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The 2012-2013 Call for Applications is now open for organizations wishing to apply for funding for community projects under the Aboriginal Women’s Programming Elements (AWPE) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
The AWPE enablesAboriginal women to participate in projects that focus on the following three programming elements:
•Women’s Community Initiative – Supports Aboriginal women’s projects that address issues affecting them and their families, and that contribute to strengthening their cultural identity and traditions.
•Family Violence Initiative – Supports community-based culturally appropriate approaches to addressing the issue of family and violence within Aboriginal families.
•Women’s Self Government Participation Initiative – Supports Aboriginal women’s participation in self-government design and advancement.
The Government of Canada places a high priority on increased accountability, on proper spending of government monies, on tangible results and on transparency. In light of these government priorities, funding decisions for potential AWPE projects will be made through a competitive, merit-based process as there are no specific allocations for individual groups. Interested applicants should understand that funding is limited, and that not every eligible application will receive funding. It is also possible that an approved funding application may receive a lower amount than what was requested. Although an organization may be eligible to apply, funding from the Department is not guaranteed. It is recommended that applicants make every attempt to limit administrative costs so that project funding can reach the most recipients possible.
The Department would like to highlight a number of important items in preparing 2012-2013 applications:
•Applications for activities such as strategic planning, political representation, conferences, and social services, are not a priority of the Department and will not be accepted for funding. Please ensure that project activities fall within the mandate of the Department of Canadian Heritage. Preference will be given to eligible projects that target community participation.
•The desired range of funding available for each AWPE project is $25,000 to $100,000. This range will allow for larger projects that are better able to have a greater impact on Aboriginal women and their communities, rather than smaller projects where concrete results are more difficult to demonstrate.
•We are also placing a priority on projects which demonstrate the creation of partnerships with other community organizations. Please identify ways that these partners may work collaboratively towards meeting the objectives of both the community and AWPE.
•Applicants are also encouraged to seek in-kind contributions for their projects. In-kind contributions are non-cash donations of goods or services towards a project, provided by the applicant or another community organization which would otherwise be paid for by the funding recipient. Such a contribution is provided without any expectation of compensation or remuneration. It is considered to be a true contribution towards the total planned expenses, however it is not reimbursable. The goods and services provided must be essential and contribute to the objectives of the project and AWPE. The value of in-kind contributions must be assessed at fair market value.
•Food, transportation and meeting expenses directly related to project activities continue to be eligible project expenses. However, please take careful note that, in combination with the administration expenses, these cannot exceed 20% of the total approved funding.
- Food expenses are all solid or liquid consumables purchased for the project. This includes anything that can be eaten, drank, cooked or prepared by participants in a project or activity, including but not limited to meals, snacks, refreshments and traditional fare that is used within the project activities.
- Transportation expenses are any expenses related to the movement of people, such as, participants and project staff, instructors, facilitators, Elders and volunteers to and from project activities. This may include but is not limited to: rentals / chartering (bus, car, boat), purchasing of airfare, taxi, train and bus tickets and mileage.
- Meeting expenses are any expenses related to planning, development and implementation of activities and any other eligible meeting related to the project.
Project durations cannot exceed 12 months and must conclude by March 31, 2013. For successful applicants, the Department can only provide funding for eligible expenses approved by the Department and incurred betweenApril 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013. AWPE projects that incur expenses prior to getting official ministerial approval do so at their own risk. Successful applicants will be required to submit reports on the expected results as described in a signed Contribution Agreement.
If your organization wishes to submit an application for project funding in your community please visit our website at: and click on “Apply for Funding”. There you will find the application requirements which must be followed when developing your proposal; along with the following documents that must be fully completed and signed by an authorized officer of your organization:
•General Application Form,
•Workplan, and
Applicants also must submit all governance and financial documents, and a minimum of three letters of support are required by the Department. Failure to provide all 9 of these documents may result in your application being rejected. Please ensure that your application clearly indicates that you are applying to the AWPE and indicate which AWPE programming element(s)
you are applying for.
Mailed applications must be postmarked no later than Friday, December 16, 2011 and sent to:
Department of Canadian Heritage / Ministère du Patrimoine canadien
150 John Street, Suite 400 / 150 rue John, Piece 400, Toronto, ON M5V 3T6
This year, please note that signed, scanned and emailed PDF application packages will also be accepted. Emailed PDF application packages must be received by 11:59 p.m. E.S.T. on Friday, December 16, 2011 at the following email address:
Should you choose the email option, your email message must confirm that this is the original
application and it must originate from the organization’s email account (if available).
In using either the regular mail or electronic PDF application option, please ensure that your application package is complete (see checklist for required documentation). Application received after the deadline will not be considered.
For past recipients of funding through the Department of Canadian Heritage, please ensure that any over-due reporting requirements have been submitted and accepted by the Department. Past recipients who have outstanding issues such as unresolved reporting or repayment may not be eligible for funding.
The Department is aware that some organizations may be applying for funding for 2012-2013 before having receiving official notification from the Department on your 2011-2012 application. The Department is processing applications for 2011-2012 as quickly as possible and will communicate with applicants as soon as possible.
If you require additional information or clarifications, please contact Frances Cordero de Bolaños Program Officer at: 416-954-2674or by email at:.She will direct your call to a Program Officer who will be able to provide guidance on developing the application package and will answer any questions you may have.
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