Baltimore, Maryland
3 November 2015
President Joe Gillman (MO) called the meeting to order.
Secretary Rex Buchanan (KS) called the roll. 18 states answered. A quorum was declared.
Harvey Thorleifson (MN) moved approval of the agenda. Jon Arthur (FL) seconded. Motion carried.
Jon Arthur moved approval of minutes from the annual meeting in Flagstaff. Richard Ortt (MD) seconded. Motion carried.
Jon Price (Honorary) announced the GSA geologic mapping award. The initial 2015 award was made to John Proffett, independent consulting geologist, for maps of the Yerington district of Nevada, published in the GSA Bulletin and in the Nevada Bureau of Mines map series.
Joe Gillman recognized new members: Gale Blackmore from Pennsylvania, Todd Thompson from Indiana, Ken Bradbury from Wisconsin.
Joe Gillman gave the President’s report, discussing committee chair appointments and other nominations and committee appointments.
Jon Arthur gave the Past President’s report.
David Spears (VA) gave the President Elect’s report. He reported on a successful fall liaison.
Rex Buchanan provided the Secretary’s report.
Jon Arthur provided the Treasurer’s report for Derric Iles (SD).
Richard Ortt gave the environmental committee report, Dave Wunsch (DE) reported for the water committee.
Harvey Thorleifson moved that John Steinmetz be named as an honorary member of AASG, David Spears seconded. Motion carried.
Harvey Thorleifson gave the mapping committee report. The 2016 Digital Mapping Techniques Conference will be in Florida from May 22-25.
David Spears reported on plans for the spring 2016 liaison meeting scheduled for March 13-16 in Washington, D.C.
Joe Gillman reported on the 2016 AASG annual meeting in Girdwood, Alaska. He also reported on a survey of AASG members about the upcoming annual meetings.
Joe Gillman opened up the agenda to new business. He discussed results of a survey of membership about liaison. Joe Gillman said he would table the rest of the agenda for the next business meeting. Joe Arthur moved, Nick Tew seconded a motion for the meeting to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Rex Buchanan