A Village in India- Chembakolli-part 2
Key Question 1: What are the similarities and differences between Chembakolli and the nearest city?
- Give small groups 2 or 4 photos and ask them to discuss what the photo shows and then decide which are city/ village and to discuss why. Look at the clues!
- Discuss/ share as a class which photos are Chembakolli village and which are Bangalore city, discuss what they show.
- Give groups copies of the maps of Chembakolli and Bangalore. Ask them to compare and contrast the locations and surroundings – what are the natural features and what are man made? Record on post-it notes.
- Look together at some of the holiday photographs on the disc. Discuss how this is the capital of India and although it is a city it is very different to Bangalore.
Key Question 2: What are the homes and schools like in Chembakolli?
- Look at the powerpoint of Houses & schools.
- Discuss as a class the similarities and differences of a school in India and Front Lawn
- Activity – record as mind map, table or list the similarities and differences between houses in Chembakolli & Bangalore and Leigh Park. How do they/we cook? How are the houses built? What are the houses made of?
Ext – If you had an unlimited budget and were asked to make improvements to a school in India, what would you buy/spend money on? Make a list
Key Question 3: What are the cultural differences between people in India and us?
Links with Citizenship: Living in a diverse world
R.E: Hinduism
- Explore sameness, difference and diversity as a Circle Time. Go around the circle talking about some of the ways we are all the same, different and diverse.
- Explain that as humans we are all equal, have basic needs and rights and belong to a range of groups and communities including school and family
- Emphasise that it is important to respect each other, wrong to abuse people for any reason, including race – discuss this as a topic briefly
- Read the story of Krishna and Kaliya – in groups discuss the story, what you think of it, can you relate to it, is it similar or different to our traditional stories? Make notes on whiteboards. Share back ideas.
- Look at the powerpoint on Hinduism, discuss the cultural beliefs
Key Question 4: How is religion celebrated?
Links with R.E: What religions are represented in or neighbourhood?
- Recap the story of Krishna and Kaliya and the different gods that Hindus believe in
- Talk with a partner about the different types of religions evident in Leigh Park – what are the clues?
- Compare and contrast the ideas of the God that we know of and the Hindu gods, temples/churches
- Look at the powerpoint about Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita – discuss the story as a traditional story told to Hindu children – what similarities are there to traditional stories from our culture – Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Red Riding Hood etc
- What kind of festival is Diwali similar to? Answer the questions at the end with a partner
Ext- Draw a mind map pulling together all of the information you have learnt about Chembakolli – food/crops, work, location, city life, religion etc