Academic English Course Guideline- Grade Seven
Miss MartinRoom 2015-2016
Hello and welcome! The theme of seventh grade English is self-discovery. We will spend this year reflecting upon the meaning of self-discovery and its relation to the pieces of literature we will study. To this end, we will also take part in self-reflection. You will be asked to reflect upon who you are as an individual and who you are as a student. Consideration must be given to how you read, how you write, how you study, and how you contribute to the class.
The following information serves as a basic course guideline for Academic English Seven. It will give you an idea of what to expect from me and what I will expect from you. Please read this carefully and keep it with your English materials throughout the year. I look forward to an exciting journey with you this school year!
Academic 7 English Course DescriptionCouncil Rock English/Language Arts Department
This course integrates reading, writing, speaking, listening, and researching to support students’ achievement of the ELA standards. Students read a variety of texts, develop skills in a variety of writing modes, and learn vocabulary through their literature experiences. This course continues the study of grammar, usage, and conventions and emphasizes the application of these skills.
Course Overview
- Readings (titles may change throughout the year)
- A Corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin
- Tangerine by Edward Bloor
- The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi
- Witness by Karen Hesse
- Selected other non-fiction and fiction texts
- Poetry
- Writings- We will write often at home and in class throughout the year, both in formal and informal pieces. We will work through the steps of the writing process in the quest to become effective writers. Many writings will involve analyzing the literature we are reading at that time.
- Research- We will engage in the research process in the third and fourth marking periods. After conducting research and interviews, a three-paragraph essay, consistent with MLA format, will be completed.
- Vocabulary- We will work to build vocabulary throughout the year. Vocabulary lists will be generated from class readings, and vocabulary assignments will focus on ten to twenty words.
- Grammar- We will cover all grammatical concepts found in the seventh grade curriculum, as well as any areas of weakness noted in writing and/or speaking.
- Discussion- We will engage in both large and small group discussions often this year. It is essential that each member of the class take an active role in such discussions. Coming to class prepared for discussions is the first step in ensuring success.
Policies and Procedures
- Absence- In the event of an absence, students should call a reliable classmate for updates on class events and check the website for posted homework assignments and class announcements. Homework will be posted daily and is expected to be completed upon return to school. Missed assessments are also expected to be completed upon return. Finally, students should check in with me during morning R/A to discuss any questions or concerns.
- Clinic- I am available for extra help on ______mornings during R/A and on Thursday afternoons during clinic. Please do not hesitate to ask for extra help!
- Late Work- Unless otherwise indicated, late daily homework assignments will not be accepted.Computer malfunctions and printer issues are not acceptable excuses for lateness.
- Preparation & Participation- Please come to class each day on time, prepared, and ready to be actively involved in all activities. Please bring a pen, binder (filled with lined paper & dividers), post-it notes, highlighter, self-selected novel, handouts, and other class materials daily. In addition to being prompt and prepared, students are also expected to be positive and respectful each day.
- Assessment Policy- Grades will be calculated using a point system. Each assignment will be worth a predetermined, specific number of points, and points earned will be indicated over total possible points. All grades will be posted on the Home Access Center in a reasonable amount of time.
- Novels- As we read class novels, it is expected that students respond to the text and each other in mature, responsible ways. This means that students who are further ahead in a novel do not tell other students what happens in the text. It is never a good idea to spoil the ending of a great book!
- Writing- Writing is a complex process. When formal writing assignments are given, we will walk through the steps of the writing process together. This means that a lot of the planning, outlining, drafting, and writing will be done in class. It is expected that a final written piece is the culmination of the hard work done in class and reflects the thoughts, words, abilities and efforts of individual students writing on their own. Additionally, plagiarism is never acceptable.
By signing below, I indicate that I have read and understand the classroom policies outlined above.
______Student signature & date
Parent signature & date