Choose Carefully!!! I did not do page counts. Please choose a novel you have not read! These are the books that were on the last three AP tests as well as on Mrs. Showalter’s list for the summer project.

Absalom, Absalom! - Faulkner

Adam Bede – Elliot

The Age of Innocence – Wharton

Alias Grace - Atwood

All the Kings’s Men - Warren

All the Pretty Horses - McCarthy

The American - James

Anna Karenina - Tolstoy

Antigone - Sophocles

As I Lay Dying - Faulkner

Atonement - McEwan

The Awakening - Copin

The Bear - Faulkner

Beloved - Morrison

Billy Budd - Melville

Bless Me, Ultima - Anaya

The Blind Assassin - Atwood

The Bonesetter’s Daughter - Tan

The Brothers Karamazov - Doestyevsky

Candide - Voltaire

Catch 22 - Heller

Ceremony - Silko

The Cherry Orchard - Chekhov

Cold Mountain - Proux

The Color Purple - Walker

Cry, the Beloved Country

David Copperfield - Dickins

Death of a Salesman - Miller

Don Quixote - Cervantes

East of Eden - Steinbeck

Emma - Austen

Equus - Shaffer

An Enemy of the People - Ibsen

Ethan Frome - Wharton

Fifth Business - Davies

The Fixer - Malamud

For Whom the Bell Tolls - Hemmingway

Glass Menagerie - Williams

The Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck

Great Expectations - Dickens

House Made of Dawn - Momaday

The House of Mirth - Wharton

Invisible Man - Ellison

Jane Eyre – C. Bronte

The Kite Runner - Hosseini

Long Day’s Journey into Night – O’Neill

Lord Jim - Conrad

Madame Bovary - Flaubert

Mansfield Park - Austen

Misanthrope - Mollere

Moby-Dick - Melville

The Moor’s Last Sigh - Rushdie

Mrs. Dalloway - Woolf

Native Speaker - Lee

Obasan - Kogawa

O Pioneers! - Cather

Out of Africa - Dinesen

A Passage to India - Forrester

Persuasion - Austen

The Piano Lesson - Wilson

Portrait of a Lady - James

Pride and Prejudice - Austen

Pygmalion - Shaw

Ragtime - Doctorow

The Remains of the Day - Forrester

Reservation Blues - Alexie

A Separate Peace - Knowles

The Scarlet Letter - Hawthorne

The Sound and the Fury - Faulkner

A Streetcar Named Desire - Williams

Sula - Morrison

A Tale of Two Cities - Dickens

Tess of the D’Urbervilles - Hardy

Their Eyes Were Watching God - Hurston

A Thousand Acres - Smiley

Tom Jones - Fielding

The Vicar of Wakefield - Goldsmith

The Way We Live Now - Trollope

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf - Albee

Wuthering Heights – E. Bronte

Choose Carefully!!! I did not do page counts. Please choose a novel you have not read! These are the books that were on the last three AP tests as well as on Mrs. Showalter’s list for the summer project.