Academic Information Technology Commission Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017
Time: 4:00 P.M.
Location: Mississippi Room Markee Pioneer Student Center
Officers: George Krueger (Chair)
Present: Amanda Trewin, George Krueger, Michael Black, Anne-Marie Lerner, Lindsay Hollingsworth, Abdollah Soofi, John Goomey, Cole Nelson, Colleen Garrity, Donna Gavin, Judith Wurtzler, Regina Nelson
Absent: Andrew Binder, Sue Traxler, Lisa Merkes-Kress
I / Opening of the Meeting1. / The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.
2. / It was moved by Black, seconded by Lerner, and carried to approve the minutes of Thursday, December 08, 2016.
II / Reports and Announcements / Presenters
1. / Information Technology Updates
Nelson reported on TTC. She has student help and pedagogical and tech support is available for faculty. Workshops on demand is in progress. The Tech Mashup had about 60 attendees with 3 sessions on cybersecurity. Garrity updated the Commission on updates on various classrooms including Doudna 103 and the TV studio conversion to a lecture room. The URecord studio demand continues to increase and the hours have been expanded to match the library operating hours. Doudna 209 and Art 106 are planned for Spring Break.
The IT Priorities process call for IT project proposals ends February 3. / Colleen Garrity
Regina Nelson
2. / Academic Planning Council Report
Program definitions were completed. The Form A & B process is under review. / Michael Black
III / Unfinished Business / Presenter
1. / Plagiarism Tools Integration into D2L
The commission reviewed the results of the faculty survey. 70% would “absolutely” use if integrated with D2L Dropbox submissions. The Humanities Department is against the use of plagiarism software. After extensive discussion on the pro’s and con’s, the general consensus of AITC was that it was a tool that should be available to faculty. It is up to the individual faculty member to decide if it is useful and to use it appropriately. Black motion to recommend that Turnitin be available as an option in the new learning management system. Hollingsworth second and the motion passed unanimously. / George Krueger
2. / Learning Management System Update
The RFP was issued in January. Vendor presentations and “sandboxes” will be available in April. Planning for changeover will take a year. The changeover period is scheduled for two years. / Regina Nelson
VI / New Business / Presenter
1. / OTHER—Sue Traxler is leaving UWP for UW-Stout. The CIO position will be filled in the near term by Colleen Garrity and Mike Sherer. It is unknown at this time whether the search will start immediately for the CIO or wait until the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services position (Rob Cramer) is filled. / Colleen Garrity
V / Close Meeting
1. / The next meeting is Thursday, February 09, 2017
2. / Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
The Academic Information Technology Commission meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 4:00 p.m. for location, please see the Academic Information Technology Commission (AITC) website. The agenda is composed of items from many sources and come from many resources, if you wish to have an item placed on the agenda, please submit it to a Senate officer. The meetings are open to the public university staff are invited to attend.