About the Committee

The Chester County Long Term Recovery Committee (CCLTRC) is a collaboration of organizations which work to address the unmet needs of residents of Chester County in response to disasters on a case-by-case basis. The Committee also encourages preparedness and mitigation efforts which can lessen the impact of future events and can occur before or after a disaster.

CCLTRC currently has a small pool of dollars intended for allocation to projects preparing for and/or mitigating small-scale disasters. The minimum amount awarded per nonprofit organization will be $500. No award will exceed $5,000.


The application for grants from the Chester County Long Term Recovery Committee (CCLTRC) can be found on Please return completed application and required attachments via email to or .

Application Criteria

To be eligible for a CCLTRC grant, an organization must meet the following minimum criteria:

  • Operate as a public charity or governmental unit within Chester County. Private foundations or privately operating foundations are not eligible for funding.
  • Provide programs and services for individuals and/or families living in Chester County.
  • Expend funds as outlined in grant application and provide a brief interim report outlining progress on grant outcomes and usage of grant funds within 6 months of grant receipt.

Important Dates

Application DeadlineJanuary 31, 2018

Committee ReviewFebruary 2, 2018

Grants AnnouncedMarch 2, 2018



Tax ID Number:

Contact Name:

Contact Title:



E-mail Address:


Project Details

Project Title - Please enter your project title.

Total Project Budget - Please enter the total project budget amount. Indicate value of volunteers or in-kind goods if included.

Total Amount Requested–If an organization is applying for multiple projects, please submit one application and separately identify each project.

Budget– A budget is requested for each project for which you are applying. Please also include an organizational budget for the most recent fiscal year and a financial statement for the most recent fiscal year completed. Indicate what portion of the budget will be allocated to the project.

Community – Indicate the geographical region of Chester County for which you are applying. If the project is not intended for all of Chester County, an appropriate identification of geography may be by municipality, school district and/or zip-code.

Project Summary - Briefly summarize the proposed project, including target population, number of persons benefitting and project start and completion dates.

Project Focus Area - Select the focus area that most closely applies to your proposed project.

___Education / Outreach

___Disaster Planning for Vulnerable Populations

___Mold Remediation

___Prevention and Recovery Planning

___Emergency Response Equipment

___Renter’s Insurance Education and Information

___OTHER ______

Projected Project Start Date - Enter the project start date.

Projected Project End Date - Enter the project end date.

Population/Clients Served–Generally describe the population and give an approximation of how many persons/clients will be impacted or benefit from the project.

SpecificNeeds and Issues to be addressed- Describe how the project addresses a compelling and well-defined need.

Impact if project is undertaken: Describe the expected impact of the project and how it will be demonstrated and/or measured.

Activities to implement the project: Please include a description of the expected activities, and the timeline and costs to implement the project. If external consulting services are required, include the anticipated costs and expertise of the consultants to be hired.

Why is important to fund this now?

Additional AttachmentsPlease indicate why if any of the following are unavailable.

  1. Current list of Board of Directors
  2. Current overall organizational budget
  3. Program/project budget for amount requested in proposal
  4. Most recent Form #990
  5. Audited financial statements or other statements indicating the organization’s financial position.


Statement of Understanding

I understand that the awarding of all grant amounts shall be at the sole discretion of the CCLTRC Steering Committee. The CCLTRC Steering Committee has the right to disseminate information and materials developed as a result of the project. By signing below, I understand that grant funds must be used for developing and implementing the project proposed in this application unless a request to use the funds otherwise is submitted to and approved by the Committee.(Application must be signed by the Chair of the Board or Chief Executive Officer of the organization.)


Date of Application




Printed Name



Steering Committee

ChairStephanie Miller, United Way of Chester County

SecretaryJanet Zeis, Chester County Department of Emergency Services

TreasurerBeth Harper-Briglia, Chester County Community Foundation

Claudia Rose-Muir, Chester County Food Bank

Lou Beccaria, Phoenixville Community Health Foundation

Elizabeth Doan, Bucks-Chester-Montgomery Link

Mary Beth DiVincenzo, Chester County Economic Development Council

Chester County Long Term Recovery Committee Member Organizations

2-1-1 SEPA

American Red Cross – EPA

Brandywine Health Foundation

Brandywine Valley SPCA

Bucks-Chester-Montgomery LINK

Calvary Chapel Chester Springs

Chester County Community Foundation

Chester County Department of Emergency Services

Chester County Department of Human Services

Chester County Economic Development Council

Chester County FIRST

Chester County Food Bank

Chester County Health Department

Chester County Intermediate Unit

Chester County SCORE

Eastern PA United Methodist Church Disaster Response Ministry

Good Works, Inc.

Lutheran Congregational Services

Maternal & Child Health Consortium

PA Recovery Resources Team, PA DCED

Phoenixville Community Health Foundation

Team Rubicon

The Salvation Army

United Way of Chester County

United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey

United Way of Southern Chester County

West Chester University

YMCA of Greater Brandywine