full paper title (Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold)

M. First1, D. Second2 (authors, Times New Roman,10 pt., bold)

1 Institute of Mechanics (Times New Roman, 8pt.)

Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Universitatsstr. 150, D-44801 Bochum, Germany


2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,

The University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16, 11120 Belgrade 35


Abstract.(Times New Roman, 8pt.)Abstract of the paper should contain brief survey of results thatwill be exposed in the text in their entirety. It should notexceed 150-400 words, but does not have to coincide with the abstractpresented to the Scientific Committee in selection procedure.

1. Introduction (Times New Roman, 10 pt., bold)

This template should help the authors of plenary lectures and accepted papers for the Symposium Non-linear Dynamics with Мulti and Interdisciplinary Applications (SNDMIA 2012), Belgrade, October 2012to prepare their papers. There is no official limit for the paper length, but it is supposed that about 25 pages for plenary lectures and 10-15 pages for contributed papers will be sufficient for clear presentation of main results. The authors are kindly asked follow the instructions about formatting of the document in order to reduce further interventions during the preparation of Proceedings.

2. Structure of the paper

Paper could be divided into sections and subsections.

2.1. This is the title of subsection

Here, the text of subsection is expected. Smaller parts ofsubsections, if needed, could be put into paragraphs.

Paragraph title. Here, the text of the paragraph is expected. Paragraph title should be italicized manually.

3. Equations

Either standard equation editor of Microsoft Word, or MathType editor should be used to generate equations in the text


Cross-referencing throughout the text could be made in a standard way: Equation (or Eq.) (1) represents Newton’s law of motion. Equations should be consecutively numbered throughout the text. here are no strict rules for cross-references. For equations could be used Equations and Eq. or Eqs. in plural. For figures could be used Figure and Fig. or Figs. in plural. For tables it is usual to use Table.

4. Figures

Figures should be imported as files in Encapsulated Post Script (EPS) format, or pasted in text in any other way safe for final preparation of the paper. Figures could also be used in cross-referencing, like Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Graphs of functions Φ.

Proceedings will be printed in black and white and the colored figures will be printed in grayscale. However, accompanying CD will contain *.pdf files of all the communications (plenary lectures and contributed papers). Therefore, authors are encouraged to prepare colored figures.

5. References

References should be put in the bibliography section at the end of the paper. This is an example of journal paper reference [1]. This is an example of book or monograph [2]. This is an example of proceedings paper [3].

6. Deadline

Deadline for submission of the full text of plenary lectures and contributed papers is 10 October 2012.

Acknowledgement. Acknowledgement should be put at the end of the paper, before the References, as a paragraph-type section.


[1]Lancaster P (1960) Free Vibrations of Lightly Damped Systems by Perturbation Methods, Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 13, pp. 138-155. (Times New Roman, 10pt.)

[2]Drazin P G and Reid W H (2004) Hydrodynamic Stability, CambridgeUniversity Press, Cambridge.

[3]Jovanović B (2007) Partial Lagrange-Routh Reduction, Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, D Šumarac and D Kuzmanović (Eds.), pp. 969-973.