ABC’s of Farm-based Education Workshop
8:00-8:30 Registration and coffee at the Education Center
8:30-9:00 Welcome and entrance activities (Starting From Scratch)
9:30-10:30 Participant introductions—introduce yourself and your farm or program!
10:30 Garden activities (Dress up a Tomato, Tomato Planet)
11:00-12:30 Travel to Market Garden (via bus) to meet Gardener Josh Carter!
Garden activities: Fabulous Five, Compost Cake, Mix It Up: Make Potting Soil
12:30-1:15 Travel back to Education Center for Lunch and Learn: Resources for Developing and Marketing Farm-based Experiences with the Farm-based Education Network
1:15-2:15 Harvest activities (Harvest Blanket, Wonderful Wheat, Grocery Bag Botany)
2:15-3:30 Designing Farm-based Learning Experiences Part I
3:30-4:15 Make and Takes (Bread, Good Bread, Wiggle Worms, Felting Fun, and more!)
4:15-5:15 Resource Sharing with Shelburne Farms staff: choose a conversation (or two) to engage in with Shelburne Farms staff including summer camp programming, work & learn and volunteer opportunities, early childhood education, marketing, and more.
5:15 Short reflection
6:15-7:30 Dinner at Orchard Cove House
7:30-8:00 Singing by the fire!
8:00-8:30 Arrival, coffee and explore time – Education Center
8:30 Welcome activities (Rocks to Cheese)
8:45-9:30 Learning styles and group management problem solving
9:30-10:15 On-farm Safety
10:15-10:45 Lambing activity (K.I.M.’s (Keep In Mind) Game)
11:00-11:45 Visit the Farmyard for chicken activities (Chicken Parade, Chicken Grab Bag)
11:45 Sun to Cheese at Shelburne Farms
12:15-12:45 Lunch in Ed Center
1:00-3:00 Visit the Dairy, meet Dairy Manager Sam Dixon and engage in cow and sheep related activities (Dress Up a Cow, Sheep Observation/Ethnogram)
3:15-4:15 Designing Farm-based Learning Experiences Part II
4:15-6:00 Farm Tour, free time, resource hunting, conversations, networking, etc!
6:00 Dinner at Orchard Cove House
7:30 Evening visitor surprise!
8:30-9:00 Arrival, coffee and explore time – Education Center
9:00 Welcome and Check-in
9:15-10:30 Problem-solving Microlabs protocol—this is your opportunity to get feedback from others—a problem, idea, situation, etc. Please think of this ahead of time!
10:30-Noon Sugaring and Forest Discovery Walk (Tree Life Cycle Cards, Meet a Tree, Tap a Tree, Camouflage Critters, Handful of Sounds)
Noon-1:00pm Lunch in Education Center
1:00-2:00pm Snacking activities (Posy Poetry, Butter Making)
2:00-3:00 Closing activities and Evaluations
Susie Marchand, Agricultural Education Coordinator (802)985-0326
Rachel Cadwallader-Staub, Farmyard Manager and Farm-based Educator (802)985-0334
Emily Hoyler, Curriculum Specialist
Cat Wright, Family Programs Coordinator and Farm-based Educator
Activities from ABC’s of Farm-based Education workshop
(All activities are in your folder. Additionally, Cultivating Joy and Wonder is free to download online at, under ‘Learn’ tab, then ‘Resources,’ and Project Seasons is available for purchase at the Welcome Center or at
From Project Seasons
Compost Cake (87-89)
Grocery Bag Botany (7-8)
Harvest Blanket (3-4)
Magic Bread (15-17)
Meet a Tree (107)
Rocks to Cheese (Addendum)
Starting From Scratch (29-31)
Tomato Planet (27-28)
Tree Life Cycle Cards (121)
Wiggle Worms (91-92)
From Cultivating Joy and Wonder
Be a Sugarmaker (What’s Happening? 145)
Bread, Good Bread (How Are We Connected? 196)
Color Search (Who Are We? 57)
Dress Up a Bean Plant (Who Are We? 78)
Dress Up a Cow (Who Lives Here? 118)
The Fabulous Five (Who Are We? 75)
Felting Fun (How Are We Connected? 185)
Handful of Sounds (Who Lives Here? 94)
K.I.M.’s (Keep In Mind) Game (Appendix 238)
Mix it Up: Make Potting Soil (Appendix 253)
Plant Parts We Eat (Who Are We? 69)
Posy Poetry (Who Are We? 80)
Shake It, Shake It, Shake It! (Buttermaking) (What’s Happening? 133)
Soil Recipe (What’s Happening? 157)
Sweet Sugaring (What’s Happening? 148)
Wonderful Wheat (How Are We Connected? 194)
Worm Delight (What’s Happening? 161)
1611 Harbor Road • Shelburne, Vermont • 05482 • 802-985-8686 •