SPC 1608Spring 2013


About the Instructor

Instructor: Joanna Leck

Email: or via Blackboard. This is the best way to contact me. You can expect a response within 24 hours during the regular college business hours and 48 hours on weekends.

About the Course

This is an online course, managed through Blackboard and utilizes Connect. You must have access to the Internet (available on all Valencia campuses) to complete the course requirements. There will not be any required meetings on campus and we will NOT have set chat or discussion times each week. You will have full access to the course 24/7 and may participate at the times most convenient for you, while adhering to the respective due dates.

Logging into the course

  1. Go to: and log in using your Atlas username and password. If/when Atlas is down; you can still access the course.
  2. If you are unfamiliar with online learning, please use the Student Resources link found on the homepage of the link above.
  3. If you are having technical difficulties with Blackboard, please contact Technical Support. There is a hyperlink for them directly on the home page of the link found above and the help desk number is 407-582-5600.

Course Materials

  • Required Text: Public Speaking for College and Career (9th Edition), by Hamilton Gregory. If you prefer an e-book over a hard copy (for a lower cost), you can order the Connect Plus Public Speaking Online Access for Public Speaking for College and Career, 9th Edition here:
  • Access to the Internet and an active e-mail address (you will have email access via Blackboard)
  • Digital video camera for recording speeches
  • Microsoft Word (all assignments must be .doc or .docx files) for completing and submitting assignments (Microsoft Works and Word Perfect files are NOT acceptable)
  • Access to Microsoft PowerPoint or Keynote (Mac users)
  • An audience of at least 5 adult listeners over the age of 16 for your speeches

The Course

SPC 1608 is a three-credit hour course required for an Associate in Arts degree and for many Associates in Science programs. There are no prerequisites. The purpose of this course is to enhance students' communication skills in a variety of areas.

This course explores oral communication principles common to speaking and listening. It emphasizes listening techniques as well as the preparation and delivery techniques for extemporaneous speaking.

Additionally, this course focuses on skills such as critical thinking, listening, language use, delivery, non-verbal techniques, small group communication, professional communication, interviewing skills, and effective presentation of ideas in both interpersonal and public speaking contexts. Skill improvement will be accomplished through both enhanced knowledge base and practical application. The course will reinforce the following competencies:

Valencia Competencies

This course will assist you in reinforcing the following Valencia Student Core Competencies:

  1. Think: Think clearly, critically, and creatively. Analyze, synthesize integrate, and evaluate in many domains of human inquiry.
  2. Communicate: Communicate with different audiences using varied means.
  3. Value: Make reasoned value judgments and responsible commitments.
  4. Act: Act purposefully, reflectively, and responsibly.

Course Objectives

This course is designed to provide the opportunity for improvement in both the theoretical understanding and practical performance of verbal and nonverbal communication in a variety of contexts. The specific learning outcomes for the course are to develop:

  1. The ability to conduct audience and contextual analysis
  2. The ability to present information in an organized, concise and objective manner
  3. The ability to present a persuasive message to a targeted audience
  4. The ability to create and utilize presentation aids to enhance audience comprehension
  5. The ability to demonstrate credibility by using effective delivery skills
  6. The ability to listen to, evaluate and respond critically to messages presented by others

Expectations from Students

Student Conduct

Valencia College is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but is concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia College, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class. Violation of any classroom or Valencia's rules may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Valencia. Disciplinary action could include being withdrawn from class (including online), disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate and authorized actions. You will find the Student Code of Conduct in the current Valencia Student Handbook.

Attendance Policy

This class follows an online-only format. While the course has no regular meeting place on campus, you are expected to log on to the course website at least twice each week (but preferably daily) and to keep current on the course schedule. You must log into the class within the first five days of the term to avoid being dropped for nonattendance. Your online attendance will be checked each week.

Late Assignments

All assignments are due as stated on the course schedule. All speeches, outlines, and other written assignments are accepted late at a 10% per-day penalty. All other work related to the assigned chapters will not be accepted after the due date. This is nonnegotiable and will be strictly enforced for everyone.


It is unethical to use as your own, a speech or outline prepared in whole or in part by someone else and to do so is cause for immediate failure of the assignment and may result in failure of the class. It is unethical to abstract a speech totally from a magazine article or other source and pretend it is your own work. Any sources used must be credited in the speech. Remember that the best speeches do not rely on a single source but represent ideas from several sources.

Grades and Work

Coursework and Grading

You will earn your grade through a combination of class participation in the form of graded speeches, written work, and quizzes. A complete breakdown of your grade can be found at the end of the syllabus on "Grading Information."

Speeches: The following speaking assignments are required for the successful completion of the course. YOU CANNOT PASS THE CLASS UNLESS YOU PRESENT ALL GRADED SPEECHES WITH AN AUDIENCE of 5 people (minimum), regardless of your grade average. Therefore, a speech turned in more than 10 days late and/or a speech turned in with less than 5 audience members will result in a failure of the course for neglecting to adhere to these policies. You must adhere to specific speech directions including topic selection, outlines, time limits and other guidelines.

Delivery style for this class will be extemporaneous. This means that you will plan what you want to say and practice until you have mastered the content. Then you will work from minimal notes to deliver the content in a spontaneous and conversational style.

You are also expected to dress appropriately for each of your presentations. In most cases, this means professional or dress attire; please do not wear attire that would be unsuitable for a professional workplace.

Quizzes and Learning Activities

Throughout the semester you will have access to a variety of activities, quizzes, homework assignments, and practice activities are all designed to help you master the course objectives and demonstrate mastery of content. These activities are required for successful completion of the course and your full participation is expected.

Delivering and Submitting Speeches

Speech Delivery

1.You are required to deliver the speech to (facing) an audience of at least 5 adult listeners (over the age of 16). A speech that does not meet this requirement will not be accepted and may result in your withdrawal from the course. You are responsible for gathering this audience for each speech. If you don’t have the necessary equipment to record, there is a speech lab on West Campus that you may use; however, you will be responsible for bringing your audience there to record. More information on the speech lab is available on Blackboard or here:

2.Check the sound and picture quality produced by your video camera. I will not grade your speech if I cannot easily hear you or if the picture is distorted. If you are unsure, send a test to me to ensure I can view it.

3.Before you begin your speech, have your camera operator "pan" the audience with the camera to show how many audience members you have. Without turning off the camera, have the camera operator turn the camera on you so that you may begin your speech. It is essential that the camera remain on between the time of showing the audience and the beginning of your speech. It is also essential that I see each and every audience member and that no audience members leave the room before the conclusion of your speech. The camera operator will count as one of your audience members.

4.Keep the camera running throughout your speech. You may not "edit" your speech by turning the camera off and on. If this happens, you will be asked to re-record your speech resulting in late penalties.

Submitting Speeches

You will be uploading your speeches directly into your Connect classroom. I will retrieve and grade your speeches from there as well.


A 900-1000 points B 800-899 points C 700-799 points D 600-699 points F Below 600