A WebQuest created by

Krista Trabbold


Think back to the beginning of kindergarten. Things weren’t as easy for you then as they are now. During this school year you have learned many new skills to help you become a reader. Congratulations on a job well done!

This WebQuest will be like a trip back through kindergarten. Here, you will travel through the year by playing games and watching videos on your computer that will help you review all of the things you’ve learned this year on your way to becoming a reader.

Grab that mouse, it’s time to begin!


Here’s what you’ll be working on:

First, you will be practicing forming the letters of the alphabet. Since we use letters to form words, this is a very important skill.

Second, you will practice alphabetical order. Knowing where to the find the letters in the alphabet was something we practiced a lot this year.

After that, you will work on matching letters to the sounds they make. Knowing letter sounds helps us to read words.

Next, you will review vowels and word families.

Then, you will practice reading some sight words.

Finally, you will put complete sentences together, making sure to include an uppercase letter at the beginning and punctuation at the end.


At the beginning of kindergarten, you may not have known all of your letters or how to write them but now you do.

Let’s practice “writing” your letters on the computer. Go to this website and write on the slate. You can use your mouse to choose to write in any color you wish.

Now let’s move on to putting the letters in order. Go to this site to watch a short movie called “How the Alphabet Got Its Order”.

Go here to practice putting letters in order. If you get the order right you will make a picture for the word you see:

Something we worked on a lot this year was learning the sounds for each of the letters in the alphabet. These sites have fun games to help you practice your letter sounds:

After learning the sounds for many consonant letters, we started learning about vowels and the sounds they make. Vowels are necessary in order to make words. This short video called “Vowels Save the Day” explains why vowels are so important:

When we put a vowel together with a consonant we were able to make word families. Words that are in the same family rhyme with each other. Here is a video/game featuring some Sesame Street characters. Listen to what the characters say about rhyming words and then help them to find the correct rhyming word.

These next sites each have fun games to play with word families and rhyming words.

Knowing the letters and their sounds was very important when you were learning to read but there were also some rules about reading that we had to follow such as starting to read at the top of the page and moving down and also reading from the left side of the page to the right side of the page. Here is a short video about how we read and write:

This year we learned many sight words. These are words that we know how to read as soon as we look at them. Play level one of this game to practice some of your kindergarten sight words.

You are almost done your adventure!

Now that you have practiced all of your reading skills, we will work on putting words together properly to make sentences. Remember that the words in a sentence must be in the correct order to make sense. Also, every sentence must begin with an uppercase letter and end with a punctuation mark. Go to this site to practice putting sentences together properly.


1 / Developing
2 / Accomplished
3 / Exemplary
Order / Cannot put any letters in ABC order / Can put some letters in ABC order / Can put most letters in ABC order / Can put all letters in ABC order
Recognition / Cannot match any letters to their sounds / Can match some letters to their sounds / Can match most letters to their sounds / Can match all letters to their sounds
Rhyming Words / Cannot identify any rhyming words / Can identify some rhyming words / Can identify most rhyming words / Can identify all rhyming words
Words / Cannot identify any sight words / Can identify some sight words / Can identify most sight words / Can identify all sight words
Sentences / Cannot form any complete sentences / Can form some complete sentences / Can form many complete sentences / Can form all complete sentences


Did you enjoy your trip back through the year in kindergarten? I hope you realized how far you’ve come this year. You really learned a lot! Be sure to come back often and review your kindergarten skills.
