CHE Minutes- 1/27/08

Members Present: Joel Gonzales, Oscar Davila, Miguel Padilla, Eva Montes, Javier Infante, Lydia Centeno, Maria Cardenas, Nahdxyeli Valdez, and Isabel Hernandez

Members Not Present: Edith Bretado, Cecilia Osornia, Jenn Melgar, Lorane Cornejo, Lisandra Franco

Reflect on Last Semester

A.  What went well, what could we have done better?

a.  Speakers: give them an outline before their presentations

b.  DDLM: very successful, but perhaps took away too much time from our semester goals

c.  Meetings: should do follow-ups with the members; those interested in running for a position could be “interns” early on in the semester

d.  Directory Board: improve on communication/collaboration with members and officers; EVERY officer should be present at all officer meetings! Also, equal participation and ensuring that we help each other out to complete tasks

e.  Goals: didn’t do as much community service and/or group projects, need to get more involved in RAZA!

What goals do we all want to accomplish Spring 2008?

1.  MIH

2.  Raza Health Fair

3.  Community Service

Tabling Feedback

-  Not as successful, only got 2 people

-  Public Health Coalition officer invited us to work with them with a walk-a-thon

CHE Officer Binders- ASAP

Need: Publicity, Fundraising

First General Meeting

A. Ice-Breaker: “ I love My Neighbor”

B. PowerPoint presentation on events this semester (Oscar & Joel)

C. Slideshow of events from last semester (Lorane)

D. CHE interns (Oscar)

E. SHARE meeting (Eva)

F. Goals (Maria)

G. CHE gear- all extras will be given to Miguel

H. advertising first meeting: invite via Facebook, Listserves (CHE, IB, RAZA)

I. room reserved for 2063 VLSB for 1st meeting only (find Rms for next 2 wks)- ask Abby for help in getting a room

Hosting CHE Meetings (March 5th and April 9th)- Oscar and Joel will not be present

Finance Updates

·  CHE Scholarship disbursements (Cecilia)

·  2nd Acteva check? (Eva will check up on it)

·  Balances: 2,694 (combined)

·  Allocate money for the semester

·  Reimbursements- Nahdxyli ($150) and Miguel ($150)

·  Money from UC Davis and other schools tabling from DDLM?

·  Handling money this semester between the co-treasurers and fundraising chair- Miguel will focus on CHE’s account so Cecilia can focus on DULCE’s


A.  Pan Dulce and Hot Chocolate- next week

B.  Ice-Cream social on a Thursday night

Secretary Updates

- evaluating last semester- everyone passed! =)

- units- keep it the same

- dues- keep same

Officer Meetings- When and where?

Thursdays 4-6 PM at Maria’s House

Shadow Day at UCSF (date?)- announcing this at the first meeting; taking one group only; whatever day during the week works best for everyone to miss classes

SUMMA Conference- Feb 9th at Stanford- Joel will go to represent CHE at the BACCO meeting

LMSA Conference- at UC Davis on March 28th-29th

CHE Website- (Lorane)

CHE Alumni Database- (Lisandra)

CHE Scrapbook 2007-08 – (Lorane)

MIH-location, logo, funding, meeting with PAHC and BSHA – April 26th

-  Location: Abby suggested St. Anlows

-  Elementary schools on MLK or University or Rosa Parks Elementary

Spring Health Fair-location, logo, funding- May 2nd

-  Dulce training

-  Make shirts for volunteers

CHE Socials this Semester

-  ice-cream social

Public Relations Update

-  first CAUCUS meeting this Monday from 5-6 PM

-  Student Leadership Retreat: Friday 6-8 & Sat 11-5 Feb 1st at Stiles Hall/Heller Lounge

-  If want t-shirts, rsvp by Wednesday cost: $6 (they are really cool!)

-  SHAC first meeting this week

-  If need hours can intern

ASUC elections

-  want CHE to get involved!! Holding up signs, tabling, etc.

-  get involved with CAUCUS and get involved in going to meetings –email Isabel

Contacting Speakers:

•Jonathan's brother (Miguel Padilla)- NO going back to school

•SUMMA Doctor: (Beatriz Hernandez)- No but Isabel will contact dr. from venezuela

•Dr. Berniz Perez: (Lisandra Franco)- ?

•Erica Brown (Joel Gonzalez)- Yes interested in outreach

•Dr. Thomas Magana (Nahdxyeli Valdez)- no reply

•Dr. Laurie Cammon (Eva Montes)- no reply

•Dr. Lovato- CHE Alum (Joel Gonzalez)- no reply

•Kessy (Lydia Centeno)- No

•Sexperts contact- no update

INROADS contact (Joel Gonzalez)- no reply

CHE meetings for next semester:

Jan 30: Introduction

Feb 6 Erica Browne

Feb 13: Sex-Perts

Feb 20

Feb 27: RAZA Health Fair Prep

March 2: RAZA Health Fair

March 5: (Oscar and Joel absent)

March 12:

March 19:

April 2:

April 9: (Oscar and Joel absent)

April 16:

April 26th: MIH Conference

April 23: CHE Officer Nominations

April 30: Election Day

May 7: CHE Banquet/ Introduce new officers

Meeting adjourned at 1:11 PM