Academic school year 2014-2015.
No. / Topic“Pauliana” law-suit. Theoretical and practical problematic. Comparative approach with the legislations of European states.
Theoretical treatment and judicial practice on the damage caused in life and health from motor vehicles.
Atypical proofs in the civil process.
“Blame” in the Penal Law – The most appreciated aspects of the judicial practice on will and carelessness.
Burden of proof in the civil judicial process and the judicial nature of the rules on the burden of proof.
Specifics and problematic of the enterprise contract in construction.
Initiation and termination of work relations. Confronted problems in the practice among civil and administrative judgments.
Relationship between the administrative process and civil process.
Exclusion from penal proceeding because of mental responsibility. Practical problematic .
Features of the abbreviated judgment compared with other specific judgments and problematic in the judicial practice.
Rogatory letters and the recognition of foreign penal sentences, as forms of judicial cooperation with foreign states.
Academic school year 2013-2014.
No. / TopicThe judicial interest and the procedural position of the third person in the Civil process.
Law-suits which cannot be done and problems of the judicial practice.
Law-suit for the required inheritance. Theoretical and practical problems.
The assurance of law-suit in a comparative approach and the Albanian judicial practice in relation with it
Testamentary inheritance. Theoretical aspects and aspects of the judicial practice.
Extradition. Practical problems.
The right of property, its theoretical aspects. Restrictions of this right, according to the jurisprudence of the European Court.
The role of the court in preliminary investigations and in the preparatory phase.
The role of the court in the process of proofing in the civil judgment of the first instance.
Academic school year 2012-2013.
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No. / TopicIndependent Bank Guarantee.
Competition of criminal offenses. Problems of court practice related to it.
Contract of concession. Its treatment in relation to other contracts.
Novelties of administrative trial in the context of law “On organization and functioning of administrative courts and trial of administrative disputes. Court practice”.
Prescription of lawsuit. Theoretical and practical problems of prescription of lawsuit.
Discretion of court and objective limits of judicial civil trial in the first level.
Recourse in the civil process and limits of trial in High Court.
Means of securing the execution of obligations.
Special role of court in issues of issuance of authorization for alienation of properties of juveniles towards observation of the principle of the highest interest of the child.
Contract, its clauses and interpretation. Theoretical treatment and treatment of court practice.
Trial in Appeal according to CPC. Problems and court practice.
The policy of sentencing the perpetrators of criminal offenses.
Interrogation of defendants. Theoretical and practical treatment as proof.
International cooperation in the civil process.
Review in the criminal process.
Standard of proof in the criminal process and court practice.
Extinguishment of criminal offense and the sentence.
Academic school year 2011-2012.
No. / TopicJurisdiction and powers in the civil judicial process. Theoretical treatment and practical problems.
Causal relation in criminal offences.
Specific forms of cooperation and judicial practical problems.
Recourse in criminal proces. Features of trial in High Court in case ankimit me rekurs.
Money laundering phenomenon, criminalization and the case law.
Means of defense against the execution of court decision.
Theoretical treatments and the case law regarding the institute of obligatory payment and unjust enrichment.
The principal of non bis in iden, in the context of domestic and international law.
Academic school year 2010-2011.
No. / TopicRegistration of immovable properties,main problems resulted from court practice.
Jurisdiction and competence in criminal procedural law. Theoretical and practical aspects in court practice.
Parental responsibility and administration of minors’ property.
Intertwining of assets created from commercial companies with marital regimes. Property relations between partners/shareholders during and after dissolution of marriage.
Conditions for court consideration of the individual administrative act, limits of consideration, types lawsuits and decision-making of the court in the administrative processes.
Civil responsibility deriving from damage, caused from products and services.
Court final decision and the principle of ‘res judicata’. Distinction with other decisions not resolving the case on its merits.
Procedural law in the private international law and the prooving power of foreign court documents.
Procedural terms, issues of theory and practice.
Right of complaint in the viewpoint of the principle of non-aggravation of the position of the accused.
Role of court in application of security measure, revocation and substitution.
Some practical aspects of the action of criminal law in time and space.
Academic school year 2009-2010.
No. / Topic1. / Litigants in civil proces. The role of the court.
2. / The unusability of the evidence in criminal process.
3. / Proceeding as a result of a regulatory of the and judicial activity. Its contribution to the rule of law.
4. / Test witnesses in civil litigation.
5. / Intermediate decisions and non final decisions during the civil process.
6. / Compulsory execution of judicial decisions and problems of civil judicial practice.
7. / Joint ownership in general, according to the Civil Code. Theoretical and practical aspects.
8. / Contract of lease, the types of judicial practices and its types.
9. / The right to a fair hearing under the view of the presumption of innocence and reasonable time, manner of reports and the capacity of protection.
10. / The study of the intentional criminal act of intentional killing, article 76 and murder in qualifying circumstances, article 79. Problems arising from the investigation and judicial practices related to these offenses.
11. / Measures for securing property. Their implementation during the criminal process.
12. / Criminal proceedings against the persons with immunity.
13. / The execution of the criminal act.
14. / Passive corruption of public officials, high officials and elected state government. Problems Investigative problems and judicial practices.
Academic school year 2008-2009.
No. / Topic1. / Expertise as proof in the criminal process and the problems in court practice.
2. / Role of prosecutor according to Family Code.
3. / Private charges. Application of article 59 of Code of Criminal Procedure. Problems deriving from its application.
4. / New charges in the criminal process.
5. / Special trials according the criminal procedure code. Practice of Tirana Court 2003-2008 and the problems related to it.
6. / Criminal offenses during serious psychic brain trauma.
7. / Relative invalidity as an institute of the criminal procedure, seen in the viewpoint of criminal process within a reasonable legal deadline, judicial jurisprudence and problems deriving from it.
8. / “Fraud”, court practice, differences from civil-juridical responsibility.
9. / Cyber crime. Attempts at legislative regulation of the technological revolution and problems encountered. General overview of the Albanian legal situation 7 years after the ratification of the convention on cybercrime and its additional protocol.
10. / Necessary defense and extreme defense, theoretical treatment and problems coming out of practice.
Academic school year 2007-2008.
No. / Topic1. / Contract of sale of the immovable property. Issues from the judicial practices.
2. / The rights of the patients, justice, medical service, morality.
3. / The lawsuit of annulment of violation of property and issues regarding it.
4. / The civil lawsuit of judicial division.
5. / Theoretical and practical view of the administrative contracts.
6. / Contract of property from the theoretical and practical point of view.
7. / The review. Issues regarding the content and the meaning of civil procedural respective normative. Judicial practices.
8. / The indictment and procedural means of defense of the defendant .
9. / Criminal trial, its aim, way of definition, individualism. The theories for criminal trial.
10. / The decisions of being innocent for the crime during then trial. The compensation for the wrong imprisonment, according to the criminal Code and the new special law. The standards achieved for the resulted problems, taken by the judicial practices.
11. / Cases of exception of the person from the criminal responsibilities. Issue arising from the criminal procedure.
12. / The civil lawsuit in the criminal process.
13. / Public procurements and the criminal act on provided for article 258 of the Criminal Code “
14. / The prescription institution for criminal law, non-execution of the criminal investigation and sentence.
15. / Judgment of the accused by default, the right of restitution in term of the complain and the procedural statement of his defense lawyer. Issues arising from the judicial practices and issues regarding the law.
16. / Decisions of case dismissal during the trial (or investigation). Standards achieved and the issues as the result of the judicial practices or the prosecution. Legal an constitutional framework.
17. / Criminal responsibility of the legal entity.
18. / Searching the criminal assets and the international cooperation in this field.
19. / Simulating actions and the delivering of the the narcotic substances.
Academic school year 2006-2007.
No. / Topic1. / Gift contract. Practical and theoretical management.
2. / The real estate contract of sale of the commercial companies. Theoretical and practical treatment.
3. / The complain, as an effective way of a fair legal proceeding.
4. / Expertise as an evidence on civil proceeding.
5. / The role of the Court in civil proceeding.
6. / The treatment of the victims of trafficking. The required standards to render justice.
7. / Infants on civil trial.
8. / Non property prejudice according to the civil legislation of the Republic of Albania.
9. / The investigative parliamentary commission. Theoretic and practical treatment.
10. / Provision of a law suit. Provision of the evidence.
11. / Infants’ offenses, a multifaceted phenomenon.
12. / The investigative actions of a prosecution.
13. / Witnesses and the justice collaborator protection.
14. / Traffic, its forms of demonstration on the frame of criminal acts committed by criminal organizations.
15. / MSA and the Albanian judicial system. The role of the prosecutor and judgment in the agreement discharge.
16. / Cases of insurance of evidences in criminal proceeding.
17. / Banks activity criminal offences.
18. / Distraction and confiscation law of : “Prevention and attack to the organized crime”.
19. / The document, as an evidence in criminal proceeding.
20. / Evidences.
21. / Criminal action against state activities by public officials.
Academic school year 2005-2006.
No. / Topic1. / The inheritance inquiry lawsuit. Aspects from juridical decisions.
2. / Venture contract. Its difficulties and juridical decisions.
3. / Official evidences in civil trial.
4. / Incidental control to the constitutionality of law on the request of judge.
5. / The independence of the judiciary system, as a precondition to a democratic state.
6. / The Constitution immunity, its details and forms.
7. / Civil trial in the second grade court.
8. / Media and the judiciary power.
9. / The invalidity of juridical acts as the result of habits of will.
10. / The right of consumer and its similarity of the Albanian Legislation with the European one.
11. / Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court on the fundamental principles during the criminal trial.
12. / The collaboration institute in criminal law.
13. / The juridical mutual assistance in criminal law.
14. / European Court of Justice. Its jurisdiction. The effect of its decisions in the courts of the states which are members of it. Its relations with the ECHR.
15. / Theoretical treatment and the practical problems of criminal acts in taxation, trades companies and bankruptcy fields.
16. / The advocacy, his role in criminal proceedings, the difficulties concerning it, on juridical practice.
17. / Institute of preliminary and non preliminary criminal proceeding.
18. / Means of peeping on criminal proceedings.
19. / Theoretical and practical treatments of conflicts of interests.
20. / The alternatives of imprisoned sentence.
21 / The right of respecting the private life, family, the right to be married, on the framework of the Albanian legislation (ECHR).(article 8,12 of ECHR. Article 5, protocol No.7.
22. / Inquisitive elements in during the criminal proceeding. Comparative view.
Academic school year 2004-2005.
No. / Topic1. / Civil procedural law.
2. / Evidence in criminal proceedings.
3. / Executive titles and the execution of juridical decision.
4. / The competencies of the Court during the preliminary investigations.
5. / The invalidity of marriage end.
6. / The attempt, period of committing a criminal act.
7. / Termination of working relation.
8. / Mediation as an alternative dispute resolution.
9. / The right for freedom and individual security. regulation in Albanian legal system.
10. / Common property marriage according to the family law.
Academic school year 2003-2004.
No. / Topic1. / Representation, as a separate institution of its civil law and practical aspects.
2. / Legal and testamentary inheritance. Aspects from juridical practice.
3. / The contract solution and its effects in the view of judicial practice.
4. / Criminal act and its elements.
6. / Professional ethic.
7. / Taking the minors into custody. Changes brought by the new Family Law.
8. / The adoption and custody of minors, two important institutions of the Family law. Changes brought by.
9. / Servitude, its kinds, rising, extinction, defense seen from the historic point of view. The relationship between rule and city- planning. Cases of juridical practice.
10. / The law of competition. Questions regarding its implementation in practice. Comparative view with our legislation and European Practice.
11. / Criminal jurisdictional relations with foreign authorities. Court function in these relations.
12. / Civil trial in High Court.
13. / The position of the Prosecution in State Machinery and jurisdiction of the prosecutor.
14. / Means of evidence investigation, from the point of view of article 8 of European Convention on Human Rights.
15. / The cooperation of the persons in committing a criminal act Questions in juridical practice.
16. / Criminal trial in court of instance.
17. / Some of theoretical and practical aspects during preliminary investigations
18. / Evidence, general rules in taking evidences.
19. / Criminal criminological on minors’ delinquency jurisdiction, criminal offense against minors, children trafficking as a phenomenon of the recent years. Procedural guaranty which our legislation recognizes on the light of international acts.
20. / Procedural rights of the defendant, according to the criminal procedure law, and the European Convention on Human Rights.
21. / The right for information, criminal proceedings.
22. / The right to complain during the criminal proceedings.
23 / The rights and obligation of the prisoners.
24. / The treatment of organized crime in international proceedings and the Albanian legislation. Trafficking of human beings.
Academic school year 2002-2003.
No. / Topic1. / Taking a person as a defendant. His right for a fair judicial trial.
2. / The parties and other participants in a judicial civil trial.
3. / State advocacy.
4. / Individual and judicial administrative acts. Juridical administrative proceedings.
5. / Sentence designation.
6. / The right of property.
7. / The discharge of extra contractor sentence and the possibility derived from.
8. / Criminal Trial in High Court.
9. / Criminal Trial in the second grade court.
10. / The categorical criminal decision amendment.
11. / The international cooperation in civil procedure law subject.
12. / The invalidity of commercial associations.
13. / Means of the insurance for obligation accomplishment.
14. / The trial in absence of the defendant.
15. / Smuggled goods and the problem regarding it.
16. / Trial in absence
17. / Judiciary Policy, its subject and criminal proceeding
18. / The prosecution, its position in Constitution and legal acts, which regulate it.
19. / Corruption, the Albanian legislation in struggle against corruption and the investigation methodology.
20. / The person investigated, his procedural position, the significance of the legal provisions and their study, regarding the Italian procedural law.
21. / The significance of terrorist acts and the juridical practice.
22. / The significance of terrorist acts and the juridical practice.
23. / Money laundering and its methodology.
24. / Individual insurance measures: questions from the Court of the Judicial District of Durres, during their implementation.
25. / The characteristics of the organized crimes.
Academic school year 2001-2002.
No. / Topic1. / Freedom of information, basic human rights. Aspects of its implementation in Albania.
2. / Ethic of judges. Its effect in promoting the judicial authority in public opinion.
3. / Trial of administrative act by Constitutional Court.
4. / The right to complain against decision of dissolution of working relations
5. / The insurance of the responsibility on the third parts
6. / Management and administration of the commercial companies of capital assets.
7. / The right for a fair juridical proceeding.
8. / Aspects of special trials according the civil procedure.
9. / Usufruct. Questions of juridical practice.
10. / The prescription institute. Questions of juridical practice and its implementation.
11. / International criminal court. Its organization, jurisdiction and structure. Its role in the struggle against international criminality.
12. / Criminal Juridical and criminological analyses of criminal acts in the field of justice.
13. / Special trials.
14. / Means of evidence investigation.
15. / Flagrant arrest, the arrest of the suspect.
16. / Criminal acts execution
17 / The organization and function of the Prosecution in Republic of Albania. Its relations the Judicial Policy.
Jurisdictional relations between the Albanian Prosecution and foreign ones.
19. / Methodologies of the struggle against organized crimes.
20. / The Study of willful and unwitting murdering because of special capacities of
Victim. Article 78-79 of Criminal Procedure). Questions about their trial and investigation during 1996-2001, in Shkodra district.
21. / Criminological, sociological and Juridical view on prostitution.
22. / Criminal acts committed by minors. The Albanian legislation consideration of international standards to defend the minors who commit crimes.
23. / The creation and leading of criminal organizations.
24. / The invalidity of acts during the criminal process. The evaluation of invalidity and the consequences of such invalidity.
25. / Pyramidal schemes as a kind of fraudulence.
Academic school year 2000-2001.
No. / TopicComparative, criminological, criminal and juridical study of crimes against life in Tirana District during 1995-2000.
Comparative, criminological, criminal and judicial study of theft crime in Tirana District 1995 – 2000.
Judicial aspects of sexual crimes (especially those acts committed in complicity with somebody else more than once, with hard health consequences for the damaged person. Questions about the judicial practice.
Judicial aspects of criminal act of narcotics fabrication an sale.
Questions of sentence on prison and specially the alternatives of its definition, according the criminal code. Politics of sentence on prison during 1997-2000. Acts for which it is applied.
Criminal acts against the freedom of the person. Questions about the judicial practice.
Criminological, criminal and judicial study of criminal acts against morality and dignity. Questions about the judicial practice.
Crimes in Custom field. Questions about the judicial practice.
Criminal acts against military authority and against military life and health. Questions about judicial practice.
Forgeries, forms and the subjects about judicial practice.
Criminal acts of the public and state officials, against the state activity. Questions about judicial practice.
Criminal acts of citizens against the state activity. Questions regarding the practice
Criminal acts against health .Questions regarding judicial practice.
Trial of law-suits of invalidity of judicial actions and questions from practice.
Trial of administrative disagreements. Questions of judicial practice.
Judgment in commercial dispute and the problems arisen during the judicial process.
Divorce, fostering the children.
Division of common thing and practical issues.
Certification of the judicial legal facts and the problems arisen in judicial practices.
The responsibility from causing illegal. Theoretical and practical problems.
Criminal acts of property destruction and their criminal – criminological questions about them.
Frauds. Questions about judicial practice.
Aspects of organized crime and corruption in our country. Questions about judicial practice.
Academic school year 1999 – 2000.