New Employee Checklist

A tool for the EverBank Onboarding Experience


Complete applicable items in the new hire paperwork checklist received from the Talent Acquisition.

Complete the applicable new employee acknowledgements.Instructions are found in the “Welcome to

EverBank” e-mail you receive prior to your first day.

Orientation: If you are in Jacksonville, you may attend a one-day facilitated orientation program. Your Business Partner will provide details.

Online Orientation: If you are not in Jacksonville, an online orientation program is available.

Your First Day in the Department

Arrive on time.

Hold initial introduction meetingwith your new supervisor or manager. Items to ask about may include: /
  • Working hours
  • Expectations of on time arrival
  • eTime procedures
  • Call-in procedures if necessary
  • Breaks lunch information
  • Vacation personal time requests
  • Pay method schedule
  • Security safety measures
  • Fire drill/evacuation process
  • Safeguarding personal belongings
  • Reporting an on-the-job injury
  • Location of first aid kits
  • IT log-in instructions
  • Dress code and expectations
  • Confidentiality expectations
  • Holiday schedule
  • Overtime approval and process
  • E-mail standards and signature
  • Phone standards
  • Answer greeting
  • Voice mail standards

Obtain ID badge (if applicable in your location).

Submit the EverBank Plaza parking registration form to yoursupervisor or manager. (Applicable for EverBank Plaza [501 Riverside Ave., Jacksonville, FL] only.)

Set-up voice mail.

Verify computer hardware and software is working properly. /
  • E-mail
  • Internet
  • Intranet
  • VPN connection access card
  • Microsoft Office applications
  • Network architecture
  • Shared drives
  • Personal drive

Ask your new supervisor or manager for a building tour. Some items to look for may include: /
  • Restrooms
  • Copier
  • Fax machine
  • Parking
  • Printer
  • Office supplies
  • Break room(s)
  • Coffee
  • Vending machines
  • Onsite eating options
  • Emergency exits

Your First Week

Schedule time to meet with co-workers to learn departmental functions (if applicable).

Complete Human Resources Policies & Procedures online courses (if applicable).

Complete Supervisor Basics – Legal Aspects of Management online courses (if applicable).

Ask your new supervisor or manager about general administration information. Items may include: /
  • Workspace
  • Keys
  • Mail (incoming and outgoing)
  • Shipping (e.g. FedEx)
  • Business cards
  • Ongoing meetings
  • Telephones
  • Building access
  • Expense reports
  • Purchase requests
  • Office supplies
  • Common acronyms

Meet with your new supervisor or manager and have a detailed discussion about your position. Items to cover may include:

  • Department-specific information (strategic plan, goals and initiatives, organizational chart, and standard operating procedures)
  • How your department contributes to the company’s success and works cross-functionally with other departments
  • Review of your job description
  • Important relationships with other team members and other teams/departments
  • Initial job assignments
  • Performance expectations and standards
  • Performance goals
  • Communication norms, expectations, and standards
  • Incentive goals (if applicable)
  • Preferences, such as use of e-mail, face-to-face, ongoing progress meetings
  • Budget allowances, expectations, and request process (if applicable)
  • Your long-term career goals and objectives

Connect with Buddy (if applicable).

Complete new employee survey, sent automatically via e-mail.

Your Second Week

Meet with your new supervisor or manager to review information from first week. Ask questions, if necessary.

Notify your new supervisor or manager if you do not have the tools and resources to be successful.

Inquire about ongoing progress meetings (if applicable).

Complete any Human Resources Policies & Procedures online courses (if applicable).

Complete the Supervisor Basics – Legal Aspects of Management online courses (if applicable).

Meet with co-workers to learn department functions.

Your First Month

Ask questions as needed and appropriate.

Ask your new supervisor or manager for ongoing performance feedback.

Ask your new supervisor or manager about department strategy changes based on company needs.

Notify your new supervisor or manager if you do not have the tools and resources to be successful.

Ask your new supervisor or manager for adviceto help you understand you new job and work environment.

Enroll in benefits. If you have questions, please call 800-281-7688, option four.

75 Days After Your Start Date

Your new supervisor or manager may conduct the 90-day Progress Report. If so, she/hewill review it with you.

150 Days After Your Start Date

Complete employee survey, sent automatically via e-mail.


Ask questions as needed and appropriate.

Ask your new supervisor or manager for ongoing performance feedback.

Notify your new supervisor or manager if you do not have the tools and resources to be successful.

Ask your new supervisor or manager about training options in line with your career goals.

Page 1 of 2 | modified 6/7/09 | Human Resources Department: 800.281.7688