MEETING 16 August 2017
Practice: 2 members;
Patients: 4 members;
Apologies for Absence: 2 patient representatives
The Assistant Manager advised that the Research Team from Clinical Research Network East Midlands would like to attend a HIP meeting later in the year.
Discussion on the following subject areas took place:
New and Existing Members
One new enquiry has been received – Assistant Manager to request approval for release of contact details
Citizens Reference Panel
Chair had promoted walking events at meeting on 20/7. Some very interesting data linking A&E admissions and deprivation statistics were presented
Most of correspondence related to PAM’s
Health Promotion
It was suggested that another event should take place before a decision concerning the provision of a microphone is made.
Prostate cancer event 5/10/17
Chair to contact Bob Clarke NNPCG to finalise details – it was decided that it would be best to invite Woodlands patients to BPMC event rather than to organise another event at their surgery. Assistant Manager to look to restrict appointments to no later than 18.00 on evening of event to allow set up for event. Assistant Manager to text suitable attendees on5/9 and also a week before the event.
Funding Opportunities
Treasurer had received a positive response from one local councillors regarding possible funding – Treasurer to pursue this in near future.
Chair informed the Group that the application for a grant that supports participation in health issues had been unsuccessful.
Fashion Show
It was agreed that the funding from the event should go to the HIP group. This would require amendment of the poster and ticket wording and liaison with Woodlands to see if they were still prepared to support the event. If they were supportive then a reciprocal event for them to raise funding would be suggested in 2018. The details of the event were finalised with regard to advertising and promotion.
BPMC Walking Group
Chair to provide ADC with contact details of 3 Group members who had confirmed their attendance at the Walk Leader training course. Assistant Manager and Practice Manager to identify ways to promote the first event
The Assistant Manager confirmed that the main Flu Clinic will run on 23/9/17 09.00 to 12.00 and requested volunteers from Group to assist – 3 volunteered.
Issues regarding prescription fulfilment at the pharmacy were raised and Practice prescribing Pharmacist is to be contacted to see if there are other problems or issues with the pharmacy.
As a thank you to the Assistant Manager for her hard work with the HIP Group, it was decided to purchase a floral bouqet
Wednesday 20 September 2017 at 5.30pm