About the muscle exam:
There will be 100 questions. There are 25 stations with four questions per station.
There is one more station with my 5 points extra credit there: Extra credit questions will be on surface anatomy of the body builders, from the Surface Anatomy PPS posted in Lab Unit 2. Another extra credit question might be to name the piriformis muscle, or the sciatic nerve.

For each of the 25 stations, the general pattern is this:

The first question is "name this muscle". For this answer, you have to write it down on your test paper.
The second question is either "name its origin" or "Name its insertion" or "Name its action". To answer this question, there is a list of multiple choice selections, ONE of which matches the study guide exactly. The others LOOK like the study guide answer, but something is wrong with each of them. You need to pick out the right answer and then pencil it in on your scantron under #2 (or whatever number the question is). If you put the right answer on the wrong line of the scantron, you get it wrong! Also, if you named the muscle wrong, you will probably get the second answer wrong too. The third question at the station is probably another "name this muscle" and the fourth is probably another "name this OIA", and that pattern continues through most of the test.

Here is what the test will look like:

1 / N
2 / A /
  1. Internal and external rotation and flexion
  2. External rotation and flexion
  3. Internal and external rotation and extension
  4. Internal rotation and extension

3 / N
4 / O /
  1. Blah blah blah
  2. Blah
  3. Blah blah blah blah
  4. Blah blah

For anything that says “N”, WRITE in the name of the muscle on your test.

For anything that says A, choose the action of the previous muscle.

For anything that says “O”, choose the actionof the previous muscle.

For anything that says “I”, choose the action of the previous muscle.

Circle the multiple choice answer on your test, and when you are done the whole test, carefully transfer choice #2 to your scantron, on line #2, and choice #4 gets transferred to the scantron on line #4. There will be lots of blank lines on your scantron.

There are only three histology slides this unit; two of them will be under a microscope with the question, "Name this type of muscle", and "where in the body can it be found", “What is the function of this muscle” or you might need to ID the interculated discs of the cardiac muscle.


NOTE for how to prepare for this exam:

Of the 72 muscles you need to learn, there are a total of 56 that have OIA's, and the others are just the name, or the name and one easy action. Thus, you need to learn 3 muscles with their OIA’s per day, 6 days a week, for 3 weeks. That will mean you have 54 of the muscles and their OIA’s memorized by the week before the exam. You then need to spend that last week to memorize 2 more muscles with OIA’s plus another 12 muscles that have only name and action, plus 3 more that are only names.