July 2015 / Issue SW3

About this Bulletin

To minimise the number of emails sent to practices across the SouthWest, NHS England are using this monthly bulletin as its main method of communicating with Dental Practices.

The bulletins contain important information for Dental Practices, which might include requests for information and deadlines, as well as updates on issues relating to dental contracts. We have yet to fully incorporate all the processes across the South West; however we hope to be able to do this over the coming months and will keep you informed through this bulletin.

Copies of previous editions of the Dental Bulletin, useful forms and links to helpful websites and resources can be found on our webpage -

If you have any questions or wish to provide feedback, please contact the Dental Team as follows:

If you are a provider in Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly -

If you are a provider in Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire –


Items for all Practices

  • Dental Team Contact Details
  • 2014-15 Year End Contract Reconciliation
  • Safeguarding Training Available

Items for Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire

  • Dental Local Professional Network (LDN) News Letter June 2015

Items for Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Practices only

  • Dental Local Professional Network (LDN) News Letter June 2015

Items for all Practices

Dental Team Contact Details

Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly -

Andrew Harris, Dental Contracts Manager tel: 0113 8248808mob: 07909 099209

Devon and Plymouth -

Sarah McFarlane, Primary Care Support tel: 0113 8248799mob: 07900 220697

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly -

Lynn Combes, Primary Care Supporttel: 0113 8248970 mob: 07467 689372

Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire -

Rachel Coke, Assistant Contract Manager tel: 0113 8253581 mob: 07500 032229

Bristol and South Gloucestershire -

Debbie Freeman, Primary Care Support tel: 0113 8253591 mob: 07825 421800

North Somerset and Somerset-

Maxine Quantrill,Primary Care Support mob: 07824 451261

Departmental Support -

Wendy Vincent, Primary Care Support tel: 0113 8248977

Stephen Bates, Administration Support tel: 0113 8248960

Generic email address for providers -

Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly practices;

Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire –

2014-15 Year End Contract Reconciliation

The dental team have been finalising the numbers of UDAs and UOAs delivered in each contract across the area during the 2014/15 contract year. Each contract holder will during July, be receiving a letter from the dental team confirming the number of UDAs which have been delivered. Contracts where less than 96 % of contracted activity has been delivered will be subject to financial clawback to the value of the under-delivered UDAs. Those providers will also be issued with a breach of contract notice in line with the regulations and NHS England policy.

Safeguarding Training Available

FREE access to two Safeguarding e-learning courses:

1. Safeguarding Adults, which includes:

  • Part A intended for all NHS staff
  • Part B intended for clinicians and non-clinicians in a management or supervisory role.

2. Safeguarding Children, which includes:

  • Level 1: All healthcare Staff
  • Level 2: Staff who have clinical contact with children
  • Level 3: Consultant and Career Grade Paediatrics

These courses will be made available through the National Skills Academy for Health’s website. Some Practices may well be accessing these already and if this is the case we will work to ensure that this access is maintained and staff can continue to use them.

This roll out from the end of April, when a Skills for Health Project Team member will make contact with all Practices and relevant networks to ensure they are aware of the arrangement and how they can access it.

Skills for Health, through the NSAH, offer a wide variety of e-learning courses please note this arrangement ONLY relates to the Safeguarding courses.

If you have any questions in advance of the roll out then please email Caroline Clarke on or contact 0844 770 3770

Items for Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire Practices only

Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset South Gloucestershire (BNSSSG) Dental Local Professional Network (LDN)

A clinical network looking to connect Dental Professionals and patients to improve quality, safety and equality in Oral Health across the Bristol and Somerset area.

Newsletter June 2015 -

The next meeting of the LDN will be held on Wednesday 19th August 2015 at South Plaza, Bristol and if you have anything you would like raised at the meeting please contact:

Changes to NHS England -

The Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (DCIoS) and Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSSG) area teams have been merged to form the South West region of NHS England South. There will be one dental team and Andrew Harris will be the Dental Contracts Manager for the region and Julia Cory the Head of Primary Care with responsibility for dentistry. The local teams will remain the same. The Dental LPNs will continue as before but as Alasdair Miller has resigned Peter Howard-Williams will Chair both groups which will be independent, but hopefully benefit from working cooperatively. The LDN would like to thank Alasdair for his valuable contribution to getting the BNSSSG LDN off the ground.

NHS Dental Contract Reform -

The new prototypes are proceeding and the first 62 practices have been selected from the existing pilot practices and a number of additional sites from UDA contract holders will be selected shortly. The prototype contracts will be a mixture of capitation, activity and quality payments. The balance between capitation and activity will be variable in the prototypes and the DQOF payments will represent 10% of remuneration at risk. The proposed time scale is for the prototypes to go live this autumn. If the prototypes are successful there will be an increase in prototype practices with the start of stress testing in 2017/2018. If all goes well a national rollout will start in 2018/2019.

Commissioning Guides and Managed Clinical Networks -

NHS England is publishing national framework commissioning guides for oral surgery, special care and orthodontics to assist the local teams in commissioning these services.

The publication of these guides was delayed due to pre-election purdah but publication is expected soon. The guidelines anticipate the formation of Managed Clinical Networks to assist in commissioning local specialist services.


The LPN would like to remind all dentists that before they refer a patient for treatment of TMJ dysfunction they should treat the patient with conservative measures, including provision of a soft splint, before referral to secondary care. Gemma Allen, who is a maxilla facial SHO at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth has produced an excellent guidance on diagnosing and treating TMJ problems in practice and it is being circulated with the monthly NHS England Dental Bulletin.

Antimicrobial resistance 5 year strategy in dentistry -

Dentists should be aware of their responsibility in reducing antibiotic resistance. A useful link is the BDA paper at

Peter Howard-Williams BDS

Chair of Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire

Please contact me if you have any queries or feedback.

Items for Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Practices only

Devon, Cornwall & Isles of SCILLY (DCIoS) Dental Local Professional Network(LDN)

A clinical network looking to connect Dental Professionals and patients to improve quality, safety and equality in Oral Health across Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Newsletter June 2015 -

The next meeting of the LDN will be held on July 31st 2015 in Saltash and if you have anything you would like raised at the meeting please contact:

Changes to NHS England -

The DCIoS and Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSSG) area teams have been merged to form the South West region of NHS England South. There will be one dental team and Andrew Harris will be the Dental Contracts Manager for the region and Julia Cory the Head of Primary Care with responsibility for dentistry. The Dental LPNs will continue as before but Peter Howard-Williams will Chair both groups which will be independent, but hopefully benefit from working cooperatively.

NHS Dental Contract Reform -

The new prototypes are proceeding and the first 62 practices have been selected from the existing pilot practices and a number of additional sites from UDA contract holders will be selected shortly. The prototype contracts will be a mixture of capitation, activity and quality payments. The balance between capitation and activity will be variable in the prototypes and the DQOF payments will represent 10% of remuneration at risk. The proposed time scale is for the prototypes to go live this autumn. If the prototypes are successful there will be an increase in prototype practices with the start of stress testing in 2017/2018. If all goes well a national rollout will start in 2018/2019.

Commissioning guides and Managed Clinical Networks:

The publication of these guides was delayed due to pre-election purdah but publication is expected soon. Once they are published the LDN will produce a newsletter with links to the guides and a review of what they will mean to dentists.


The LPN would like to remind all dentists that before they refer a patient for treatment of TMJ dysfunction they should treat the patient with conservative measures, including provision of a soft splint, before referral to secondary care. Gemma Allen, who is a maxilla facial SHO at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth has produced an excellent guidance on diagnosing and treating TMJ problems in practice and it is being circulated with the monthly NHS England Dental Bulletin.

Antimicrobial resistance 5 year strategy in dentistry

Dentists should be aware of their responsibility in reducing antibiotic resistance. A useful link is this BDA paper at

There may be an opportunity for dentists in Cornwall to participate in an audit of antibiotic use in GDP practice.

Peter Howard-Williams BDS

Chair of Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Dental Network

Please contact me if you have any queries or feedback.

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