Friday 18th September
12.30 onwards / Registration2.00 / Opening Remarks
SESSION 1: Osteology in context: combining funerary archaeology
and skeletal analysis
Session organisers: Jo Buckberry and Nivien Speith
Chair: TBC
2.15 / Keynote lecture: Mike Parker Pearson
Title TBC
3.00 / Karl Harrison, Nicholas Márquez-Grant and Anastasia Tsaliki*
Archaeology meets criminality: an investigation of the analogies between modern clandestine graves and unusual body disposals in the past
3.15 / Annia Cherryson and Jo Buckberry
Heads and the headless: the late Saxon execution cemetery at Old Dairy Cottage, Winchester
3.30 / Orsolya Laszlo
Evidence for weapon related trauma: a case study of an unusual burial in the Presbyterian Church of Sóly, Hungary
3.45 / TEA BREAK – refreshments will be served in the lounge area (entrance level)
4.00 / THEMED POSTER SESSION: Osteology in context: combining funerary archaeology and skeletal analysis
Rachel K. Wentz
Lasting landscapes: Florida’s Prehistoric mounds
5.00 / Marco Milella, Valentina Mariotti and Maria Giovanna Belcastro*
Deviant burials in a Roman necropolis of Bologna (1st to 3rd century AD)
5.15 / David Klingle*
The use of skeletal evidence to understand the transition from Roman to early Anglo-Saxon Cambridgeshire
5.30 / Malin Holst
A comparative study of ‘continuity’ cemeteries in North-East England
5.45 / Christopher Knüsel, Catherine M. Batt, Gordon Cook, Janet Montgomery, Gundula Müldner, Alan R. Ogden, Carol Palmer, Ben Stern, John Todd and Andrew S. Wilson
The St. Bees (Cumbria, United Kingdom) lady: a medieval osteobiography
6.00 / Session ends
* student prize entrants
A wine reception will take place in the Atrium, Richmond Building, from 6.15pm.
Saturday 19th September
Session organisers: Holger Schutkowski and Victoria Mueller
Chair: TBC
9.00 / Keynote lecture: Janet Montgomery
Title TBC
9.45 / Alexis E. Dolphin
Teeth as retrospective indicators of Zn bioavailability and infant function
10.00 / Mandy Jay, Mike Richards, Mike Parker Pearson and Olaf Nehlich
Scottish sulphur isotope data from the ‘Beaker People Project’ and the ‘Beakers and Bodies Project’
10.15 / Gundula Müldner, Carolyn Chenery, Stephany Leach, Mary Lewis and Hella Eckardt
The ‘Roman Diaspora Project’: Multi-isotope investigations into cultural diversity in Roman Britain
10.30 / Piers Mitchell and Gundula Müldner
Diet in the crusades: carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis from two 12th-13th century populations from the Kingdom of Jerusalem
10.45 / Holger Schutkowski and Michael P. Richards
Diet and subsistence during the middle Bronze Age at Sidon, Lebanon – first isotopic evidence of coastal Levantine food ways
11.00 / TEA BREAK – refreshments will be served in the lounge area (entrance level)
Session organisers: Alan Ogden and Amy Dapling
Chair: TBC
11.15 / OPEN POSTER SESSION (group 1)
12.00 / Richard L. Abel and Gabriele A. Macho
Bone growth and development: how (in)dependent is it on mechanical loading?
12.15 / Rebecca Storm
Age-related trends in asymmetry
12.30 / Geneviève Perréard Lopreno
Principles of biomechanics applied to the identification of handedness
12.45 / Nivien Speith
Recommendations from a Workshop on Musculo-Skeletal Markers (MSM)
1.00 / LUNCH – lunch will be served in the lounge area (entrance level)
Juho-Antti Junno, Tuija Tammelin, Jaro Karppinen, Jaakko Niinimäki, Markku Niskanen, Miika Nieminen, Kaija Kamula, Heli Maijane, Marika Kaakinen, Osmo Tervonen and Juha Tuukkanen.
Do genetic factors control vertebral size?
2.15 / David Cockcroft*
Röntgen and the chisel: anthropology, radiography and Egyptology
2.30 / Sirpa Niinimäki and Markku Niskanen *
Introducing new measurement: rearticulated scapula and clavicle for approximating chest shape
2.45 / Sophie Beckett and Keith Rogers
Inter-species variation in bone mineral
3.00 / Samira Kuhn, Sophie Beckett, Keith Rogers and Andrew Chamberlain*
Comparison of the effects of diagenesis and heat treatment to bone mineral
3.15 / TEA BREAK – refreshments will be served in the lounge area (entrance level)
3.30 / OPEN POSTER SESSION (group 2)
4.15 / Christopher J. Rogers, Michael P. Whitehead, Raul Sutton and Wera M. Schmerer
Determining the post mortem interval – can hair, cartilage and bone be of any use?
4.30 / Wera M. Schmerer
DNA degradation in bone material recovered from soil: Impact of soil environment and burial time
4.45 / Alex Starkie, Meez Islam and Tim Thompson*
The potential of chemical analysis of tattoo ink in forensic anthropology
5.00 / Carme Rissech and Daniel Turbón
New models of osteological growth based in documented human skeletal remains. Application in osteoarchaeology and forensic anthropology
5.15 / Anna Clement
Ageing the adult skeleton – how useful is tooth wear?
5.30 / Session ends
5.45 / AGM
Followed by the conference dinner at the Aagrah restaurant, Thornbury.
Coaches depart from outside the Atrium at 7.00pm, and will return to the University campus and the three conference hotels after the meal and BABAO pub quiz.
NB there will not enough time to return to hotels to change between the AGM and scheduled departure to the conference meal.
Sunday 20th September
Session organisers: Anthea Boylston and Sarah S. King
Chair: TBC
9.00 / Keynote lecture: Keith Manchester
Palaeopathology: a resource in the history of illness
9.45 / Jeanette Wooding*
Palaeopathology in archaeozoology: the application of skeletal lesion patterning and differential diagnosis to the study of zoonotic disease
10.00 / Karen Bernofsky*
A bioarchaeological study of respiratory health in medieval and post-medieval southern England.
10.15 / Dave Lawrence*
Living (and dying) on the edge: interpretation of pathology in a Neolithic population
10.30 / Sarah S. King*
Warfare and violence in the Iron Age of East Yorkshire
10.45 / THEMED POSTER SESSION: Palaeopathology: biocultural insights (group 1)
11.30 / TEA BREAK – refreshments will be served in the lounge area (entrance level)
11.45 / THEMED POSTER SESSION: Palaeopathology: biocultural insights (group 2)
12.30 / Norman Sullivan, Sean Dougherty and Colleen Milligan
Infant mortality among labour migrants in a late nineteenth century city of the American Midwest
12.45 / Jelena Bekvalac
St Bride’s crypt assemblage: bling on the dentist!
1.00 / Rebecca Griffin, Martin Pitts, Richard Smith and Alan Brook
Health status and social inequality at Late Roman Baldock
1.15 / Rebecca Redfern and Jelena Bekvalac
Title TBC
1.30 / Closing remarks, presentation of student prizes
1.45 / LUNCH – lunch will be served in the lounge area (entrance level)
Poster Sessions
Poster session 1: Osteology in context: combining funerary archaeology and skeletal analysis
Poster number6 / Emma Pomeroy*
Burial practices in the Argentinean Andes: new evidence from pre-Inka pot burials
10 / Trisha M. Biers and Guillermo A. Cock Carrasco*
The bioarchaeology of activity and labour under Inka occupation: a regional analysis of provincial burials from Lima, Peru
14 / Sarah Inskip*
Changing faiths, changing identities: can activity-related skeletal modifications be used as an indicator of social change?
18 / Rebecca Crozier*
A taphonomic study of human remains from Neolithic Orkney
22 / Kirsty Squires
The effect of cremation on human bone from an early Anglo-Saxon context
30 / Cristina Barroso Cruz and Eugénia Cunha*
Reporting death in Portugal: analysing biological and cultural data from anthropological field reports and its influence on palaeodemographic studies
Posters must be displayed before the session starts at 2pm on Friday. They should be taken down on Saturday lunchtime.
Presenting authors should stand by their posters for the Friday afternoon poster session only.
Poster session 2: Open Session (group 1 – morning posters)
5 / Angela Clark and Jo Buckberry
How useful are measurements currently used for sex assessment in archaeological remains?
9 / David Gonçalves*
Lateral angle of the petrous bone as sex predictor for cremated human remains
13 / Jesús Herrerín and Belén Martín-Vázquez
Project Herrerín: A new computer programme to be used in studies of ancient human skeletal remains
17 / Tania Kausmally
William Hewson and the Craven Street Anatomy School
21 / Mercedes Okumura and Heather A. Hillenbrand
Sex assessment of non-adult skeletal remains: which sexually dimorphic features are more reliable?
25 / Dany Rafferty
The association of developmental instability, as measured by fluctuating asymmetry of the teeth, with the measure of ill-health experienced by an individual using the Steckel & Rose (2002) health index
Posters can be displayed for the duration of the conference, but they must be ready before the start of the Saturday morning session.
Presenting authors should stand by their posters for the Saturday morning poster session only.
Poster session 3: Open Session (group 2 – afternoon posters)
3 / Zoe Askham, Nicholas Márquez-Grant, Carme Rissech and Julie Roberts
A comparative database for species differentiation of compact bone: histological examination of human and non-human rib and femur samples
7 / Benoît Bertrand, William Devriendt and Sophie Vattéon
Application of the environmental SEM equipped with microanalysis to dental root cementum. Reflexion on the appositional layers as an archive for biological events in past populations
11 / Milly Farrell
The odontological collection at the Royal College of Surgeons of England
15 / Florencia Gordón, Lumila Menéndez, Juan C. Castro, Laura Fuchs, Andrés Di Bastiano, Mariano Del Papa, María Cristina Muñe and Romina Vázquez.
Preventive Conservation of Human Skeletal Remains from Museo de La Plata, República Argentina.
19 / Giovanni Guerra and Giovanni Arcudi
The Holy shroud: anthropometry and religion
23 / Nicholas Márquez-Grant, Karl Harrison, Rebecca White, Lucy Sibun and Julie Roberts
Estimating post-mortem interval: a database for Great Britain
27 / Myra Giesen
Dead but not forgotten: human remains from archaeological excavations in north-east England
Posters can be displayed for the duration of the conference, but they must be ready before the start of the Saturday afternoon session.
Presenting authors should stand by their posters for the Saturday afternoon poster session only.
Poster session 4: Palaeopathology (group 1 – early morning posters)
1 / Carina Marques and Vítor Matos *
Sacroiliac joint ankylosis: paleoepidemiological study on the Identified Skeletal Collection from the Museu Bocage, Lisbon, Portugal
4 / Muriel Masson *
Hard times in the Neolithic: portrait of a difficult life
8 / Nivien Speith *
Interpreting insertions: how to make muscles work
12 / Olalla López-Costas, Nicholas Márquez-Grant and Miguel C. Botella*
Sharp-force trauma in a Late Roman individual from Galicia (Spain)
16 / Lumila Paula Menéndez *
Oral health in human samples from Northeastern Patagonia (Republica Argentina)
20 / Elizabeth F. Craig and Geoff T. Craig *
A case of fibrous dysplasia from an Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Village Farm, Spofforth, North Yorkshire.
24 / Cecilia Collins and Steinunn Kristjansdóttir *
Hydatid disease in Medieval Iceland
28 / Malgosia Nowak-Kemp and Nicholas Márquez-Grant
The pathological collection at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Posters can be displayed for the duration of the conference, but they must be ready before the start of the Sunday morning session.
Presenting authors should stand by their posters for the Sunday early morning session only.
Poster session 5: Palaeopathology (group 2 – late morning posters)
2 / Emily Beales
Raunds Furnells: A biocultural analysis of the pathology of the adult skeletons
6 / Iris Trautmann and Nivien Speith
Epidemic tuberculosis in the Early Medieval Period?
10 / Hiroko Hashimoto
The first physical evidence of syphilis in Japan.
14 / Charlotte Henderson
Disease-related entheseal remodelling (enthesopathies) at fibrous enthuses
18 / Tamás Hajdu, Antónia Marcsik, Ivett Kövári and Orsolya László
A possible case of congenital anomaly
22 / Patricia Furphy
A Graves’ Disease
26 / Paola Ponce, Jo Buckberry, Alan Ogden and Don Ortner
Multicentric osteosarcoma in an individual from 19th century Wolverhampton, England
29 / Ivett Kövári, Tamás Hajdu and Antónia Marcsik
An unusual paleopathological case: destruction of the nasal cavity caused by soft tissue lesions
Posters can be displayed from Saturday lunchtime (replacing posters in for ‘osteology in context’), but they must be ready before the start of the Sunday morning session.
Presenting authors should stand by their posters for the Sunday late morning session only.