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Neighbourhood Watch Update
from West Mercia Police
Please note the following incidents:
West Mercia Police
Battennhall and Nunnery
Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT)
November 2016
About Your SNT Team
Safer Neighbourhood Teams work with local people and partners to identify, tackle and solve issues that matter to the community where you live.Making neighbourhoods safer by cutting day to day crime and anti-social behaviour is at the heart of keeping people in West Mercia safe. Thanks to an investment in mobile tablet style computers, these will enable officers to spend more time on patrol on the street and in neighbourhoods.
Officers will continue to come to people when they need them and provide a high quality service however you contact us - in person (on the street, at community bases and at partners and communities together [PACT] meetings), on the phone or online.
Insp P2373 Tanya Beckett
Sgt P3148 Simon Hallam
Con P3657 Louise Steele
PCSO C6144 Sarah Hughes
PCSO C40112 Dawn Wallace
Where we work
Battenhall & Nunnery SNTare based at:Warndon Police Station
Get in touch
101 to talk to your local SNT or report a crime
/Twitter @worcestercops
Only call 999 in an emergency, when a crime is in progress or life is in danger.Receive watch updates by signing up to Dotmailer on the West Mercia Police website, which will email you regular updates on crime in your area.
your area’s recent crime on Police.UK
Where we will be this month
We hold regular open Surgeries in the area, where you can come along for an informal chat and raise any concerns you have regarding the Battenhall and Nunnery Area.
PACT Surgeries will be held on the 16th November 2016, 10:00am at the Post Office,Lichfield Ave, Ronkswood and 16th November 2016, 11:00am in the St PetersChurch café area. St Peters.
There is an open councillor’s drop in surgery at the Ronkswood Community Centre on the 1st Saturday of each month, starting at 10am till 11:30am.
The next PACT Parish Meeting with the local councillors and local Policing Team in St Peters and Battenhall, is to beheld on 17th November at 19:30.
Crime Trends
140Crimes recorded for the month of October 2016, 9have currently been detected, but others will be detected in coming weeksTheft………15Drugs………1
Misc……….67 Damage……12
Burglary…...11 Assault……..34
General Policing
During the month of October 2016 we had 343 incidents reported to the police for the Battenhall and Nunnery Safer Neighbourhood area, which were either attended or dealt with by us or response officers.
53 of these incidents were what we call “Grade 1”, which means a 999 emergency call, which is either something life threatening or a crime in progress.
Nunnery and Battenhall issues
We will also be conducting Speed awareness/enforcement in local area’s where speeding has been raised as a concern via PACT surgeries and local residents. Some of the roads that we will be looking at are Battenhall Road, Spetchley Road and St Peters Drive, please ensure that you adhere to the speed limit.
Also please remember that as Christmas is approaching, try and be Cyber Smart when buying online. Details to be found on
Contacting the Police ?
Remember 999 is for Emergencies and 101 for non emergencies.
Please do not report information re incidents by replying to this email. Please instead dial the non emergency police telephone number "101" and relay any information to the West Mercia Force Control Room.
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101 for all non-emergencies
/ / 999 in an emergency
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