A2C2 Meeting Agenda

April 13, 2005 at 3:30 p.m.

Maxwell Teleconference Center

Members Present: Larry Bergin, Ann Scott Plummer, Ed Thompson, Charla Miertschin, Paul Schumacher, Dan Kauffman, Melanie Reap, Chris Buttram, Armando Gonzalez, Cathy Summa, Greg Schmidt, Pat Paulson, Bill Murphy, Chris Malone, Rich MacDonald, Linda Seppanen, James Reidy, Richard Shields, Fred Lee, Susan Sefkow, Barbara Boseker, David Bratt, Kathryn Lammers

Alternates: Ann Rethlefsen, Edward Guernica

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  1. Call to order: 3:34 p.m.
  1. Adoption of agenda: Moved: Schumacher; Seconded: Summa to add a gen. ed. substitution
  1. Approval of minutes (available at
  2. March 2, 2005 (tabled from 3/30/05 since incomplete) Moved: Schumacher; Seconded: Bratt to approve: Motion Approved
  3. March 30, 2005: Moved: Moved to approve: Schumacher ;Seconded: Shields; Motion Approved
  1. Chair’s report
  2. Senate report - David Bratt : Calendar recommended by A2C2 was not accepted; Senate went forward with the original calendar as proposed by the All University Calendar Committee; need to form assessment committees: see David Bratt! The call is out! Two years; chair of each committee is selected by committee members; chair gets 3 credits of reassigned time;
  3. IFO Board report - Cathy Summa: NO REPORT
  4. Proposal deadline has passed for this academic year. Please deliver future proposals to A2C2 chair-elect Ann Rethlefsen in the fall.
  5. Thank you to all A2C2 members, subcommittee members, CPPS chair Fred Lee, and US Director Paul Johnson for all of your hard work this academic year. Move: A heart-felt thanks to Charla Miertschin for all her hard work for four years: Bratt; Seconded: MacDonald
  1. General Education Course Substitution Requests - NONE!!! (We just voted one in); Moved: Thompson; Seconded: Lee Moved that request be approved: Motion Approved
  1. Course & Program Proposal Subcommittee report, Fred Lee - from 4/6/05. The CPPS recommends approval of the following courses and programs, except where noted. Lee Recommends: Proposals 1-14 be approved (CS 245 was withdrawn): Motion Approved
  2. New Course Proposals
  3. ART 460 Graphic Design Capstone (3 SH)
  4. CS 235 Algorithms I Companion (1 SH)
  5. CS 251 Algorithms II Companion (1 SH)
  6. CS 245 Mathematical Foundations of Algorithms (4 SH) - withdrawn by department
  7. CS 310 Social Implications of Computing (3 SH)
  8. CS 344 Introduction to Web Programming (3 SH)
  9. CS 368 Introduction to Bioinformatics (3 SH)
  10. CS 369 Spatial Information Processing (3 SH)
  11. CS 375 Computer Systems (4 SH)
  12. CS 444 Human Computer Interaction (3 SH)
  13. CS 468 Algorithms in Bioinformatics (3 SH)
  14. CS 469 Algorithms in Geographic Information Science (3 SH)
  15. PER 235 Principles of Coaching (3 SH)
  16. PER 322 Techniques of Coaching Soccer (1 SH)
  17. Revised Course Proposal: Lee moves 1-4 be approved: Motion Approved
  18. CS 371 Object Oriented Design and Development (3 SH) - renumber to CS 471
  19. PER 251 Sports Science (from 2 SH to 3 SH)
  20. PER 280 Psychology of Physical Activity and Sport (from 2 SH to 3 SH)
  21. PER 406 Coaching Practicum (from 2 SH to 3 SH) and change prerequisites to PER 235, 280, HERS 291.
  22. Revised Program Proposals: Lee recommends programs 1-4 be approved: Motion Approved
  23. History - B.S. Major – Paralegal, Options A (from 91 to 85 SH) and B (from 56 to 50 SH) - tabled by A2C2 on 3/30/05. The History department will make the following change to Option B: “Minor strongly recommended” instead of “Minor required.” Moved to untable: Bratt; Seconded: Schumacher; Motion Approved
  24. Art - B.A. Major – Graphic Design Option (66 SH)
  25. Computer Science programs

B.S. Major – Computer Science Option A (from 68 SH to 69 SH)

B.S. Major – Computer Science Option B (from 68 SH to 68-69 SH)

4.Physical Education and Recreation - B.S. Minor – Coaching (from 20 to 22 SH)

  1. Other Issues
  2. Instructional methods and course approval - The CPPS recommends approval of the following revised forms: Checklist for Curricular Change Proposals, Proposal for New Courses, and Proposal for Revised Courses.(a) Checklist for Curricular Change Proposals: Proposed by Murphy (CPPS Subcommittee): Motion Approved;(b) Proposal for New Courses: Proposed by Murphy (CPPS Subcommittee:); if we are going to use these terms, please define them (Thompson); Item #3 amended: “Instructional Plan and instructional methods used. Please indicate the contributions of lectures, laboratories, web-based materials, internships, and other instructional methods to this course; Moved: Thompson; Seconded: Schumacher; Motion Approved; Statement A. 6: Assessment: Some reference to how course will be assessed; Motion to strike #6 in course proposal; Moved: MacDonald; Seconded: Boseker; Motion Approved; C #2 has been changed. Need to notify other departments effected by a new course; cc: a copy of your changes to other departments; Motion: Moved: Thompson; Seconded: Schumacher: New language on C-2 be replaced with old language that states list the departments, if any, which have been consulted about this proposal” (notifications are specifically listed): Approve New Courses Form as amended: Approved (c) Moved: Thompson; Seconded: Boseker: Amend: A #3 “Instructional plan and instructional methods used. Please indicate the contributions of lectures, laboratories, web-based materials, internships, and other instructional methods to this course.” Motion Approved; Moved to strike A#5: Schumacher; Seconded: Thompson; Motion Approved; Motion Boseker: C#2 List the departments if any that have been ; Thompson: Moved; Buttram Seconded: Strike second sentence in D. Motion Approved; Thompson/Boseker: Whole form has been moved for approval: Moved: Approved;
  3. Technical requirements for courses - not addressed:
  4. WSU Regulation 3-4 - The CPPS recommends that this subcommittee be given the charge to continually examine the content of and the processes outlined in this regulation.Moved: Approved
  1. University Studies Subcommittee report, Chris Buttram for J. Paul Johnson - from 4/6/05. The USS recommends ; approval of the following courses. Motion: Approved
  2. Course Requirements
  3. Arts & Science Core: Natural Science

CHEM 108 Introductory General Chemistry (4 SH)

  1. Global or Multicultural Perspectives

SW 445 Globalization of Social Welfare (3 SH)

  1. Unity & Diversity: Critical Analysis

CS 150 Overview of Computer Science (3 SH)

NURS 392 Cardiovascular Risk Prevention (3 SH)

THAD 119 Play Reading (3 SH)

  1. Unity & Diversity: Contemporary Citizenship

RC 150 Insights & Implications (3 SH)

  1. Flag Courses: Motion Approved
  2. Writing Flag

CS 495 computer Science Research Seminar (3 SH)

MKTG 346 Marketing Plans (3 SH)

THAD 210 Survey of Theatre History and Dramatic Literature I (3 SH) - effective fall 2006.

Upon approval of the writing flag for THAD 210, the writing flag designation flag for THAD 331 Performance III will be withdrawn effective spring 2006.

  1. Oral Flag

MKTG 344 Buyer Behavior (3 SH)

NURS 419 Advanced Health Promotion (3 SH)

  1. Math/Statistics Flag

MKTG 334 Marketing Research (3 SH)

  1. Other issues
  2. One-time course offerings and USP credit - The USS recommends that the One-time Course Offering Notification Form be updated to: (1) reflect the possibility of one-time offerings for USP credit, and, (2) delete the obsolete reference to “general education.”“One-time course offerings may be offered for USP credit only if they are approved by USS and A2C2”. This would not need to go to CPPS if University Studies would consider it without going through CPPS. One time course offerings by-pass CPPS. In this case, they would consider a one-time course offering without going through CPPS. It should be a substantive course. Working rule is the course goes through CPPS or through a onetime course through an A2C2 agenda. This is how we get a course; once this happens it may go to USS because A2C2 has approved it; BRING THIS UP AT A FUTURE MEETING AS A DIRECTIVE FOR USP. The word “may” opens the possibility for this to occur. In the second sentence include the word form: This “form”….” Motion Approved
  3. USS membership - Science & Engineering, Liberal Arts representatives needed for AY 2006-2008 term.
  4. USP Faculty Area Assessment Committees - Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Fine & Performing Arts will be formed and chairs sought. - Solicitation from Committee on Committees has been sent.
  5. USPAP - midterm progress report: has been posted as of 4/13/05
  6. MN Transfer Curriculum and upper division courses - reviewed; no action necessary or taken
  7. CLEP Examination and Policies - USS will address next year.
  8. USP Course Substitution requests - NONE!!; The USS affirms that there is no means by which such requests can be heard during the May-August hiatus.

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  1. Notifications
  2. Communication Studies - University Studies Notifications
  3. CMST 451 Topic in Communication Studies (3 SH) - oral flag, spring 2005
  4. CMST 452 Topic in Public Communication (3 SH) - oral flag, fall 2004
  5. Engineering - One-time course offering: ENGR 299 Introduction to Nanoscale Science and Engineering (1 SH), fall 2005.
  6. English - ENG 490 Portfolio (1 SH) - Change in grading option from P/NC to Grade ony.
  7. Management Information Systems and Operations - One-time course offering: MISO 302 Data Analysis and Mapping (3 SH), fall 2005.
  8. Nursing
  9. B.S. Major – Nursing: Under Prerequisites/Required Courses (41 SH), add “OR HERS 205 Nutrition for Lifetime Wellness (3 SH)” as an alternate for completing the nutrition prerequisite requirement.
  10. Program name change - current: B.S. Major – Nursing: RN Option, new: B.S. Major – Nursing: RN to Bachelor of Science Option.
  11. Management of Information Systems and Operations - change in prerequisites for MIS 362. Current: MIS 202 or ACCT 220. New: MIS 202, ACCT 220, or CS 234.
  12. Theatre and Dance - B.A. Minor – Dance: Add THAD 399 Internship (1-4 SH) and THAD 499 Independent Studies in THAD (1-4 SH) to list of electives under Theatre and Dance (THAD). Total electives credit remains at 9 SH.
  1. Old Business
  2. Calendar - 2006-2007 & 2007-2008 Academic calendars proposal from A2C2 Calendar Committee - not approved by senate. Senate voted to support the proposal from the All-University Calendar Committee.
  1. New Business
  2. From Senate
  3. PP&G - going through all WSU Regulations; will need to forward Reg. 3-4 to them; (Personnel, Policy, and Grievance Committee)
  4. Double major policy - see attached, postponed from 3/2/05 and 3/30/05. A degree is BA or BS; under that degree is listed the majors; issue is that under the same degree, the student chooses two BAs or two BSs. Student receives two majors; student receives the lower credit program as a minor. The Arts & Science core cannot count for the major; student might possibly be penalized with this; perhaps use term multiple major as some might have more than two majors; Motion: Bratt; Seconded: Shields: A2C2 recommends effectively immediately be permitted to specify which will be the major and which will be the minor; smaller majors where minor is required is where the problem falls; currently defaults to the “larger” major; a student is permitted to chose a different major; Motion:
  5. Graduation with Honors guidelines - see attached, postponed from 3/2/05 and 3/30/05. Brought forward by David Bratt; Seconded: Boseker: Move that A2C2 recommends that to graduate with honors the grade point be moved up; Shields recommends a subcommittee examine this issue for it to go into effect for the new catalogue; departmental honors are different criteria; university honors are different; appropriate to form a subcommittee to have a recommendation by catalogue time in January; anecdotally, grade inflation is a problem in many universities; MacDonald: perhaps there are other ways to determine what needs to happen as there may be other possibilities; Shields moves to table; Malone seconded; Motion Approved (set up committee membership in the fall)

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