Abacas Special School, Kilnamanagh
Enrolment Policy
ABACAS Special School, Kilnamanagh, under the patronage of Autism Ireland, is a Special School funded by the Department of Education and Skills (DES) for children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and complex needs[1]. It is a non-denominational school. The school welcomes any referrals for enrolment to the school, and any student aged from 4 to 17 years of age who has a confirmed diagnosis of autism (as per DSM-V or ICD-10 criteria assessed by a certified psychologist)[2]in addition to a recommendation for ASD-specific education in a specialised setting, will be considered for enrolment in accordance with the policies and procedures more fully defined below.
This enrolment policy is set out in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act 1998, the Education Welfare Act 2000, the Equal Status Act 2000, the Disabilities Act 2005, the Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004 and the rules for national schools as updated by relevant DES circulars.
The school enrolment policy must also uphold the framework of the relevant legislation set forth for special schools. As such, attention is drawn to Section 2 of the EPSEN ACT 2004, which provides that a child with special educational needs shall be educated in an inclusive setting unless such an arrangement is inconsistent with the best interests of the child or with the effective provision of education for those children with whom the child is to be educated.
As such guidelines define this enrolment policy, enrolment in Abacas Special School Kilnamanagh will be confined to pupils for whom it is clear that an ASD-specific education in a specialised setting is in the child’s best interest as stated in writing by a qualified educational or clinical psychologist.
Parents/guardians who require clarification of any aspect of the policy should contact the school directly at(01) 4599585.
General Information
ABACAS Special School Kilnamanaghprovides specialist curricula designed to meet the varied needs of each student with autism and complex needs. It strives to maximise the learning skills, social skills, self-worth and sense of independence of its pupils.
Our school offers a child-centred autism-specific education, which draws on a range of evidence-based, instructional principles and methodologies (Applied Behavioural Analysis, TEACCH, Picture Exchange Communication (PECS), Discrete Trial Trainingetc.), in line with the Department of Education’s policies for children on the autism spectrum. Students have access to a broad, balanced, relevant and developmental range of curricular experiences in appropriate curricular areas as set out inThe Primary School Curriculum (1999).Educational programmes are designed to meet each child’s individual needs and facilitate the development of each child’s unique potential. Our aim is to develop skills for success in the home, school and the wider community. Training in the basic skills of communication, self-care and key social competences form an integral part of the school programme at all levels. ABACAS Special School depends on the grants and teacher resources provided by the Department of Education and Skills. It also operates within the changing regulations laid down, from time to time, by the Department of Education and Skills. Children are divided into class groupings according to their age, skill strengths, developmental need and their communicative ability.
We do not have onsite Speech and Language Therapy or Occupational Therapy support. However,the HSE may provide these services to specific pupils within the school from time to time. The school welcomes input from the National Educational Psychological Services as well as all privately sourced therapists funded by parents of pupils.
Behavioural support services are offered within the school community and from external consultation where the needs present themselves and the resources are available to fund such services.
Current School Population
The school caters for 18 children across 3 classrooms and is allotted a staff comprised of an administrative principal, a behaviour analyst, 3 qualified teachers, 16 SNAs and a school secretary.
Before a pre-enrolment application is made, parents/guardians must ensure:
1)The child will be at least 4 years of age on or before the 1st of September of the year in which it is proposed to enrol the child.
2)The child has a recent (within the last 2 years) documented and confirmed diagnosis of ASD (as per DSM-V or ICD-10 assessed by a certified psychologist).
3)The child has a written recommendation from a certified psychologist for an ASD-specific education in a specialised setting.
Parents can obtain a pre-enrolment application form either directly from the school or from the school website ( Completed forms should be returned to the school with the child’s most recent psychology report (maximum 3 years old). This report must confirm a primary diagnosis of ASD and make a recommendation for an ASD-specific educational setting.Applications will be dated on receipt. Any form not accompanied by the necessary documentation confirming a diagnosis of ASD and the need for an ASD-specific education in a specialised setting will not be processed until such time as the school has receivedthis information.Once all the necessary documentation has been received by the school and the above criteria confirmed, parents will be notified that their child’s name has been entered on the pre-enrolment waiting list and informed of the date on which their application was accepted. No guarantee of places is given or implied by pre-enrolment.
Although children must be at least 4 years old by September 1st of the year in which they begin at Abacas Special School, parents/guardians can make an application to the school as soon as a diagnosis has been confirmed in writing.
It is the sole responsibility of parents/guardians to inform the school of any change of address or other contact details. If the school is unable to contact parents/guardians, the child’s name will be automatically removed from the pre-enrolment waiting list.
Enrolment Criteria:
The Board of Management takes account of DES guidelines on average class size and staffing, as well as accommodation issues, when determining the maximum number of children in each class and how best to meet the unique needs of each child brought into the school as well as the needs of the students already present. The maximum class size is six pupils. Children typically join the school in September/October, subject to available space and the school’s ability to meet the child’s specific needs. Admission at any other time throughout the school year will be at the discretion of the Board of Management which will be aware of the resources required, staff and physical space available within any given school term.
Where the number of applicants at any given time exceeds the number of available places, places will be offered on a first come, first served basis. This means that places will be offered based on the order in which children’s names occur on the pre-enrolment waiting list. In addition, children must meet the following criteria at time of enrolment.
1)The child will be at least 4 years of age on or before the 1st of September of the year in which it is proposed to enrol the child.
2)The child has a recent (within the last 3 years) documented and confirmed diagnosis of ASD (as per DSM-V or ICD-10 assessed by a certified psychologist). This report will be requested prior to enrolment.
3)The child has a written recommendation from a certified psychologist for an ASD-specific education in a specialised setting.
4)The child lives within the geographical catchment area of the school. Reasonable distance will be defined in accordance with the DES transportation department and the normal special school transport scheme for pupils.
5)The child’s age and developmental profile is an appropriate match for the class in which a placement becomes available.
Siblings of current students at Abacas who have also been given a primary diagnosis of autism themselves and meet all of the school’s other enrolment criteria, may be offered a place ahead of those on the waiting list should one become available in an age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate class environment.
The Board of Abacas Special School recognises the importance of early intervention, and should the occasion arise that in any one year six places become available, a new junior class may be established catering for students who have not yet turned 6 years old on or before the day school commences. Places will be offered in accordance with our pre-enrolment waiting list on a first-come first-served basis, starting with the first child on the list who will not yet have turned 6 years old on the first day of the new school year and who meets our enrolment criteria as outlined above.
Should the occasion arise that in any one year a further six places become available, a second class will be established and places will be offered on a first-come first-saved basis in accordance with our pre-enrolment waiting list, starting with the first child on the list who meets our enrolment criteria as outlined above.
The Board of Management of ABACAS Special School recognises that parents/guardians have a desire and a legal right to request that their child be enrolled in a school of their choice. The Board of Management also recognises that the decision to admit new entrants into the school must be made with the understanding of the resources available within the school community to meet the unique needs of each child admitted and, in particular, the children already enrolled in the school. Decisions as to enrolment therefore require balanced judgements, guided by the principles of natural justice and acting in the best interests of all children affected, or potentially affected by such decisions.
The Board of Management will not refuse a child on the basis of ethnicity, disability, (i.e. severity of autism diagnosis), traveller status, refugee status, political beliefs or family or social circumstances, provided they fulfil the enrolment criteria.
Taking all of the above into account, and based on the advice of the school’s enrolment team, the Board of Management reserves the right of admission.
Should a student leave mid-year they will be replaced at the discretion of the Board in accordance with the waiting list by an age-appropriate student for that particular class provided that they meet all of the enrolment criteria outlined above.
Written offers of school places will be distributed to applicant parents/guardians as they become available and the resources needed are in place, until such time as the school has a full complement of students (currently 18).
Enrolment Procedure
Parents/guardians must respond in writing to accept the offer of a school placement by a specified date (within 14 days). Failure to respond in writing by the specified date will result in their child’s place on the pre-enrolment waiting list being forfeited. Parents/guardians cannot defer a place which has been offered to them. However, parents/guardians may submit a new pre-enrolment form and begin a new placement on the pre-enrolment waiting listif they feel the timing of a placement does not fit with their child’s needs at any given time.
Parents/guardians accepting a place for their child in the school must provide the school with all supporting documentation that ensures a complete overview of the child, including current pre-school/school placement reports, home tuition reports, psychological reports, medical reports, speech and language reports, occupational therapy reports and/or behavioural support plans.
Prior to enrolment, the Principal/Behaviour Analyst and teacher will meet with parents/guardians to discuss their child’s strengths and needs, profile the supports that may be required as well as the suitability of enrolment. Where the supports required for success go beyond those already in place in the school, the Board of Management reserves the right to refuse admission. As highlighted above, existing school, psychological, medical, speech/language, occupational therapy, behavioural and other reports will be considered in making the final decision on suitability of placement. The Principal/Behaviour Analyst may also (with written permission) consult with the professionals who prepared reports on the child and the professionals with whom the school has an existing relationship before making a recommendation to parents/guardians regarding the perceived suitability, or otherwise, of enrolling the child in the school.
On all occasions the school management must have regard to the funding and resources available when making decisions of admittance. If the Board of Management considers that additional resources are required to meet the particular educational/safety needs of the child, an application will be made to the DES via the Special Education Needs Organiser (SENO) to provide same. A case-conference may be called to discuss the needs of a particular child if appropriate. Ongoing placement within ABACAS Special School may depend on the provision of specialist resources.
Transition into ABACAS Special School
On occasion, children may transfer into ABACAS Special School from a different school or community service provider. Should this be the case, the transition period will be determined at the discretion of the Principal/Behaviour Analyst andclass teacher in consultation with the family and previous educational providers. The decision as to the type and length of transition should be based on the individual needs of the child as well as the overall welfare of current students.
Children enrolled in the school may, if appropriate, be offered the opportunity to be integrated in an age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate primary school mainstream class should their skills be suitable for such an arrangement to be made. The nature of this integration will be determined by the Principal/Teacher and participating staff, in consultation with the child’s parents/guardians and the Principal of the neighbouring school, St Kevin’s, here in Kilnamanagh (see Dual Placement Policy).
Admission Date
Normally admission to the school will occur within the first week of the new academic year. Admission at any other time of year will be at the discretion of the Principal/Board of Management.
The school is classified as a Primary School and adheres to the annual calendar of Primary Schools. DES circular 11/95 outlines the required time in school, which includes 183 teaching days in the school year and 5 hours and 40 minutes as the minimum number of instruction hours per day. The annual school calendar is set out in September and offered to each family for information and planning. Every effort is made to minimise the number of changes to these schedules during the school terms.
Discharge Policy
It is school policy to facilitate the discharge of pupils from the school once they have reached the age of eighteen. Pupils who reach the age of eighteen after August the 31st will be permitted to complete that academic year. This means a June discharge the following year. Discharge may also be recommended after the first year if the school team, after consultation with parents/guardians, feel that placement is not appropriate. Discharge from the school may also occur if the pupil is fully integrated into mainstream school.
In the event that an application for enrolment in ABACAS Special School is declined, a parent/guardian may appeal the decision in writing to the Board of Management. This must be done within 21 calendar days of being notified of the decision. Refer to Section 29 of theEducation Act 1998for further information on appeals.
Placement Review
Occasionally, concerns regarding the suitability of a child’s continued attendance at the school may arise. In such circumstances, a review of the school’s ability to continue to meet the child’s needs, ensure the child’s safety and the safety of others may be necessary. Any such review will be undertaken by a committee appointed by the Board of Management in conjunction with the Principal, Behaviour Analyst and other relevant staff members. Parents/guardians should be kept informed of any concerns that might arise in relation to their child’s continued attendance at the school at the earliest opportunity. Parents/guardians will also be given an opportunity to engage in a discussion surrounding the placement of the child and concerns that arise from the case itself. In the event that it is determined that the child is not suitably placed in the school, having regard for the realistic service options available at the time, the Board of Management may request a multi-disciplinary team assessment be carried out to determine the best options for the specific child.
Similarly, if it becomes evident that it would be of benefit the child to transition from ABACAS to a less specialised setting, parents will be invited to a meeting and this recommendation will be discussed.