(توجه:فقط باید حداکثر در دو صفحه A4 تنظیم شود.)
Author’s guide for preparation of conference abstract (Paper Title 1 or 2 Lines in Times New Roman 14 pt. Bold)
AAAA*, BBBB and CCCC (Times New Roman10 pt. Bold)
Department of Chemistry, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran (Times New Roman10 pt. Italic)
Corresponding author E-mail:
Guidelines for preparation of the abstract for the 13th Annual Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran (2017), presented as follow. To save time, please provide the submitted abstract according to the following format. Extended abstract should be begun by giving a short introduction and the purpose of the research followed by methods, results and discussion, conclusions and references.
Abstract should be written by Times New Roman font no. 12 with 1.5 spaces between each line all over the text. The length of the abstract including title, authors, addresses, abstract body text and keywords, should be written at maximum 2 pages with margins 2.5 cm (top, bottom, left and right). Figures can be inserted in the abstract body text.
Keywords: Please give 4-6 single or double words separated by comma that identify the subject of the paper. Start each word by capital letter. Type the word Keyword in Times New Roman 11point italic starting one carriage return after abstract text.
Title area
Put the title directly under the top margin (centered) in Times New Roman 14 point bold. Use Capital letter for the first letter of the first word of the title. The authors’ name must be one carriage return after title in Times New Roman 10 point bold. Do not use academic titles (Prof., Dr. etc.) here. Italic font (Times New Roman 10 point) is used for the authors’ affiliates and corresponding author’s e-mail.
(1) Blanch, A. J.; Lenehan, C. E.; Quinton, J. S. J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 9805.
(2) Dong, B.; Su, Y., Liu, Y.; Yuan, J.; Xu, J.; Zheng, L. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2011, 356,190.
(3) Clark, M. D.; Subramanian, S.; Krishnamoorti, R. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2011, 354,144.