DRAFT 24.09.10
6thAtlantic AllianceConference:
“Global Initiativeson Safety and Health”
20-21 October 2010
Venue: Offices of the Representation of North-Rhine Westfalia,
Rue Montoyer, Brussels, Belgium
Day 1: Wednesday 20 October 2010:
09.00Start of the Conference
- Welcome: Jim O’Brien, UEPG President and Joy Wilson, President and CEO NSSGA and John McEndoo, Vice-President ISSA -Mining
Session 1: International Convergence - Chairman:Antony Fell, UEPG Secretary General
-Safety and Hygiene at Work, Matthew Heppleston, DG Employment
-“The Seoul Declaration - A Global Action Plan for Prevention”, Helmut Ehnes, Secretary General, ISSA Mining, Switzerland/Germany
-“Industry Overview and US Regulatory Environment”, Joy Wilson, Chief Executive, NSSGA
-“Key elements for improving safety”, Dieter Mantwill, SHE Manager,RAG AG, Germany
Coffee break
Overall state of play of CEN/TC151 and family standards ,Gerhard Steiger , Raporteur of the Working Group Machinery, CEN-CENELEC (tbc)
“Respirable Crystalline Silica – 2010 Results and Implications of the EU Social Dialogue
Agreement Reporting”,Dirk Fincke, European Aggregates Association (UEPG)
“Strategic Health and Safety Policy”,
-“Facilitating Convergence in Health, Safety & Welfare”, Brenda O’Brien, Manager of the Brussels Liaison Office, European Union Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
Session 2: Safe Machinery - Chairman:Helmut Ehnes, ISSA Mining
-“Influencing Equipment Design: the European ‘Safer by Design’ project”,
Martin Isles, European Aggregates Association (UEPG)
-“Earth Moving Equipment Safety Round Table – A Global Initiative”, Associate Professor Tim Horberry, University of Queensland,Australia
-“Mining Safety to get you Safely home: Everyone: Every day”, Valerie Cantrell, Customer Safety Learning Manager, Caterpillar
-“The role of Standards in EU supply legislation and practical waysthey can supportCurrent Best Practice at the Machinery Design Stage”, Phil Papard, Health and Safety Executive, Great Britain
- “The role of CEN SAB OH&S“ & “The European Commission’s view”, Matthew Heppleston, on behalf of
- DGEmployment, European Commission, Luxembourg
- DG Enterprise and Industry, Brussels
- CEN SAB OH&S, Brussels
-“The Necessity to Harness Customer Feedback: the User’s View”, Troy Felts, Hanson UK
Coffee break
-“The role of Trade Unions in Improving Machinery Safety”,
Stefano Boy, European Trade Union Institute
Panel Discussion – Chaired by Jim O’Brien, European Aggregates Association (UEPG)
Panel to comprise:
- Ian Fraser, European Commission
- Matthew Heppleston, European Commission
- Phil Papard, Health and Safety Executive
- Rory Graham, Machinery Safety Expert
- Gerhard Steiger , CEN-CENELEC
- Valerie Cantrell,Caterpillar
- Liebherr-France SAS
- Troy Felts, Hanson UK
- Presenting the 6 Atlantic Alliances’ conclusions,
Jim O’Brien, UEPG President
Local Visit: Occupational Health Monitoring Vehicle; End of Day 1
20h30 -Dinner – Kwint Restaurant –
Mont des Arts 1, 1000 Brussels,
Day 2: Thursday 21 October 2010:
Session 3: Key ‘SHE’ Perspectives - Chairman:Martin Isles, Chair, UEPG H&S Committee
09.00-Opening Remarks by Session Chairman
09.05 - ‘No risk’ – German Accident Prevention Campaign for Safe Driving and Safe Transport–
Martin Böttcher, BGRCI
09.25 - Cement Sustainability Initiative - Contractor Safety Initiative, Mark Füllemann, Holcim
09.45 - Cement Sustainability Initiative – Driving Safety Initiative,PaulCorbin, Lafarge Cement and
Eddie Mulgrew, CEMEXSwitzerland
10.05 - Management of Contractors, Harald Gröner, RWE, Germany
10.25 - “Cycle Safe”, Martin Isles, Mineral Products Association, United Kingdom
10.45Coffee break
11.15 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in extreme cold conditions - Results of the SIBIRIA 1
project in the raw materials industry, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Rodin, Labour Safety Scientific
Research Institute, Yekaterinburg, Russia
11.35- Health and Safety- The French Experience, Michel Buzot, French Aggregates Association
(UNPG), France
11.55 - Economic benefits of investments in Health and Safety, César Luaces Frades, Federacion
de Aridos (FdA), Spain
12.15 - Discussion under the chairmanship of Pat Griffin, Irish Health and Safety Authority(HSA)
12.45- BrusselsCommuniqué on Safer Design of Machinery
14.00End of conference