Israel Update September 16, 2012

The creation of more chaos

A Word Fellowship Report -- Eve of Rabbinic Yom Teruah

It is like watching the final performance of a detailed script unfold in all of its drama. I have been watching world events click off in order, one by one, according to the Scriptures, since 1989, but especially since Yom Teruah 2007, and have been reporting on the significant events that prophetically lead to the rise of the one world order under one world ruler, and the destruction of the greater part of the earth before Messiah Yahushua comes to rule and reign.

We are in the season of “ha din” – the judgment. Yom Teruah is called the day of judgment, as well as Rosh ha Shannah – the New Year reckoned from Creation.

In “The Season of the Coming of Messiah” I have given many Scriptures about this season. All prophetic events affecting Israel and the world happen between Elul 1 and about Hanukkah time in Kislev.

Tonight is the eve of rabbinic Yom Teruah – Rosh ha Shanah – the Feast of Trumpets and shouting. But, by Abba’s reckoning of time, this is the eve of Elul 1, or tomorrow night depending on the sighting of the first sliver of the new moon from Jerusalem.

I have been writing since March 23rd 2012 on this Adar Bet year. As the year has progressed, I have had more and more confirmation that we indeed went into an Adar Bet month (the 13th month) on March 22nd, by Yahuweh ancient method of determining Aviv 1. Read articles pertinent to timing during this period, from March 23rd to present.

On March 22nd, as I walked along a lake near where I was staying, I was pondering Nehemia Gordon’s e-mail that the barley in and around Jerusalem was still green, and not near the aviv stage of growth. It was reported later that it did not even become “aviv” (the stage 2-3 weeks before harvest) until early April. Finding barley around Jerusalem along with the sighting of the new moon establishes the month of Aviv 1, setting the timing of the festivals of Yahuweh for the whole festival year cycle (Passover through Sukkot).

As I walked around that lake, Abba spoke to me that the anti-messiah did not want to upstage Messiah at Passover, but at Sukkot. Then He let me know that indeed we were going into a 13th month – an Adar Bet, a second Adar. He let me know that it would be the Fall season when everything would break loose, leading to the final eruption of chaos that will be used to bring the order – the new world order. [Refer to: “The Creation of Chaos”/January 2006]

Events during the time period between now and March 2013 will change the world.

In January of 2011, I wrote a very strong article entitled “Launching the Chaos”, exposing the plans to disrupt the Middle East in order to implement the Mazzini/Pike Plan Part III … for a third world war that would pit Arabs/Muslims against Jews to bring in the new world order. This is why Mubarak was ordered out by the U.S. President, and war was instigated against Qadafi, and other leaders of the Muslim world,who had no contention against Israel – in order for radical terrorist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood to be able to take over countries – radical groups who were in league with radical terrorist groups within Israel and Hezbollah on the Lebanon/Israel border, with Iran, Syria, Russia, China, and North Korea.

The Illuminati time table is being kept to the finite details, and the U.S. President, as I have revealed in that article, has been the chief instigator of the violence needed to re-arrange the Middle East to pit Muslims against Israel—Part III of the Illuminati’s Plan (from 1871). Parts I and II have been pulled off perfectly. I have been writing the background on all that I say here, for at least 5 years.

But, I am in Israel now. I know the possibilities of “sudden” happenings. I am in the north, not far from the Lebanon order – and realize that 60,000+ rockets are aimed at the north of Israel by Hezbollah. Damascus is only 40 miles as the crow flies over Mount Hermon, which I can see from my apartment window.

Syria has moved troops down to the backside of Hermon many times recently, provoking war with Israel. According to Reuters News, Iran has sent in military troops into Syria. That says a lot!

Through Syria will come the hoards from the north – of Ezekiel 38. From North Africa will come the Muslim hoards to join them, and Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood from the south. The Palestinians (Psalm 83) will come from the east, the south, and the “west bank” of Israel. Israel is surrounded, even with Iran off the coast of Syria in the sea. But, America is also surrounded totally, and infiltrated from the inside by deadly enemies.

Zechariah 12:2-3: “Behold, I am making Jerusalem a cup of trembling to all the people all around…And in that Day, it shall be that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples—all lifting it are severely injured. And all the nations of the earth shall be gathered against it.”

Jerusalem is becoming more and more each day a “cup of trembling for all nations” every day.

Luke 21:20 gives us the current scenario that the Orthodox Jews know quite well: when rioting reaches a peak in Jerusalem, the United Nations will send in their troops, surround the city, and take over.

Because I know from Abba, ancient timing, and His confirmation from others, that we are in an Adar Bet year and approaching the Fall Festivals, that means that the real Tishre 1, the real Yom Teruah, will begin the eve of October 16th or 17th--Depending on the sighting of the new moon from Jerusalem, of course. It is after mid-October that Israel MIGHT TRY to strike Iran – though Netanyahu is trying everything he can to prevent it. The U.S. President is doing nothing to help him prevent it. But, it is also the timetable of the Illuminati/Luciferic leadership of this world, in which they will try to start the chaos that will lead to their new world order.

Of course you know that this U.S. President will be reelected don’t you?

For about two months, I was planning on going to Jerusalem today for the rabbinic Yom Teruah to be with the people, as I have been doing with all the

festivals since the Fall of 2000--a habit I have loved, even though I know the Creator’s calendar goes by the sighting of the new moon each month. But, for about a week I have been troubled in my spirit that I am not to go. So, I cancelled my hotel room and am not going. But, at the same time, Abba put it emphatically into my spirit that I am to go to Jerusalem for the real Yom Teruah, covering those days in mid-October. As I listened to His instructions in my spirit, a deep joy came, but also a deep seriousness that has overwhelmed me.

Israel is surrounded on all sides by enemies. Israel now has thousands of enemies within her borders. America is surrounded on all borders, and under the seas, by Russian, Chinese, and other foreign military. America now has thousands of enemies inside the country—Terrorist-Muslim factions, Russians, Chinese, black-op mercenaries, gangs, convicted criminals, chipped soldiers, and foreign armies -- all at the invitation of the government. Right now, America and Israel are two very dangerous nations to be in--the Scriptures are full of blunt prophecy about what will happen to these two nations before Messiah comes.

However, as per the Scriptures, there is only one nation on earth that Yahuweh promises to protect, and mainly only one city! He takes care of His property and His people! Zechariah 2:5, 7-8: “ `For I Myself am to her’ declares Yahuweh, `a wall of fire all around and for esteem I am in her midst’ ”… “Oh Zion! Escape --you who dwell with the daughter of Babel’. For thus says Yahuweh of hosts…`he who touches you touches the apple of my eye’ ”. But, do nothing in haste or fear – that is counterproductive!!!

The “wall of fire” is very close to me. One night before moving to Jordan, I was being attacked by many demonic forces. I cried out to Yahuweh. All of a sudden I saw a wall of white fire across the door of my room and all along the wall by my bed. I said “fire of Yahuweh encircle me”. I instantly fell asleep peacefully. The next morning, I called my lead prayer warrior/intercessor who prayed for me regularly, to tell her what happened. Upon hearing my voice, Doris said: “Don’t say anything. Something happened last night regarding my praying for you”. She said that as she went to prayer, she saw herself in the spirit turning into a wall of white fire for my protection. When you pray for protection on His servants, Abba takes it personally and acts. Some of you have been very faithful to pray for me, as He has led you, and I thank you so much for that!!!

Last year, while walking from the Zion Gate on my way to the City of David, east Jerusalem, He spoke to me: “You are going into the `apple of My eye’ ”.

It is on that little hill--the real Zion--where Messiah will build His house and restore the tabernacle (pavilion) of David, in His back yard – just as it was for 40 years, when David kept praise and worship going 24/7 around the Ark!

Zechariah 2:7 is a plea, as in Jeremiah, Isaiah and Revelation, for those of His people to flee out of Babylon to escape HIS judgment on it. Nowhere in Scripture does it say to those who were captives in ancient Babylon to flee. But, America is end-time Babylon, and it is extremely dangerous to be there. Because it is the instigator of the plots to destroy Israel, Abba will backlash. [Refer to: “The Soon-Coming Nuclear War” for many Scriptures about this backlash]

I, and others, have been warning for years from Scripture … giving “thus says Yahuweh”, regarding fleeing out of America, but most are in a mental daze, stupor, drugged condition, or totally in denial and are asleep mentally and spiritually. Once the panic starts, it will be too late to prepare and act. It will be a slaughter. 2/3 in Israel will die. 100% in America will die. It’s all in the Word! As I have written recently, many Americans of all types are fleeing out to other nations. He does not say where to go – He just says “flee”. Your head reasoning will get you dead … so do what is necessary to hear from Abba and follow what He says. He is Elohim—you are not!!!

Today in The Jerusalem Post, September 16, 2012, the headlines read: “Muslim riots spread across Middle East, North Africa”.

“What began as a small protest against an amateurish film mocking and maligning the prophet Muhammad has mushroomed into a full-scale international crisis, with anti-western violence spreading to more countries over the weekend and al-Qaida trying to harness the new wave of Muslim resentment...Trying to tamp down raucous protests in Cairo – where the controversy began when a 14-minute trailer for the film Innocence of Muslims, made in the US, was translated into Arabic and aired on a talk show – Egyptian police stormed Tahir Square early on Saturday and arrested hundreds of people after four straight days of clashes…”

“Al Qaida went on to encourage Muslims living in the West to be involved in the struggle, saying that they had an extra duty to be involved in attacks because of their access to Western targets”.

Of course, as I have reported for a long time, “Al Qaida” is an American-CIA mercenary data base, using mercenaries to do their dirty work of creating the chaos to bring in the “order”… the new world order. The Illuminati motto is: “Out of chaos, order”. Yes, many violent terrorists belong to this organization, most not realizing that the hierarchy of this organization is the CIA of America. The Taliban was created by Jimmy Carter, and on and on and on … As He said to me in a dream two years ago: “Nothing is as it appears”.

“On Friday violent protests spread to Sudan…”

Refer to the article: “Ezekiel 38” – and the Scripture text, of course, and note that the nations of North Africa join with Russia and Iran, Eastern Europe, and Turkey to attack Israel in force. The Ezekiel 38 lineup is lining up!

“Demonstrators also turned violent in Tunisia when protesters tried to attack the U.S. Embassy in Tunis, the capitol...Police fought hundreds of rioters who smashed windows, threw fire bombs and stones at police, and started fires in the embassy.” “In Afghanistan, two American Marines were killed in an attack on their base Friday…”

Here is an observation from an astute researcher in England:

“The Truth is not being told. It is reported that almost one million Muslims marched in Madrid--figures being grossly downplayed by world media--150 thousand in Portugal. No mention in UK Parliament that our forces (what little we have left) are being dragged into a Middle East. Cameron is making the decisions like a little dictator. The Illuminati plans for WWIII.”

Israel now has the problem of refugees from Sudan and Eritrea trying to escape into Israel. They are passing through the Sinai and the Egyptian soldiers are raping them and firing on them. The IDF can’t let them in--there are too many of them.The world has gone mad!!! Have you noticed?

Do you notice that the whole Muslim world is united against whoever speaks the slightest thing against the Koran and their prophet? Europe has banned criticism of Muslims, and Muftis are pushing for America to do the same. Christianity is fragmented into about 5,000 different denominations and organizations, with over 350 translations of the English Bible alone, so there is no unity across board. What if the two billion so-called “believers” joined in unity to pray for Yahuweh’s purposes on earth? But the religion of Christianity is so “milk-toast” and worldly that few care if someone mocks the Bible or Jesus, or God. Most just say “isn’t that terrible?” and then forget it. “If it does not affect me or my family, why rock the boat?” is the attitude. Fantasyland continues on …

Most of you know about the death of the American Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, and three other American Embassy personnel during an attack on the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya, this past Tuesday – September 10th. What the mainstream news is not reporting is that Stevens was sodomized by Muslim men over 60 times before they killed him. This is typical Muslim activity to show their hate. This is part of the “spirit of the Medes” that has now so infiltrated America/end-time Babylon. [Refer to the Scriptures in: “End Time Babylon”] (Isaiah 13:17-20, speaking of America)

Many seculars and ex-military personnel are fleeing now out of America, for everything is in place for marital law, and total takeover by the “spirit of the Medes” – Refer to: “End-Time Babylon”]

Because of this attack on the U.S. Embassy in Libya, the U.S. has ordered Marine reinforcements to be dispatched to Libya and to Yemen. Al Qaida said Tuesday’s attack in Libya was motivated in part by the death of Abu Yahya al-Libi, a Libyan Al Qaida leader killed in Pakistan by one of the U.S.’s drones.

America is sending many drones into Muslim nations, to provoke hate for America and assassinate people whom they deem worthy of death.

Almost daily Israel copes with attacks from rockets fired from within the country by Hamas and other Muslim radicals, and yet they are called upon by the “international community” to show restraint. However, the Muslims are not reprimanded by this “community” of Luciferics, for what they do to Israel. The war is between Lucifer/Satan and Yahuweh’s people. Are you prepared for it to come into your front yard?

It has been noted that many now are having dreams and visions, prophetic words from Abba, and deep knowing in their spirit, that between the end of rabbinic Sukkot, October 9th, until the U.S. Presidential elections on November 6th, there will be much upheaval leading to more upheaval into 2013 and beyond. Jerusalem is the focal point. By that lake, He let me know that the elections were the pivot point – a downslide of no return.

From The Jerusalem Post article “Four arrested at `Innocence of Muslims’ protest in east Jerusalem--In rare move U.S. State Department issue travel warning for Jerusalem” by Melanie Lidman.

“Four people were arrested in east Jerusalem on Friday during clashes stemming from the controversial film Innocence of Muslims, which has already sparked mass protests in Libya, Egypt, and Yemen. Waving Korans and chanting anti-American slogans, hundreds of Arabs clashed with police after leaving Friday prayers at the Temple Mount. The demonstrators marched from the Temple Mount to the Damascus Gate with the intention of marching to the old U.S. Consulate on Shehem Street…Also Thursday, around 50 activists gathered outside the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv chanting `God is Great’ and waving the green flags of the Israeli Islamic Movement. Attorney Zahi Nujeidat, spokesman for the group, said that the protesters came from across Israel to the embassy to `express rage about this despicable movie that has harmed he honor of our prophet’ ”.