should be run by being an complimentary, realistic and fair AS candidate = ALANNA AHERN
For being a source of knowledge, fostering a sense of the common good, and promoting a sense of agency in others = GRETCHEN ANDERSON
For being extremely engaging, insightful, helpful, and focused – a wonderful teacher = KATHRYN ANDERSON
For his patience and knowedge with the student green coats and respecting students as equals = JOE BAILEY
For demonstrating integrity and strong moral values, maintaining a keen sense of fairness, and always showing how much she wants learners to succeed = PENNY BRITTON
For fostering a supportive learning atmosphere and being such a sound source of information and knowledge = DAVID BRUNNEMER
For enduring and keeping her beliefs strong as she overcame challenges in standing up for the rights of the hip-hop dance team = JEN CAPARAS
For upholding his beliefs about the best learning spaces by developing and leading the interactive learning space project on Sehome Hill = DAVE ENGEBRETSON
For fostering a supportive environment and a shared sense of responsibility; for demonstrating all the traits of what it means to create an engaged learning community = BRIEA FORNI
For his openness in encouraging student learning and engaging them assuming responsibility for their own education= MARC GEISLER
For being such a creative teacher whose good humor is captivating = THOR HANSEN
For her dedication to students’ comprehension and learning and her interest in helping them engage with service in schools = KAREN HOELSCHER
For jumping right in as an engaged and informed Americorps member to support the FIG, the TLA and the Communication students in the dialogue course = COLLEEN KANE
For her excellent work with first-year students and her understanding of how to value their experience = LEAH KEEGHAN
For his concern in creating managers that know not only the theory of management but understand personal relationships = MATTHEW LAIO-TROTH
For his passion in encouraging students to relate to ideas and traditions from other cultures = CARLOS MARTINEZ
For creating a “campus of feminists” while working for the common good, and encouraging respect and a sense of belonging = CYNTHIA MOULDS
For her genuine and ongoing interest in involving students in taking charge of their own learning = MEGAN OTIS
For her extra contributions to the TLA and her belief in the importance of dialogue between students, faculty, and staff = KATHY PATRICK
For being passionate about history and for creating a supportive learning atmosphere = MARC RICHARDS
For her amazing support and encouragement of campus-community involvement = SARAH RANKIN
For their amazing outreach efforts as the Women’s Center co-coordinators and participating in ongoing, authentic dialogue = NORENE ROBERTS AND JASMINE SHELDON
For demonstrating effective civil discourse even in a lecture setting by being supportive, informative, and warm - what every teacher should be = JIANGLONG WANG
For engaging students so passionately in environmental studies = GRACE WANG
For being a wise chair and an inclusive teacher who encourages learning with her “science fairs, and interest in public speaking and environmental learning methods = SARA WEIR
1b Named by numerous students - Mercedes
For her ability to know students on a personal level, motivate them by her desire to see them succeed, engaging with campus partners, encouraging genuine conversation, practicing teacher immediacy, and paying constant attention to the common good = KAREN STOUT
For creating such an exciting learning environment, caring about students, and encouraging them to be involved with learning activities outside the classroom = ROSEMARY VOHS
IIa Named by Faculty/Staff/Community
For being so candid and honest in his views about learning, opening up dialogue for all = OLOF ANDERSON
For being so supportive of wholistic learning and living through Residence Life = RONNA BIGGS
For providing the resources and the ongoing support to make the TLA possible = PROVOST ANDREW BODMAN
For being a great resource and inspiration for improving teaching = JUSTINA BROWN
For cultivating a supportive atmosphere committed to connecting volunteers with students and addressing individual needs = LISA BURN
For engaging students fully in the archaeology community by doing hands-on experience, gaining friendships, and researching together = SARAH CAMPBELL
For supporting new students in their learning in numerous ways, including service learning = ANNA CAREY
For all their efforts with editing PRAXIS and with the American Democracy Project = ANN CARLSON AND OLGA KUROCHKINA
For initiating the syllabus project to improve syllabi and make them easier to produce and change = KAREN CASTO
For her informed and ethical work in counseling students = NANCY CORBIN
For her informed work as Director of Admissions and her generous advising to the TLA = KAREN COPETAS
For her informed and watchful eye in identifying opportunities for partnering with Academic Affairs – all for the good of learning = EILEEN COUGLIN
For being an inspiration mentor to many students, encouraging them to reflect on their learning, goals, and experiences especially related to working with children, the arts, and social change = MARIE EATON
For his informed thinking and thoughtful mentoring of students, faculty, and staff about teaching, learning, and assessment at Western = RICH FRYE
For her impressive efforts in service-learning especially in facilitating positive solutions to bottom-up concerns = JOYCE HAMMOND
For her “amazing ability to handle a tremendous amount of detail tasks and to assist faculty, administrators, and students – all while maintaining a positive attitude” = MARTY HITCHCOCK
For contributing to TLA and participating even when it wasn’t required = HOWIE
For imbuing passion and commitment in her students; for her literacy work in the community especially in donating books to poor schools - passion, passion = NANCY JOHNSON
For her inspired and energetic leadership of the Center for Educational Pluralism and for being so generous in engaging others with its wonderful learning events = LORRAINE KASPRISIN
For her commitment to TLA and for the many many graduation ceremonies she has attended in support of Western students = LINDA KIMBALL
For his support of student writing and contributions to the Writing Assessment Group = DAN LARNER
For his support of student writing and contributions to the Writing Assessment Group = MIKE MANA
For her wonderful outreach efforts in connecting the whole campus community with Special Events = FRAN MAAS
For the awesome work he has done in organizing several huge volunteer events bringing people from diverse backgrounds together and engaging all students = DAVE NEWELL
For his generous contributions to informing the TLA dialogue and his energetic and wise leadership of the Bellingham Neighborhood Association all the while modeling how to do dialogue well = RICHARD MANEVALE
For the contributions he has made to assessing the FIG Program and to advancing the work of the Writing Assessment Group = GARY MCKINNEY
For her kind, knowledgeable and respectful ways – authentic and generous in everything she does = MOONWATER
For being supportive of the scholarship of teaching and learning from the very beginning and for her ongoing interest in seeing it grow at Western = PRESIDENT KAREN MORSE
For their smart and engaged co-facilitation of the TLA and of the dialogue class = ERIK SKOGSBERG AND DAVID MILES
For her interest in bringing in student ideas for the Waterfront Development project = BUFF SCHOENFeLD
For her expert leadership in creating such an inviting learning community every day in Western’s TutorialCenter = HEIDI SMALL
For being the founding mother of our WritingCenter and for the many years she has worked to support student writing at Western = BARBARA SYLVESTER
For being extremely creative in fostering a sense of belonging and mutual respect = PATRICK O’TOOLE
For her eagerness to work for the common good, including creating our new TLA brochure = LISA SPICER
For all the behind-the-scenes work that she does in connecting people to spaces and recycling the furniture needed to create productive learning spaces = JUDY STANLEY
For being a professor who understands students’ needs, welcomes students’ views, and focuses on the quality of life for everyone = CHARLES SYLVESTER
For initiating the idea of a student observer panel and for mentoring it over time = LARRY SYMONS
For his wise and caring leadership of the Academic Advising and Tutorial Services at Western = RUSS TIBERII
For being a consistent and sustaining resource for teaching, learning, and assessment at Western =JOSEPH TRIMBLE
For taking extra initiative and being fully present in dialogue, serving as driving force for group action = BRET VANDENHEUVEL
For mentoring TLA students engaged with the Campus Commmunity Coalition in such an informed and inspiration way = LARA WELKER
For her commitment to service-learning, individual interests, AND dialogue = DANA WELDON
For her commitment to engaging multiple learning communities in the distinguished lecture series and her expertise in connecting people and ideas across Western = HARRIET WENDER
For her work in organizing the Japan Week activities = MICHIKO YUSA
For his 8 years on the city of Bellingham Planning Committee and his efforts to involve students with the Neighborhood Associations = NICK ZAFERATOS
For students who have made important contributions to the TLA during more than one quarter:
For faculty and staff who have made significant contributions to the TLA over the past academic year:
II b Named by multiple Faculty/Staff:
For her excellent skills in smoothing the way and working around obstacles that get in the way of student learning and for being the glue that keeps everyone in the Anthropology Department communicating = VIVA BARNES
For her excellent contributions to the FIG as well as informing the TLA dialogue documenting it = MERCEDES ELG
For her scholarly and kind support of the Service-Learning Faculty Fellows = ANGELA HARWOOD
For her kindness, support, and respect in engaging others in learning through the FIG and the TLA = EMILY PRENDERGAST
III Named by All - Students/Faculty/Staff/Community:
For her dedication to giving others opportunities, especially giving students places to evolve and grow = KRIS BULCROFT
For being caring and extremely helpful, someone who has inspired excellence in her staff and students and has given more to the larger community than residents will ever know especially in the work she has done with the Bellingham Neighborhoods; someone who goes beyond what I would ever imagine anyone would do = PAT FABIANO
For being so interested and active in getting everyone engaged in a positive way as demonstrated by his initiation of the “Let’s Talk” forums; for being fair and respectful to all sides – a fantastic teacher and agent for change = KORRY HARVEY
For her progressive insight and her diligent work in creating a supportive atmosphere for new students and their families = QY-ANA MANNING
For the excellent support and resources she and her staff in the Center for Service-Learning provide for the Western and Bellingham communities; for being a model of an informed, reflective learner = LISA MOULDS
For always being willing to listen, care, and suspend judgment; for being supportive and an awesome model of what it means to be a man against violence = BRIAN PAHL
For supporting so many students, faculty, and staff in understanding the importance and joy of doing service-learning; for being such a wise learning mentor, and fostering safe and productive dialogue for all = KRISTI SLETTE
For being unselfish, inspired, and focused in making the TLA run well; her attitude, personality, and morals sets her apart from most other professors, and she does a great job of modeling why dialogue is so important for learning well = CARMEN WERDER
4. Groups – Colleen and Carmen
For their consistently energetic outreach to students, faculty, and staff in finding out the most current information to distribute = ACADEMIC ADVISING
For their collaboration to bring the New York Times as well as many important civic events to Western = AMERICAN DEMOCRACY PROJECT
For their awesome work with the Campus Connections Program at Western = AMERICORPS
For encouraging student learning both in and out of the classroom and for consistently having such strong representation in the TLA = ANTHROPOLOGY DEPARTMENT
For getting students involved and providing activities for all Western students = ASSOCIATED STUDENTS PRODUCTIONS
For their willingness to share their space at Canada House - giving TLA a home to gather in = CANADIAN AMERICAN STUDIES
For 6 years of working to enhance relationships between the campus and the Bellingham Neighborhood Associations = CAMPUS COMMUNITY COALITION
For their generous and well-informed human resources = CAREER SERVICES CENTER
For sponsoring intellectually challenging and inspiring events, with films, panels, and speakers – the CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL PLURALISM
For co-sponsoring many enjoyable and informative faculty development sessions and for providing excellent resources on their website = CENTER FOR INSTRUCTIONAL INNOVATION
For their well-informed and enthusiastic support of faculty, students, and community members in providing high quality community-based learning experiences = CENTER FOR SERVICE-LEARNING
For their consistently strong representation in the TLA and for sponsoring college teaching and learning forums open to the whole campus-COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS
For providing a supportive, experiential learning environment while preparing students for life beyond college = COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT
For sponsoring events and speakers that bridge the campus with the global community = EAST ASIAN STUDIES,
For being so supportive and accommodating of students in providing their services = EXTENDED EDUCATION AND SUMMER PROGRAMS
For providing ongoing support, scholarship, and inspiration for doing service-learning = FACULTY FELLOWS PROGRAM
For bringing amazing speakers to campus and hosting campus discussions on this important topic for the community and for future and current teachers = HOLOCAUST EDUCATION CENTER
For their enormous collaborative efforts spent in planning and hosting the spring week-long forum = JAPAN WEEK COMMITTEE
For caring about student learning in a wholistic way from the very beginning of the first-year experience = NEW STUDENT SERVICES
For their innovative and broad-based support of teaching, learning, and assessment = OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT
For their deep support and sweeping influence on the teaching-learning culture at Western = OFFICE OF THE VICE-PROVOST FOR UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION
For their many collaborative efforts to create and sustain a healthy campus in all ways = PREVENTION AND WELLNESS SERVICES
For their supportive help with sorting out GUR complexities to enable students to focus on learning =