AAHA Board Meeting Minutes

November 28th, 2016–7:00p.m.

Anoka Hockey Board Room

Meeting called to order at: 7:10pm by Mike O.

Motion to adjourn meeting at: 9:40 pm by Kevin B., 2nd by Andy G.

Minutes taken by: Kelly Taws

Minutes typed by: Kelly Tews

Members Present:Mike Orn, Kelly Tews, Kevin Brynes, Bryan Carlson, Brandon Rykkeli,Brian Pender, Andy Givens,Deanna Hanks,Jon Klocker; Katie Lang;Coleen Mateychuk;Michael Nagel

Ancillary Members Present:Jeff Zwerdling,Stephanie Reichow; Kim Brotkowski

Members Absent: Charles Weaver; Chris Hedlund; Jon TolletteKourt Kammann

Next Board Meeting: 12/19/16


  1. Coleen M. made a motion to approve the minutes from the Board Meeting held October 24th, 2016, second byKevin B.motion passed.


  1. Deanna – ADT (Anoka Dance Team)
  2. ADT is selling blankets and would like to sell them at the rink. Price is $55 each. Possibility would be to sell on Dec. 10th and the 11th, Dec. 17th when Mites have big events.

Ancillary Member Reports:

Gambling Report/Gaming Committee Report (Jeff Zwerdling)

Novemberreport forOctoberwas distributed and reviewed byall present.

  1. The gross receipts for the month were $557,962 and $469,498 in prizes was paid out, which equated to $88,464 in net receipts. Expense of $94,128.12.08 for net ordinary income of (5,664.12)).These expense include $37,677.08 for Ice fees.
  2. Brian P.made a motion to approve the gambling report, second byAndy G., motion passed.
  3. Brian P. made a motion to preapproved Decemberexpenditures of $119,700, seconded by Andy G., motion passed.

Ice Scheduler’s Report: (Chris Hedlund/Renee Voltin)

  1. Ice is out through February.

Registrar’s Report(Stephanie Reichow):

  1. Mite sign-off is Saturday, Dec. 3rd. Other traveling redlines have been resolved and all are up-to-date.
  2. Have asked D10 to clearly define what “red-line” means for more clarity for next year.

Treasurer and Finance Manager Report(Brandon Rykkeli and Kim Brotkowski):

  1. The Treasurer’s report for October was distributed and reviewed by all present.
  2. Jon K. made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report for October, second byAndy G., motion passed.

D10 & President’s Report (Jon Tollette):

  1. Squirts have a maximum of 33 games going into the district tournament each team is guaranteed 2 games.

Old Business:

  1. None.

New Business:

  1. Summer program will be run by the same group as last year.
  2. Need to review the commitment on coaching. If someone backs out, what should the ramifications be for the next time they are interested in coaching.


  1. Traveling – Youth(Bryan Carlson)
  2. All travel teams are competitive.
  1. Traveling – Girls (Jon Klocker)
  2. Girls teams are doing well.
  3. U15 was set as a B team. There are 2 U15B divisions – East and West.
  4. Co-op for next year should be reviewed and follow the HS decisions.
  1. Mites (Bryan Pender)
  2. December 10 – Chick-Filet Day
  3. December 11—Grandparents Day
  4. December 17—Santa will be visiting
  5. Looking at opening up with the Jamboree for next year for the A Mites.
  6. Full length ice clarification—you must have some type of borders or something to inhibit full ice skating EVEN at a different rink we are responsible.
  7. Hat Trick owes the Mites one set of jerseys.
  1. Player Development (Kourt Kammann)
  2. Dryland room---may want to come up with a formal process if a team is using the room and another team needs it including acceleration. Rapid shot removal will help with space.
  3. Need to add dryland to NGIN so it can be looked at and added to calendar.
  1. Tournaments(Katie Lang)
  2. First tournament is this weekend.
  3. Renamed girls tournament to Anoka/Rogers Classic for 2016-17.
  1. Recruitment & Retention(Deanna Hanks)
  2. Mini cyclones – going well.
  3. Try hockey for free – 80% of participants are signed up for Mini-cyclones or Mites.
  4. Plan is to have a Spring Mini-Cyclones—more info to come.
  1. Equipment, Goalies & Facilities (Andy Givens)
  2. Reviewing options for dryland security.
  3. When Jerseys are returned, Kim needs to be alerted.
  4. Jersey’s will need to be discussed.
  5. Codes need to be changed for locked doors on a regular basis. When codes are changed, alert board.
  6. Need new pads for on the ice—Brian P. made a motion to purchase 2 set of border patrols pads for $2400, seconded by Jon K., motion passed.
  7. Need dry erase boards for locker rooms.
  1. Fundraising & Communications(Coleen Mateychuk)
  2. Pictures are Monday the 5th…. trying to figure out locker room space.
  3. Raffles are due this Thursday, Dec. 1st and drawing next week.
  4. NGIN update is close. Will happen behind the scenes.
  1. Tryouts(Michael Nagel)
  2. Tryouts went well. First session was a challenge but after that it went well and smooth.
  3. Opportunity--Received feedback on new system—back to back shifts and how many shifts you are sitting. Looking to change that next year. Has done some rotation development in the system for next year’s tryouts.
  4. Positive--Scores posted within 17 minutes for most, if jerseys needed to switch it was east to update
  5. We have a surplus of XL white jerseys
  1. Volunteer(Kevin Byrnes)
  2. Need a few hours for upcoming tournaments.

The next regular AAHA Board meeting will be on 12/19/16 at 7:00 pm.