A Week at the Zoo

You are the newly hired zookeeper at Wallyworld Zoo. For this lab, all locations are folders, and all animals are files. Anywhere there is a blank line you are to write the command to accomplish the assigned task. When complete, submit your instructor for credit.

Open a terminal window and log on. All file and folder creation is done from your home folder.

Day 1

It is your first day of work. Your first task is to become familiar with the park. You spend your first day walking around the park and getting familiar with the various locations and animals. Lay out your folder and file structure as follows:

Start in your home folder. Create a folder called WallyworldZoo. ______

Create subfolders for the following locations: ParkAdministration, ReptileBuilding, Aquarium, and OutsideAreas.

Under each of these folders, create the following subfolders:

ParkAdministration – Office, Armory, Vet

ReptileBuilding – AlligatorPit, ChameleonCage, LizardLounge

Aquarium – PenguinPlay, SharkTank, FishTank

OutsideAreas –PredatorArea, Preyarea, SmallAnimals

In the Predator Area create the following subfolders – Cave, Tree

Create files to represent the following items and animals in the appropriate folders (the files follow the folder creation order, meaning Desk goes in Office, Tranqgun goes in Armory, etc. Anything followed by a number means you need that many, so you need 3 Alligators):

Desk, TranqGun, FirstAid, Alligators(3), Chameleons(2), Skink, Gecko, Penguins(3), Hammerhead, GreatWhite, SandShark, Blowfish, Tuna, Salmon, HungryLion, Tigers(2), Bears(2), Antelope(2), Buffalo(2), Gophers(2), PrarieDogs(2)

Return to the WallyworldZoo folder.

From WallyworldZoo folder (command line):

ls –lR > tree.txt

Send me the tree file for credit.

Day 2

It is your second day on the job, and it is time to do work, son!

You begin your day by making you daily rounds to check on the animals.

Start in the ParkAdministration Office. Once you are there, type the command to verify your present location. ______Write the results here: ______

Doublecheck who you are logged in as: ______

Walk to the Alligator Pit. ______

Oh no!!! One of the alligators is sick! Rename one of them to SickAlligator ______

There is no way you are messing with a sick and cranky alligator while he is awake. In one command, return to the Vet area. ______

You grab your TranqGun and head back to the alligator pit. Using your finely honed sniper skills (and some meat to lure him out of the water) you put the alligator to sleep. Now you need to move him to the Vet area. ______

You use the first aid kit on him. (delete the FirstAid file). ______

Thanks to you, the alligator is no longer sick (although still quite cranky). In one command, move the alligator back to the AlligatorPit and rename him to CrankyAlligator. Crisis averted, you check to make sure you still have all of your limbs and continue your rounds.

Your next stop is the FishTank. Walk to that location.

You take inventory of the fish. ______

Wow! The fish have been busy! There seems to be a new fish in the tank. You take the new fish back to the Vet area to microchip it. (Copy one of the fish to the Vet area) ______

You record when he was born.

Perform a directory listing with details to show time of creation.


Your next stop is the PredatorArea. Walk there. Take inventory. ______

Hmmm.… One of the Lions seems to have escaped! That can’t be good! A cranky alligator is one thing, but a hungry lion on the loose is really not good! You ask yourself where he would be. Uh oh, an idea comes to mind. (Move the HungryLion to the PreyArea). ______

You run to the PreyArea and take a quick look around. It seems the HungryLion is indeed there. Only he no longer seems hungry. Somebody is in trouble for this one.

Rename the HungryLion to HappyLion. ______

Delete one of the Antelope ______

You grab your handy tranquilizer gun, tag the Lion, and return it to the PredatorArea.

Copy TranqGun to the PreyArea. ______

Move HappyLion to the PredatorArea ______

Finally, you check out the SmallAnimals area. Walk there.

Taking stock of the animals here is more difficult. Small animals tend to hide in their holes.

Rename the Gophers to make them hidden. ______

On first glance, you don’t see the Gophers. ______

You use various tactics (water, smoke, small explosives) to get the Gophers to leave their holes.

Perform a directory listing that shows hidden files ______

What a day!

Day 3

There is a lot of construction scheduled for today in the park. The Zoo has set up a temporary holding area for some of the animals while the construction is done. Create a folder under WallyworldZoo called TempHolding.

You start by moving the antelope and buffalo to the TempHolding area. This should be done in one command. ______

The PreyArea is then bulldozed for reconstruction. (Delete the PreyArea folder)


You also move the PraerieDogs to the TempHolding area. The SmallAnimals area is also then bulldozed. Oops you forgot about those tricky hidden Gophers!

Delete the SmallAnimals area (it is not empty so it will require a different command than for the PreyArea) ______

Send me this completed document for credit.