abstract title (capital letters, centralized, font Arial 12, bold)

A.A. Silva*1, B.B. Souza2, C.C. Santos3, ... (arial 11 -centered)

1First author's affiliation, City, Country (arial 10 – italic -centered)

2Second author's affiliation, City, Country (arial 10 – italic -centered)

3Third author's affiliation, City, Country (arial 10 – italic -centered)


Keywords: font arial 11; justified to the left; written in italic.

These directions are written in the format required for the abstract to be submitted to XIII NMR Meeting 2011 (May 2-6th, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil).

TITLE – The title must be written in capital letters, bold, centralized, font Arial 12, bold; Author’s names are written (Arial 11, centered) with initials followed by dot, family names are written in full. Authors are separated by commas and marked with superscript when necessary to distinguish authors from different affiliations. Author’s affiliations (Arial 10, italic, centered) are written in separate rows when there are more than one and last is followed by two blank lines.

KEYWORDS – The keywords (maximum of three) must come separated by semicolons (;) in lower case, fontArial11, justified to the left, after the word “Keywords” written in italic. The keywords must be typed one line after the authors Institutions.

TEXT – The text: a) Must start one line after the keywords; b) must be justified to the right and left; c) Font Arial and Symbol 11 with simple space between lines; d) Must cover two complete pages; e) Tables, Figures and References can be included; f) Margins: superior, left and right: 3.0 cm; inferior: 2.5 cm; g) Tables and Figures must be arranged for an efficient occupation of the two pages and added to the text as non-floating figures or tables; h) Program: MSWORD '.doc or rtf’ file;

Each paragraph must start after 5 blank spaces from the margin. TABLES AND FIGURES – The Tables and Figures must be prepared in order to occupy the minimum of memory possible without affecting the quality of the data and must appear in the text in a way not to move or fluctuate over it. The Tables must not include vertical grade lines and a minimum of horizontal grade lines. Tables and Figures must appear right after being mentioned in the text. CAPTIONS – The captions of the Figures must be typed with font Arial 11, right after the Figures. The titles of the Tables must be typed using font Arial 11 one line before the Table.

Figure 1: Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

TABLES AND FIGURES – The Tables and Figures must be prepared in order to occupy the minimum of memory possible without affecting the quality of the data and must appear in the text in a way not to move or fluctuate over it. The Tables must not include vertical grade lines and a minimum of horizontal grade lines. Tables and Figures must appear right after being mentioned in the text. CAPTIONS – The captions of the Figures must be typed with font Arial 11, right after the Figures. The titles of the Tables must be typed using font Arial 11 one line before the Table.

Table 1: NMR spectrum assignments

NMR spectrum assignments
123 / The Tables and Figures must be prepared in order to occupy the minimum of memory possible without affecting the quality of the data and must appear in the text in a way not to move or fluctuate over it. The Tables must not include vertical grade lines and a minimum of horizontal grade lines. Tables and Figures must appear right after being mentioned in the text. CAPTIONS – The captions of the Figures must be typed with font Arial 11, right after the Figures. The titles of the Tables must be typed using font Arial 11 one line before the Table.

REFERENCES – References must be typed according to the rules of the Annals of Magnetic Resonance (http://www.auremn.org.br/Annals). The word REFERENCES must be typed in Capital letters, font Arial 11, in bold, two lines after the last word of the text. The list of references must start one line after the word REFERENCES.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS – Acknowledgements must appear at the end of the abstract two lines after the end of the list of references, aligned at the right using upper cases in case of the name of financial support agencies, in bold, font Arial 11. Do not write the word ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.

Abstracts should be submitted electronically only in MS Word format (.doc or .rtf). The filename should be NMRMeeting2011-firstauthorslastname. For example, if this document was submitted it would have the filename NMRMeeting2011-Silva.


1.  H. P.; Dale M. M, K. e Hitter J. M. Farmacologia, 4º ed., 2001, 448.

2.  Gunasekaran S.; Kumar T. R. e Ponnusamy S. Spectrochimica Acta Part A. 2006, 104.

3.  Goodman & Gilman, As bases farmacológicas da terapêutica, 10ª ed, 2003.

4.  H. P.; Dale M. M, K. e Hitter J. M. Farmacologia, 4º ed., 2001, 448.

5.  Gunasekaran S.; Kumar T. R. e Ponnusamy S. Spectrochimica Acta Part A. 2006, 104.

6.  Goodman & Gilman, As bases farmacológicas da terapêutica, 10ª ed, 2003.