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March 25, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia

TIPS Midyear Meeting

PRESENT: Louise Derevlany, Michael Pisani, Jim Wells, Chuck Eppolito, Katherine Van Maren (excused by telephone message or e-mail: Nathan Jaye, Tasha Blakney and Jonathan Steen).

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: With one change that the Chair needs to make regarding some information discussed at the last meeting by the Chair elect,the minutes were approved.

CHAIR’S REPORT:The Chair reported that Resolution 108 A and Resolution 113 were approved by the House of Delegates. An article will be published in the next TortSource written by the Chair regarding these Resolutions and our input. Additionally, the Chair advised the Vice Chairs on the call that, although we had been inviting all members of the Committee to join in our telephone conferences, Faye Dillon from the ABA TIPS advises that we can no longer invite the complete list served to our meetings. Therefore, the Chair asked Jim Wells to post a message on our website inviting any members whowant to join in our monthly meetings to contact the Chair for call-in information. This is rather discouraging, as we had been getting a fairly good response to our list serve invitation. Ms. Dillon advises that the invitations to the list serve have created too much confusion. Therefore, unless a member requests call-in information, we will be only invite the Vice Chairs to join in the teleconference meetings.

CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION (CLEs): Mike Pisani will be preparing an outline as Moderator of our CLE. Once this outline is completed, the Chair will contact our physician-speaker and attorney-speaker regarding their roles and written materials needed. Mike will contact our speaker from the Illinois Attorney Disciplinary Committee regarding her Power Point presentation and any additional material she may want us to use for the CLE.

There was a discussion concerning the other CLE our Committee is sponsoring, of which neither the Chair nor any of the Vice Chairs were aware until after its approval by the CLE board. While we are quite pleased that our members have put together what appears to be an interesting CLE, we were concerned with the lack of communication between our members and our Vice Chairs regarding this worthwhile project. The Chair will contact Debora Dodson regarding this issue.

PUBLICATIONS: Our Winter newsletter has been circulated, with thanks to Tasha Blakney for a great job in putting it together. As noted above, we will have two articles in the TortSource’s next Issue. We are looking for authors for the TIPS Law Journal Survey of the Law’s 2011 edition. The Chair-elect had telephoned prior to the meeting and indicated perhaps we should plan to submit a committee article every other year to the TIPS survey of the law, rather than every year.

WEBSITE: Jim Wells has gotten our website in tip top shape and up to date. He was concerned with some redundancies that seem to appear on the new template for the website. Our upcoming CLEs are posted on the program’s Meetings and Events. There is also another section that mentions CLEs. Jim Wells be posting a reference in this section to upcoming CLEs referring readers back to the complete descriptions underProgram Meetings and Events. There are also two leadership sections, which also seems redundant. Jim Wells will address this with Jim Hughes.

Finally, there is a related product section which advertises a TIPS sponsored book,which appears unrelated to our Committee’s work, and Jim Wells will inquire about this from Jim Hughes.

MEMBERSHIP: Chuck reported that he has not received any further listings of new members. An inquiry was made as to whether there will be membership training at the upcoming spring meeting. The Chair will follow up with Linda Wiley in this regard. Chuck has been recommending our Committee to the young lawyers through his task force and we have been gaining new, young members through this outreach thanks to Chuck.

COMMETTEE BROCHURE: Mike Pisani will contact Lisa Pratt in regard to alternative photographs or designs for our brochure. If we cannot come up with any, the Chair will contact Linda Wiley and ask her for some input.

NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business brought up.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting of the Medicine & Law Committee will be heldat 10 a.m.on Friday, April 15, 2011. Any of our members who wish to participate, should contact the Chair at for call-in information, since the meeting Agenda and call in information will no longer be disseminated to the list serve.

Respectfully submitted,

Louise A. Derevlany, Chair
