
About the Organization proposing the Project

1. Name & address of the Organization: GANDHI KASTURIBHAI VILLAGE


Puliampatti village & Post,

Chengam Tk, Tiruvannamalai District

Tamilnadu,India. PIN: 606 703

2.  When was the organization founded? Yes. It is a registered organization.

Is it a registered organization? Registered under Tamilnadu Societies

Registration Act of 27 , 1975.

Registration No: 137/1993

Date of Regn.: 30th August, 1993.

Place of Regn: Tiruvannamalai,

Valid upto: 31st March, 2006

(Yearly renewal)

3. What is the Mission of the


To work with the most deprived and depressed section of society (i.e., women and children, marginal and small farmers, landless labourers, dalits and persons with disability in enhancing their capacities, confidence to ensure socio-economic uplift of the downtrodden.

4.List previous/current projects under

taken by the organization. Give

name of project, location, goal, ENCLOSED – SEE APENDIX -I

size of project (in terms of

number of beneficiaries and


5. Annual budget of the organization: 2002-03 Rs. 13,46,274

2003.4  Rs. 21,09,106

2004.5  Rs. 47,00,429

6. No.of full time employees : Women Coordinator - 1 No.

Youth Coordinator - 1 no.

Health Coordinator - 1 no.

7. Please attach a summary financial Audited statement of accounts for the statement if available : past three years

enclosed –See appendix-II

8. Please declare any religious, : New Enbtity for Social Action

political etc.,affiliations of the Network(NESA)

organization ADVANCE Network

Gandeepam Global Foundation (GGF)Network

9. You may attach additional information

about your organization (Pamphlets, enclosed-Appendix-III

news cuttings, phoptographs,

etc., please list what you are attaching



1. Title :



2. Project Contact Address : GANDHI KASTURIBHAI VILLAGE


Puliampatti village & Post,

Chengam Tk, Tiruvannamalai District

Tamilnadu,India. PIN: 606 703

3. Aims of Project :

To empower children with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect their Rights as children, and provide them the necessary support and assistance for reinstatement in their families where possible, and help them develop as respected and productive citizens.

4. Who is the project directed toward?

Describe the target population in

Terms of age, sex, numbers.

Children who are the target population belonging from agricultural wage labourer and landless families and dropouts from the school and non-literates.

Total number of children identified by the implementing organization is 150 totally. Their age groups between 7-11.

5. Where is the project located?

Include name of village or town or

City and district.

no. / Name of village / Block / Taluk / District / State
1 / Mannadipatti / Chengam / Chengam / Tiruvannamalai / Tamilnadu
2 / Pudhur / Chengam / Chengam / Tiruvannamalai / Tamilnadu
3 / Kurumbapatti / Chengam / Chengam / Tiruvannamalai / Tamilnadu
4. / Vellalampatti / Chengam / Chengam / Tiruvannamalai / Tamilnadu
5. / Karumalaipadi / Chengam / Chengam / Tiruvannamalai / Tamilnadu

6. Describe current situation of the

local people(income level,

occupations etc.,)


The main occupation was once cultivation of crops like Ragi, sorghum, paddy and vegetables. Due to monsoon failure in the past years, the jobless families in the villages have been forced to migrate to faraway cities and towns (Bangalore, Chennai, Pollachi) in the hope of finding menial jobs and as constructions labourers. Needless to say, these jobs never provide the families within enough means for sustenance. The scattered social composition might be vulnerability and feeble economic strength of the households and obvious when GKVDS consider the land holding pattern in the area about 60% of the households are landless. 25% hold land sizes, which can be grouped as marginal/below medium farmers. The rest of the households who can comfortably be placed as “large holdings” include a couple of cash crops plantations.

7. How do you plan to acomplish the aims listed?

-Kindly describe your plan in terms of

short-term and long-term goals.

-Kindly also specify an approximate time


v  To organize support services to help children in the fulfillment of his/her basic needs such as :

o  Non-formal education

o  Health care

o  Recreation

v  To provide facilities for skill acquisition and vocation training

v  To organize children for collective action. This could take children self help groups and

v  To help and support self help projects run by children themselves.

Alternative education:

The struggle for survival is more urgent for many people in India than educational needs. Therefore education and its planning must be organically linked with the larger socio-cultural economic and political context. Specifically, it must be linked with live issues of development. Only then will it be possible for education to play a catalytic and interventionist role.

All the selected children, who had to drop out from school to start earning. Having lived on the agricultural field/adjoining forest areas, for long and bearing on wage earner, their knowledge about this work situation, environment and life itself is tremendous. Therefore, education for them would be an education for life and an education that is based on their knowledge and life experiences.

Involvement of animators (educators or teachers) in planning, developing and producing teaching, learning materials is very important to keep the interest of the animators and to help them to be resourceful, creative and innovative. Education is a two way process – learning and teaching. If animators are not open to learning then they stagnate and become dull, boring adults, adults who do not stimulate learning among children. When an animator is forced to be involved in designing the curriculum and teaching/learning materials it helps him/her to know their clientele, understand the realities in which they live and thereby become sensitize and relevant in their interaction with children.


The animators conduct school everyday for 5 days a week for 30 children, who are dropouts and who do not know o read and write. In all 150 children in 3 years time would be made not only literates but also a well awakened and organized.

Time required:


Material requirement:

150 children x learning materials such as textbooks, notebooks

Writing materials

Teachings aids/materials

Manpower required:

One educational coordinator

5 Animators


GKVDS would train all the beneficiary children from the villages in tailoring.

The project would provide funds for salary. The children would meet their own travel expenses for the 6 months. The beneficiary children would provide 50% of the cost of the tailoring machine by pay Rs.100/-p.m. in the recurring deposit.

Time requirement:

4 hrs/perday/5days/week 4weeks/month

Duration: 6 months/batch.

2 group of training/year

30 nos./batch

Materials requirement:

Basic furniture such as chairs and tables cutting tables and minor equipments such as scissors, oil cane etc.,

Manpower required:

One full time instructor with the remuneration of Rs.1500/-p.m.


Apart from the curative treatment such as medication, admission to hospitals, GKVDS will be planned a promotive and preventive approach to health wherein we will give health education on specific topics such as personal hygiene, common diseases, knowledge of one’s body, effects of drugs and STD, HIV/AIDS etc., we will arrange mobile health team goes regularly to our centers.

Savings scheme:

GKVDS will be establishing a saving scheme whereby a child will be motivated to save small amounts of money every day. The children who save regularly and does not withdraw, the amount for six months is given 50% interest on the total amount saved. They are also given an individual “Bank Pass Book”. All the children beneficiaries will be enrolled in the scheme and will make a children credit union. The objective of the union is to give various services to their members. (E.g., education, vocational training, health/medical care and credit to start economic enterprises.)

8.  What is the current status of the project?

- No. of people working for the project

-  Financial resources

-  Other resources (building, banks

Tools, etc.,)


9. What are your needs for the project?

(funds, software etc.,)

Funds for the proposed project



1.  How much money do you required?

Rs. 12,23,700/- In US Dollar 26,602.17

2.  Please divide that money over time periods

3.  List expected amounts to be spent by category (e.g., salary, supplies, equipments, books, etc.,)

Rs.150/-p.h. x 3 yrs. X 150Nos.
Rs.750/-p.m.x36months x 5nos
Learner’s incentives:
Rs.100/-p.m. x 12months x 150nos
Health checkup camps:
Rs.10/-p.h.x36 months x150nos
Nutritious food:
Rs.3/-p.h x25days x 36months
Salary for the Instructor
Rs.1500/-p.m.x 24months
Training center maintenance
Rs.1000/-p.m. x 24 months
Repairs & renewals of sewing machines:
Training Materials:
Cloth/thread etc.,
Salary for the Coordinator:
2000/-p.m.x 36 months
Salary for the assistant:
1200 x 36 months
Stationery & correspondence
Planning, reviewing, reporting and evaluating
Audit fee
Traveling / 67,500

Total 12,23,700



1. Briefly assess how your efforts are going to affect the lives of the local people in the long term in the following categories. Please indicate how you are going to monitor the impact on the beneficiaries (this indictors of impact is important to ASHAMIT since it helps us assess the performances of projects at a later date)


The dropout and illiterate children beneficiaries are become literate and awakened. The children will gain educational knowledge both read and write and having knowledge at least 8th standard level. After the level they completed, if they are willing to join the mainstream school, with the consent from the parents, the implementing organization will try to enroll them in the government school for further study.

Monitoring system:

The implementing organization will be monitored the project periodically (regular visit to the centers) by our field supervisor and also the Project Director will also monitor and review the project twice a month with animators, supervisor and the representative children in each NFE center.

Success Indicators:

v  Students’ regular attendants to the schools

v  Active Involvement in school programs

v  Animators’ involvement in NFE centers

v  Parents of the children participation in running the NFE centers

v  Examination results in each NFE centers


The girl children who are studying the NFE centers will also get job oriented training programme through this project. Both girl and boys will gain knowledge of tailoring and earn through get self employment program. Later it will be supported by the implementing organization.

Monitoring system:

The Tailoring Instructor will give the training. Regular attendance will be supervised the Supervisor and the Director of the Organization. Review with the trainees will be carry out periodically and provide necessary suggestions and guidance to the instructor whenever need.

Success Indicators:

v  Capacity building of the trainees

v  Knowledge and practice of the trainees in tailoring and stitching

v  Regular attendance to the centers


The children who attend the centers will be avail periodical medical checkups by the medical team. The professional will be invited for the medical checkup camps and it will organize monthly once by the implementing organization. The medicines will be supplied with the support of local Pharmacy companies.

The report from the registered medical practitioners will be reviewed and advised the parents of the children for further treatment to the PHC or government hospitals whenever necessary.

Along with the education, the center will provide nutritious food supply to the children regularly (i.e, 25 days per month). It will help the children become healthy and energetic.

Monitoring system:

The registered medical practitioners will be advised for thorough checkups and provide necessary medical care and advice to their parents and reported to the implementing organization.

Success Indicators:

v  The participation of children in the medical checkup camps.

v  Regular treatments and medical care provided by their parents.

v  Review and reports from the registered medical practitioners.


Total care will be given by the implementing organization for the welfare of the children who are studying in the centers.

The skill and talents in cultural aspects such as, acting, elocution, music and the like will be promoted in the NFE centers by the animators and also they are encouraged to participate in the public programs.

Participation in the public programmes by the best performing students will be assessed by the implementing organization and encouraged

Monitoring system:

Skill and talents of the children will be evaluated by the implementing organization during the important day celebrations and events.

Success Indicators:

The performance of the students will be documented.

Other consequences:

Savings among the children will be encouraged and provide necessary support and services to promote their savings habit and money-handling system through accounts keeping and necessary records keeping.

Monitoring system:

The supervisor and the Director will monitor savings and thrift programme intensively.

The money revolved within the children will also monitored regularly through record keeping and support documents.

Success Indicators:

Formation of Children’s Credit Union and its financial position in the Bank pas book.

2. Other information, if you wish to send any additional material about the project. Please list it here.

Location Map enclosed – see annexure_II