Contact Information
Mrs. Natishia Thanni-Irvin

About Mrs. Thanni-Irvin

  • B. S. Middle Grades Math Education, Southern University and A&M College
  • M. Ed. Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematics, Southern University and A&M College
  • I am from Baton Rouge.
  • I graduated from this very school. (Robert E. Lee High)
  • Teaching Certification:
  • Louisiana Highly Qualified in Middle School Math, 4-8
  • Louisiana Highly Qualified in Secondary Mathematics, 9-12.

Philosophy on Teaching:
I believe that every student can learn. My goal is to realize how every student learns, meet every student where they are, and help them to achieve their potential

Course Content
Algebra 1 introduces the student to variables, algebraic expressions, equations, functions, inequalities, and their graphical representation. The student develops the ability to: explore and solve mathematical problems, think critically, work cooperatively with others, and communicate mathematical ideas clearly.

What is Expected of You In Class
In class, you are expected to stay focused on your given assignment. You will be working largely in collaborative groups. Should you have group members who get off task, bring their attention back to the task at hand. You are not to speak to other groups. You are to keep your voices low, as not to disturb other groups who are working. Should you have questions, you are expected to ask Mrs. Thanni-Irvin. The school dress code and handbook will be enforced at all times. This means: proper uniform dress attire will be checked daily, no eating or drinking in class, respect others and yourself at all times.

What is Expected of You Out of Class
Outside of class, you are expected to complete your lesson checks and homework nightly! You are to review your notes and work on upcoming assignments. Successful students often take it one step further to some independent online research and self-motivated learning. Simply doing what is expected or assigned to you is average performance. If you want to do well, take it upon yourself to do a little extra!


In this course, we will work very hard and much will be required on the part of the student. My goal is to cover the required material in an effective manner. Therefore, at the beginning of each class I will ask if there are any questions. If there are no questions, then I will assume that students have mastered the topic and will move on to the next topic to be taught.

There is an assigned homework for each section using the Math XL program.

It is imperative that you do your homework. It will be very difficult to pull your weight and equally participate if you have not adequately prepared for class. Your will maintain your written work in a section of your notebook and will be periodically graded as a notebook check.

You can re-work exercises, enter and exit your homework, and get back to it at a later time prior to the final due date.

Graded homework for each section has due dates and will close then, but a copy of each homework assignment (labeled Practice Homework) is open throughout the course to be used for studying. The Practice Homework does not count toward your course grade.

Lesson Checks

Lesson checks will be kept in your binder and will be part of your notebook test. Lesson Check Assignments not turned in when requested (regardless of reasons why) will be considered late, and not receive any credit.

The grading scale in this class follows the East Baton Rouge Parish School System and the Louisiana Department of Education’s grading scale.

Points / Letter / Weight/Honors
93-100 / A / 4.0/5.0
85-92 / B / 3.0/4.0
75-84 / C / 2.0/3.0
67-74 / D / 1.0/1.0
0-66 / F / 0.0/0.0

Your course grade will be based on a total point calculation at the end of each quarter. Assignment points vary based on the complexity or importance of the assignment itself. Assignments will be individual or group focused. Individual assignments are to be done independently. Group assignments are to be done collaborative with everyone participating equally. When assigned group work, keep in mind that not participating will negatively affect your grade!

All grades will be posted. It is YOUR responsibility to obtain a login and password to monitor your grade. Interrupting class for your personal inquiries is unacceptable!

Returning Graded Work
Work will be returned in a timely manner. Please allow one week for assignments that must be graded by hand. All major assignments (essays, projects, tests, etc.) must be filed and held onto by the teacher. Please schedule an appointment as not to disturb the learning environment of others.

Class will continue forward in your absence. It is YOUR responsibility to get assignment details, obtain due dates, copy notes from a classmate, and turn in any due or past due assignments upon your immediate return.

Absences and Missed TestStudents must notify me immediately upon knowing that a test will be missed. Test 1 must be made up before Test 2 and so forth. Exams that are not taken will not result in a ZERO.

Note: If you are present when an assignment is announced, you are responsible for the deadline regardless of absences between the announcement and deadline.


After completing all homework, you should prepare for tests and the Final Exam by repeatedly practicing until you can get all exercises correct without any assistance from MyMathLab/Math XL learning aids, notes, or the e-text. Practice Homework assignments are available in MyMathLab/Math XL and will be open throughout the semester. They do not count toward your course grade.

You may elect to retake any test with another version and have the scores of the two tests averaged together if and only if the score on the retake is higher than the original test taken.

You are not allowed assistance of any kind on tests or on the Final Exam. This includes notes, formula sheets, or any other type of outside help. While testing, you are not allowed to access other materials, including your homework, quizzes, and learning aids in MyMathLab/Math XL.

Students are not allowed to talk at all during a test or a quiz under any circumstances other than those permitted by the teacher. It is impossible for me to hear everything that comes out of every student’s mouth, so if a student even whispers something to another student, I am going to assume that they are cheating. Some exams will be take-home and each student must turn in their own work.

Grading and Penalties for Late Assignments
For major assignments and projects turned in late, students will have a 3 day grace period. Students with an EXCUSED absence will have a chance to turn in these assignments within 3 days with no penalty. Students with an UNEXCUSED absence will lose 10% (A letter grade) for each consecutive day the project or assignment is turned in late.After the three days, the student will receive a 0 for the assignment.

Minor assignments (including lesson checks) cannot be turned in late for credit. However, it can be turned in for skill review and learning purposes.

Extra Credit
Extra credit assignments are NOT available for Mrs. Thanni-Irvin’s class. Please do not ask.

However, there will be various times throughout the year where Mrs. Thanni-Irvin will have a sign-in sheet for various school events or fundraisers and will give bonus points for supporting the school and community.

Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated. Anyone suspected of cheating will be reported to the Dean of Students.

Student Name: (Print) ______

Class Period:______

Fill out, sign and return this form to Mrs. Thanni-Irvin by


It will be added into the supply check list and averaged as part of the score. (10pts)

By signing below, I am acknowledging that both my parent and I have read Mrs. Thanni-Irvin’s Course Policies, understand, and agree to its content.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Student Signature Date

The following supplies are required for this class:

  • 1 1/2 inch binder (1)
  • 14 Section Dividers
  • 2 packs of Loose-leaf paper (rule of your choice; 1 pack to be kept in class)
  • 1 pack of ¼ inch graph paper
  • Calculator– We will have access to a class set of TI-84 Plus calculators. You will need a personal calculator for at home use. You can purchase either thepreferred TI-84 Plus, or the alternative home use calculator that is approved is the TI-30XIIS.
  • Pencils (Mechanical Pencils with plenty of lead OR 3 packs of regular pencils with hand held pencil sharpener
  • Erasers
  • Red ink pens
  • 2 different colored highlighters
  • 1Pair of Scissors
  • Post it notes
  • 2 packs of tape

To Turn In

  • Math XL Fee: $15.00 (no personal checks; cash or money orders please – receipt will be issued)
  • Algebra I $5.00 class fee (replenishment of classroom supplies for the students (no personal checks; cash or money orders please – receipt will be issued)