Abstract Submission
73rd MORS Symposium
21-22 June 2005
US Military Academy, West Point, NY
Suggested WG(s) for presentation:
Composite Group D: Resources/Readiness/Training
Classification: Unclassified Length of Presentation: 45 Minutes
Expected AV Requirements: Computer-driven projector (e.g., InFocus)
Author: Dr. David L. Danner
1364 Beverly Road, Suite 101
McLean, VA 22101
Title: How to Have Global Visibility of Individual Manpower Requirements
Abstract: In today’s environment of limited resources and increased commitments, the proper allocation of resources to requirements can only be made if both are clearly visible in their entirety. Current initiatives throughout the Department of Defense are focusing on such “Global Visibility.” Global visibility, in the manpower functional capability arena, means managing a three dimensional problem of (1) personnel – faces, (2) requirements – spaces and (3) capabilities – cases. This paper presents the current activities of the USMC and the USN in providing a clear picture of individual augmentation to all levels of command through innovative information systems. Specific reference is made to the integrated systems used by the Marines and Navy to identify individual manpower requirements, to source those requirements with pretrained individuals, to display/visualize the level of requirements satisfaction in terms of quantity and quality, to include readiness and training, and to track the flow of manpower assets through the activation process. The use of models, such as the USMC Casualty Estimation Model, is discussed as an adjunct to the identification of requirements for manpower both from the replacement standpoint and from the medical planning standpoint. The use of automation to increase responsiveness and visibility is demonstrated through the USMC-USN Automated Requirements Transfer Interface. Finally, the paper discusses how information technology (IT) innovations improve performance and prove the axiom that “What is measured … improves; what is not … does not!”
This abstract is Unclassified and Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited.
Signature of government official clearing abstract: ______
Typed name and title of official: Col. Linda L. McGowan, Head, Mobilization Section
Organization: Manpower Plans, Policies, Programs and Budget Division, Manpower and Reserve Affairs Department, Headquarters, United States Marine Corps
Commercial phone number: (703) 432-9187 Fax: (703) 784-9812