March –May 2013


About the Gallery

The National Portrait Gallery, founded in 1856, is home to the largest collection of portraits in the world, with works dating from the Middle Ages to the present day. With over 1,000 portraits on display visitors can come face to face with the people who have shaped British history and culture, from Elizabeth I and Charles Dickens to The Beatles and David Beckham. Artists featured range from Holbein to Hockney, and the Collection includes work across all media, from painting and sculpture to photography and video.

Audio Visual Guide £3

Available from the Information Desk in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish. Featuring interactive maps, short films, exclusive interviews and themed tours. Family Audio Visual Guides are also available, charges apply.

Gallery App £1.19

Available from iTunes. A perfect addition to your visit with video introductions, Collection highlights and floorplans.

Portrait Explorer – Digital Space

Explore the Collection using the interactive touchscreens to create your own tours, watch interviews

with artists and sitters, and discover more about your favourite portraits.

Map Suggested donation £1

Pick up a map to help plan your visit, including ideas for 30 min highlights up to an in-depth two hour exploration.

Visitor Guide £5

Available from the Gallery Shop. Highlights key portraits through high-quality colour reproductions and fascinating stories.


Man Ray Portraits

7 February – 27 May 2013

Wolfson Gallery

Supported by the Man Ray Portraits Exhibition

Supporters Group

Man Ray Portraits is the first major museumretrospective of this innovative and influentialartist’s photographic portraits.

Focusing on his career in America and Paris between1916 and 1968, the exhibition highlights Man Ray’scentral position among the leading artists of theDada and Surrealist movements and the significantrange of contemporaries, celebrities, friends andlovers that he captured: from Marcel Duchamp andPablo Picasso to Kiki de Montparnasse, Lee Miller andCatherine Deneuve.

Featuring over 150 vintage prints and key worksfrom international museums and private collections,the exhibition also demonstrates Man Ray’s use ofrevolutionary photographic techniques and earlyexperiments with colour, as well as surveying hispublished work in magazines such as Vogue andVanity Fair.

See the Calendar for events linked to this exhibition.

Tickets Including Gift Aid: £14 (seniors £13/concessions £12).

Seniors £12 every Wednesday.

Standard prices also available.

Free for Gallery Supporters

Book now call

020 7766 7331 or visit the Gallery in person.

Exhibition catalogue £35 hardback. £25 paperback (Gallery exclusive).

Last admission is 1 hour before the Gallery closes.


George Catlin: American Indian Portraits

7 March – 23 June 2013

Porter Gallery

Supported by the Terra Foundation for American Art

Organised in collaboration with the Smithsonian

American Art Museum, Washington

During the 1830s Pennsylvanian-born artist GeorgeCatlin (1796–1872) made five trips to the westernUnited States to document Native American peoplesand their way of life. The resulting portraits have become one of the most extensive, evocative andimportant records of indigenous peoples ever made.

Catlin was also an entrepreneur and a showman and,inspired by his encounters, he created an ‘Indian Gallery’ which toured America and Europe during thenext ten years. This exhibition of over fifty portraits willbe the first time that they have been seen togetheroutside America since they returned there in the 1850s.

Admission free

Exhibition catalogue £25 hardback.

See the Calendar for events linked to this exhibition.


BP Portrait Award 2013

20 June – 15 September 2013

Wolfson Gallery

Supported by BP

The Portrait Award, now in its thirty-fourth year at the

National Portrait Gallery and twenty-fourth year ofsponsorship by BP, is the most prestigious portraitpainting competition in the world. With a new first prizeof £30,000 the Award is aimed at encouraging artiststo focus upon and develop portraiture in their work.

The exhibition of selected entrants will showcaseoutstanding and innovative new work in a variety of styles and approaches, and it continues to be ahighlight of the annual art calendar.

Admission free

Exhibition catalogue £8.99 paperback,featuring an essay by Joanna Trollope.


Take your favourite portrait home

Choose from thousands of portraits and have your favourite printed while you wait.

Each purchase supports the National Portrait Gallery .


The changing programme of displaysprovides fresh opportunities to discoverthe Gallery’s rich and varied collections.The displays highlight a range of themes,sitters and artists, as well as significantanniversaries and acquisitions.

Floor 2

Room 1

Henry and Catherine Reunited

Following conservation, a recently re-identifiedportrait of Henry VIII’s first wife, Catherine of Aragon,is displayed alongside a portrait of her husband.

Room 3

Hidden: Unseen Paintings Beneath Tudor Portraits

Technical analysis has shown that some of theGallery’s sixteenth-century portraits were paintedover other earlier pictures.

Until 2 June

Room 16

The Art of Drawing:Portraits from theCollection, 1670–1780

Explores the diversetechniques and changing status of drawing in aperiod when it becameestablished as a mediumfor portraiture. Includesworks by Gainsborough,Kauffmann and Fuseli.

Until 19 May

Floor 1

Room 23: case display

Diplomatic Dignitaries

Focuses on international diplomacy in the Victorianperiod with comic portraits of foreign statesmenpublished by Vanity Fair.

Until 14 July

Room 24: case display

Victorian Masquerade

Explores the fashion for fancy dress in the 19thcentury with portraits of the Royal Family,aristocrats and artists in period costume.

Until 2 June

Room 28: case display

Artist and Evangelist: Lives Remembered

Commemorating the centenary of the deaths ofthe Victorian painter Sir Lawrence Alma-Tademaand The Salvation Army’s founder, William Booth.

Until 24 March

Room 28: case display

Alexander Bassano: Victorian Photographer

Celebrating the life and work of this popularLondon-based studio photographer. Including hisiconic portraits of Queen Victoria and Earl Kitchener.

From 25 March

Room 29: case display

Samuel Coleridge-Taylor 1875–1912

Marking the centenary of the death of the Londonborn composer and conductor.

Until 17 March

Room 29: case display

William Nicholson Woodcuts

A focus on the artist including his woodcuts ofSarah Bernhardt and James McNeill Whistler.

From 26 March

Room 31: wall case

Cornelia Sorabji: India’s First Woman Lawyer

Photographs celebrating India’s first practicingfemale lawyer, who trained in England from 1889to 1894.

Until 11 August

Room 31

Francis Goodman:

Back in Focus

Marking the centenary ofthe birth of this importantphotographer whosearchive has recently beencatalogued. Includingportraits of Cecil Beaton,Francis Bacon and Noël Coward.

From 23 April

Room 31

The Bloomsbury Poet & the Cambridge Photographer:

Julian Bell and Lettice Ramsey

Explores Bell’s friendship with Ramsey, marking thepublication of Peter Stansky’s revised biography.

Until 21 April

Room 31

Bob Collins: Shooting Stars

Rare colour photographs of 1950s entertainershighlight our collection of show businessphotographs by Bob Collins.

Until 21 April

Room 32

Neil Libbert: Photojournalist

Photographs celebrating thecareer of the eminentphotojournalist, includingportraits of Francis Bacon,George Best and Helen Mirren.

Until 28 April

Room 32

Patrick Heron: Studies for a portrait of T.S. Eliot

Heron’s celebrated portrait of T.S. Eliot is shown withrarely seen studies, illuminating the complex processof depicting one of the 20th century’s greatest poets.

Until 22 September

Room 32

Scandal ‘63

Historic photographs of the key participants of the1963 Profumo Affair including Christine Keeler.

From 29 April

Room 33

Marilyn Monroe: A British Love Affair

Photographs and magazine covers celebrateMonroe’s transformation from popular pin-up toacclaimed actress.

Until 24 March

Room 33

Jacob Epstein: Portrait Sculptor

One of the 20th century’s leadingportrait sculptors, Epstein’sachievement and practice areexplored through busts of artists,writers and politicians seenalongside photographs of works inprogress in his studio.

From 30 March

Floor 0

Room 38a

The Portrait Anatomised: Susan Aldworth

Using a printmaking technique inspired byneuroscientific imagery; Aldworth exploresmedical and emotional conceptions of theself in contemporary portraiture.

From 7 March

Room 41 and 41a

Humphrey Ocean:

A handbook of modern life

A selection from Ocean’songoing series of portraits ofvisitors to his studio. Swiftlypainted, he captures theunique essence of his sitters insimple forms and bold colours.

Until 1 September

Floor -3

Bookshop Gallery

Fred Daniels: Cinema Portraits

Portraits of leading film stars including Kay Kendalland James Mason highlight this tribute tophotographer Fred Daniels (1892–1959).

Until 24 March

Recent Commission

The first official painted portrait of The Duchess ofCambridge, commissioned by the National PortraitGallery, is now on display on Floor 0.


Families are very welcome at the Galleryall year round. With regular free eventsand activities on offer there are plentyof opportunities to be creative andexplore together.

Join Storytelling sessions inspired by the Collection,take part in Family Art Workshops with hands-onactivities including drawing and painting, or findout fascinating facts and stories with our interactiveFamily Audio Guide.

Trails and sketch books with ideas and fun activitiesfor all the family are free to pick up at theInformation Desk.

For a full listing of Family activities at the Galleryplease see the Calendar or visit

Young People

Pick up a Pencil:Drop-in Drawing for ages 14–21

‘Join us on the third Saturday of every month infront of the portraits for these new drawingsessions, hosted by us – the Gallery’s Youth Forummembers. We are a vibrant group of young peopleaged 14–21 who work with the Gallery to give afresh perspective on its collections and exhibitions’.

‘Use a wide variety of materials and beinspired by the Gallery’s Collection. All youhave to do is pick up a pencil. No need tobook, just drop-in on the day. Want to find outmore? Search “National Portrait Gallery YouthForum” on Facebook.’

Find out more:

Late Shift

Enjoy a mix of art, music,drinks, drawing, toursand talks

Every Thursday and Friday

18.00 – 21.00

Admission Free

Late Shift in partnership with FTI Consulting

This spring, Late Shift reflects on the Man RayPortraits exhibition through the lens ofcontemporary artists working in light.Man Ray is celebrated as the ‘Master of Light’at our Salon de Lumière Late Shift Extra onFriday 15 March with an installation bycontemporary artist Chris Levine, a fashion photostudio and drawing in light workshops.

The Cinematograph Film Club presents a seasoninspired by Man Ray, DJs spin vintage jazz, talks explore fashion, photography and muses, and livemusic takes inspiration from the artist.

In response to our George Catlin: American IndianPortraits exhibition contemporary Native American artists discuss culture, representation and legacy.

Shelley Niro, the multi-disciplinary artist and amember of the Six Nations Reserve, Mohawk, TurtleClan curates a film programme, and our Late ShiftExtra on Friday 17 May, curated by conceptual artistEdgar Heap of Birds, will explore language, identityand memory.

Don’t miss our regular free activities, including drop-indrawing, themed Gallery tours and live music, and enjoy

2 for 1 drinks at the Late Shift Bar with your ticket to Man

Ray Portraits.

Events Calendar

For further information on allevents at the Gallery please visit

Places on our free events are allocated on afirst come, first served basis and are subjectto availability.

Ticket booking

Visit the website, call 020 7306 0055or visit the Gallery in person.

Lower ticket price for concessions andGallery Supporters.

Young People’s Events

(14 – 21-year-olds)

To book places in advance please or call 020 7312 2483.

Family Events

Storytelling No ticket required.Sessions last approximately 45 minutes.

For ages 3+ and their carers.

Family Art Workshops

Free ticket required, availableone hour before the event starts on a first come, firstserved basis. Sessions last approximately 90 minutes.

For ages 5+ and their carers.

Portrait of the Day

A talk on a chosen portrait in the Gallery’s Collection,check signage on the day for details.

Workshops and Drop-in Drawing

Suitable for all levels, materials are provided.

Lectures are held in the Ondaatje Wing Theatre.

Programme is subject to change; please check the website before visiting.


Friday 1 March

Friday 1 March

18.30 Live Music

Emily Saunders & Bruno Heinen

A performance of poetic and dreamy jazz featuringoriginals and standards from this stunning singer.

18.30 – 20.30 Drop-in Drawing

Take inspiration from the portraits and sketch in theGallery in this session with artist Grace Adam.

Saturday 2 March


Portrait of the Day

Sunday 3 March


Portrait of the Day

13.00 – 16.00 Sunday Session

Capture a Moment

Inspired by Neil Libbert: Photojournalist, takedocumentary shots in the Gallery and the localarea. Led by photographers Anthony Luvera andLaura Pannack.

15.00 Gallery Talk

Highlights of the Collection

Art Historian James Hicks selects some crucial worksfrom the Gallery’s Collection for this highlights tour.

Thursday 7 March

13.15 Lecture

Suffragettes: A Century of Direct Action

This International Women’s Day, Maleiha Malik,Professor of Law at Kings College, London willdiscuss the story of the British suffragettemovement.

18.00 Resident DJ

Edward Otchere

Enjoy a vintage vinyl set inspired by the Man RayPortraits exhibition.

19.00 In Conversation

Roy Strong: Self-Portrait as a Young Man


Sir Roy Strong discusses his journey to becomingDirector of the National Portrait Gallery with thecurrent Director of the Gallery, Sandy Nairne.

19.30 Gallery Talk

Royal Rascals

Take a tour of Royal portraits from the 17th and18th centuries, with art historian James Hicks.

Friday 8 March

10.00 – 18.00 Conference

American Indian Images: Making and BreakingGeorge Catlin’s legacy


This international conference will considerGeorge Catlin’s ambitious project and legacyin the wider context of its influence oversubsequent imaginings of American Indian life.

18.30 Live Music

Brandenburg Choral Festival: Chorate

Sparkling chamber choir with an eclectic repertoirefrom Palestrina to Pop!

18.30 – 20.30 Drop-in Drawing

Take inspiration from the portraits and sketch in theGallery in this session with artist Gayna Pelham.

Saturday 9 March


Portrait of the Day

Sunday 10 March


Portrait of the Day

15.00 Gallery Talk

The Churchills

Join Alex Rodriguez and travel in time to meetdifferent members of the Churchill family.

Thursday 14 March

13.15 Lecture

Henry VIII’s four children

John Guy draws on a vast array of contemporaryrecords, personal letters, and first-hand accountsto tell the story of Henry VIII’s four children.

18.00 Guest DJ

Listen and unwind at the Late Shift Bar with musicinspired by Man Ray Portraits.

19.00 Lecture Marilyn: Intimate Exposure


Photographer to the stars, Bernard of Hollywood,took thousands of images of Marilyn Monroe.His daughter, Susan Bernard, shares his personalobservations of the transformation fromNorma Jean to Marilyn.

19.30 Gallery Talk

Introductory Talk

A whistlestop tour of highlights of the Collection, theGallery’s history and top tips for enjoying your visit.

Friday 15 March

18.00 – 22.00 Late Shift Extra:

Salon de Lumière

Contemporary multimediaartists, designers andphotographers celebrateMan Ray, the ‘Master of Light’with a light installation byartist Chris Levine, fashionphoto studio and drawing in light workshops.Some events will be ticketed. Sign up to the Gallery’s enewsletterfor updates.

Saturday 16 March

10.30 Storytelling for Families

Storytelling followed by a fun art activity.

11.30 Family Art Workshop

Explore portraits in the Collection, followed by anart activity.

12.00 Portrait of the Day

13.30 Storytelling for Families

Storytelling followed by a fun art activity.

14.00 – 16.00 Pick up a Pencil

Drawing for ages 14–21

New monthly drop-in drawing sessions for youngpeople, with the Youth Forum (see page 8).

14.30 Family Art Workshop

Explore portraits in the Collection, followed by anart activity.

Sunday 17 March

12.00 Portrait of the Day

15.00 Gallery Talk

The Bloomsbury Poet and the CambridgePhotographer

Art historian Julie Barlow discusses Julian Bell andLettice Ramsey.

Thursday 21 March

13.15 Lecture

New Acquisitions

Dr Lucy Peltz discusses a selection of worksrecently acquired by the Gallery includingportraits of Chevalier d’Eon and Ira Aldridge.

18.00 Resident DJ

Edward Otchere

Enjoy a vintage vinyl set inspired by the Man RayPortraits exhibition.

19.00 Philosophy Salon

Join us for a philosophical discussion inspired bythe current exhibitions.

19.30 Gallery Talk

Fred Daniels: Cinema Portraits

Nigel Arthur, British Film Institute, takes a tour ofthe glamorous stars of the silver screen as capturedby photographer Fred Daniels.

Friday 22 March

18.30 Live Music

John Martin Quartet

‘The lyrical sway of Andy Sheppard, theatmospherics of Jan Garbarek, the pensivenessof Kenny Wheeler and the country-chime of earlyKeith Jarrett’ John Fordham, The Guardian.

18.30 – 20.30 Drop-in Drawing

Take inspiration from the portraits and sketch in theGallery in this session with artist Andy Pankhurst.

Saturday 23 March

12.00 Portrait of the Day

Sunday 24 March

12.00 Portrait of the Day

15.00 Gallery Talk

Diplomatic Dignitaries

Historian Justin Nolan takes a closer look at sketchesof diplomatic figures by Sir Leslie Ward.

Monday 25 March

13.00 – 15.00

The Drawing Room

New monthly artist-led drop-indrawing sessions for visitorswith disabilities. Thesesessions are open to allabilities, materials provided.

If you require BSL interpretation please contact .

Thursday 28 March

14.00 Visualising Portraits

George Catlin

Picture description for visually impaired visitors.

18.00 Guest DJ

Listen and unwind at the Late Shift Bar with musicinspired by Man Ray Portraits.

19.00 – 20.00 Film

Movement in Light: The Art of Movement

Arts collective Collectress perform an experimentallive score to accompany projections of short films byMan Ray and his contemporaries. The first in a seriesin partnership with the Cinematograph Film Club.

19.30 Gallery Talk

Bad Boys of the Collection

A miscellany of rogues, scoundrels and rascalsselected from the Gallery’s Collection. Led byJohn Wilson in BSL with interpretation in English.

Friday 29 March