Present: Amanda Trewin, Misty Lemon-Rogers, Hao Chen (proxy for Mary Rose Williams), Donita Cartmill, Regina Pauly, Qiong Li, Charles Cornett, Barb Barnet (proxy for James Swenson), Amy Nemmetz, Evan Larson, Teresa Burns, Nathanial Forrest, Laura Anderson, Kory Wein, Staci Strobl, Christine Quinn (for Joanne Wilson), Lucas Frey, Lisa Merkes-Kress

Absent: Christopher Baxter, Kevin Bernhardt, Frank King, Jr, Dennis Shields,

Guests: Angela Udelhoven, Keith Thompson, Barb Barnet, Todd Carothers, Wayne Weber, Molly Gribb, Patrick Hagen, Melissa Gormley, Janelle Crowley, Susan Hansen

I / Opening of the Meeting
The meeting was called to order at:4:02, with no objections,proxies were announced for Mary Rose Williams (Hao Chen) and James Swenson (Barb Barnet) were accepted.
The minutes of Tuesday, September 26, 2017were approved as circulated.
II / Reports
University Rank, Salary, and Tenure Policy Commission (URSTPC)
URSTPC Chair Barb Barnet discussed what URSTPC has been working on; The below recommendations came from her report; they were accepted and will be discussed under new business.
URSTPC recommendation on 9/18/17 regarding lapse money:
1. The college CCC’s should work with the Deans to determine how this money will be used.
URSTPC recommendations on 10/2/17 regarding 2018-2019 raise:
1. Available funds should be distributed to all faculty members who have earned a merit rating or higher, with no distinction made between those with merit and those with high merit ratings.
2. The 2016 evaluations (determined in Spring 2017) should be used.
3. Anyone who did not submit a file for the 2016 evaluation should be ineligible for this raise.
4. No other factors should be considered, only the merit determination.
University Budget Commission(UBC)
UBC chair Charles Cornett reported that at the October 10 UBC meeting there was a unanimous motion to assume the annual review of metrics and Service Level Agreements (SLA) for the new budget model as part of UBC responsibilities. Cornett shared concerns and discussion from the meeting.
3. / Faculty Representative to UW System
Faculty representative Charles Cornett reported that domestic partner benefits are no longer covered under the medical insurance. There is also a new policy proposed regarding students with a felony past. The remainder of the report was deferred to new business 3 and 4.
4. / Provost’s Office: October Meeting of UW System Provosts
Christine Quinn reported for Interim Provost Joanne Wilson, stating there were two items of interest discussed, one being the outcomes based funding: all campuses will have common metrics based on the four system goals, which have not been selected at this time. The other item of interest is regarding the low enrollment program policy: their goal is to have a new policy by the end of the academic year. A benchmark is programs with less than 25 graduates over five years. Please contact Joanne Wilson who is a member of the committee if you have any questions.
III / Unfinished Business
Policy Statement for Faculty Handbook on Appointing Faculty Representative to UW System
Proposed Addition to Faculty Handbook:
The faculty representative to UW System is appointed by the Faculty Senate for a term of three years with the possibility of reappointment to one or more consecutive terms. The faculty representative need not be a member of the Faculty Senate, but he/she must be able to regularly report to the Faculty Senate. Prior to the meeting at which the faculty representative is appointed, the Faculty Senate chair will solicit nominations from the general faculty and from the membership of the Faculty Senate.
MOTION: It was moved by Burns, seconded by Rogers, to approve the proposal as written. Motion carried.
Discussion ensued about where to add this into the Faculty Bylaws; the following action was taken:
MOTION:It was moved by Burns, seconded by Cornett, to make this section twelve underfaculty senate in the Faculty Handbook. Motion carried. Anderson clarified that the section would be added to the Faculty Bylaws, which would mean that the changes would be voted onat the General Faculty Meeting in January 2018.
IV / New Business
1. / Faculty Salary Review for 2017-19 Pay Plan/ Lapse Funds
MOTION: It was moved by Cornett, seconded by Rogers, to adopt the URSTPC recommendation in full.
Discussion ensued about the URSTPC report and recommendation under II.1Reports. Barnet stated that two calendars would need updating to accelerate the evaluation timeline and stated this change would be for one year only to accommodate the 2/2 pay plan. There was extensive discussion as well as comments from guestsregarding the extra time and work involved with accelerating the timeline, fairness of the evaluations if the timeline is accelerated, what other institutions are doing, external perspectives, and how using 2016 evaluations may be considered not working with external entities. It was suggested that the Chancellor,Todd Carothers, and others be invited to the next URSTPC meeting for further discussion, which lead to the following action:
MOTION: It was moved by Cornett, seconded by Burns, to postpone voting on the motionto the next meeting. Motion carried.
MOTION:It was moved by Barnet, seconded by Rogers, to charge URSTPC to take up this matter at the next meeting and report to faculty senate. Motion carried.
2. / UW System Title and Total Compensation Study
Human Resources Director, Janelle Crowley provided an update on where they are in the process.
They are in the beginning phase of retitling.
3. / Board of Regents: Administrative Hiring Workgroup Report and Revised Regent Policy Document 6-4 “Selection Process for System President, Chancellors, and UW System Senior Leadership Positions”
MOTION:It was moved by Larson, seconded by Chen, to postpone discussion on new business 3 and 4 until next meeting. Motion carried.
4. / Board of Regents: Regent Policy Document on Commitment to Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression
See motion in IV. 3 above
V / Announcements
  • The safety walk with campus police is October 18 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Ground breaking for the construction on the Pioneer Activity Center is October 13.

VI / Close Meeting
1. / The next meeting is Tuesday, October 24, 2017
2. / The meeting adjourned at 4:56 p.m.

Submitted by Lisa Merkes-Kress (Recording Secretary) and Amanda Trewin (Secretary)

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Faculty Senate Minutes of October 10, 2017