A Teacher of Science

Main Academy Pay Scale.

An Academy Responsibility payment may be available for a suitably experienced Teacher.

Required September 2017.

This post would suit an outstanding NQT.

The Academy’s Structure

The Canterbury Academy is a complex organisation and consists of The Canterbury Primary School (210 students – which is now rebuilt as a 2 FE school with a roll rising to 420), The Canterbury High School (approx.. 1050 students); The Canterbury High School 6th Form (above 590 students, including those in the elite sports and performing arts academies, and which is expected to rise to 750 in a couple of years); The 14-24 Enterprise & Employability College, including The Academy Youth Centre, which offers a variety of Engagement Programmes; The Canterbury & District Youth Service and The Riverside Youth Centre (as a commission), oversight of The City & Coastal College ACP as a service to the area; and, a range of other off site provision. The Canterbury Academy is also committed to community engagement and involvement.

The academy has a distributed leadership structure. There is an executive principal who is responsible for the academy, a principal who is responsible for the schools and a principal who is responsibility for community, engagement and enterprise. Each component part of the academy has its own head. However, because of changes and expected growth we are presently looking at re-structuring.

The academy will build its future upon 4 pillars of excellence – excellence in sport, excellence in performing arts, excellence in practical learning and excellence in academic attainment. These pillars will all be supported by partnerships. Excellence in sport will be supported, for example, by Medway Park Crusaders; excellence in performing arts will be supported by The Marlowe Theatre; excellence in practical learning will be supported by the construction industry, excellence in academic attainment will be supported by Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys.

Post 16 these will feed into and further develop our academic provision and the existing elite academies in practical learning and enterprise education, in sport and in performing arts. We have a developing provision for post 16 for high needs learners.

The School

On October 7th 2010 The Canterbury High and The Canterbury Primary School both converted to academy status under the 2010 Act.

One of the most unusual aspects of the academy is its range of provision on a campus which includes:

•City View Nursery

•A primary school

•A secondary school

•A large (and growing 6th form, currently 590+ students)

•A self-developed Enterprise & Employability College open 7 days a week

•A Youth and Community Centre

•A variety of commercial enterprises on site (that work with students), for example Kent Language School, Education Cuts

•A variety of hospitality and catering outlets

•A Tennis centre (including a ‘tennis School’)

•A Sports centre

•Adult Education

•A range of Alternative Curriculum provision which is generally off site

The Science Department (staffing and resources)

The Director of Teaching and Learning for science is Mrs. Karen Henderson. There are 10 other full time teachers of science. There is an excellent science technician. Science teaching takes place in its 6 dedicated science laboratories. The rooms have ICT and projection facilities. Further Science teaching accommodation is being built.

The Department (curriculum)

In years 7 & 8 the department has 6 discrete periods out of 50 to deliver the National Curriculum. GCSE Science teaching is started in Year 9 to allow the learners the best opportunity to achieve additional science by the end of Year 11.

In Key Stage 4 all students get 6-8 hours of science over two weeks as core provision. Students may also be entered for triple science as part of the school’s personalised curriculum pathways. It is expected that all students will gain a double Level 2 qualification in science. Science is a forward-looking department, which offers a range of qualifications to enable all students to succeed.

The faculty currently offers AS and A2 Applied Science, AS and A2 Biology, AS and A2 Chemistry and AS and A2 Physics.

Teacher of Science

What we are looking for is someone:

  • to teach across the age and ability range
  • who is up to date with current thinking on science education.
  • who has, or will acquire, a track record of success particularly but not exclusively in examination results

owho will take responsibility for developing an aspect of the department or school as agreed

owho will take responsibility for developing other members of the team

owho thinks teaching is fun and is passionate about science

owho wants to continually develop their own teaching practice

owho is positive and enthusiastic

owho will have high expectations of the students

owho will promote extracurricular activities

owho is dedicated, conscientious, hardworking and can do things rather than explain why things can’t be done

owho believes that schools can make a difference and that they can make a difference to this school

The Opportunity

The Canterbury High School converted to academy status in October 2010 (2010 Act). The school is a strategic partner and board member of the East Kent Learning Alliance (EKLA), which is a teaching school partnership.

The support and guidance given to new staff is, like many things, ‘excellent’. The vacancy offers the ambitious, energetic, experienced and capable applicant this opportunity to join a team with excellent facilities in a very successfully and nationally recognized school. Indeed, it is policy to recruit talented teachers and then professionally develop them in what we call our ‘greenhouse culture’.

The Canterbury High School is a successful school. We are oversubscribed. It is a positive school with an ethos based firmly in raising the academic and personal achievement of all its students. It is an enterprising and dynamic school. It has a friendly, supportive and enthusiastic staff. In short this school and this post offer an outstanding opportunity for the right candidate to develop their career. If you wish to come and have a look at us then please feel free to ring and arrange a time and we'll make sure someone will be available to show you round. If you can’t get to see us then you can log on to our website (which is being updated).

Our strap line is simple, ‘to improve the life chances of children and to help in the community’. If you subscribe to, and believe in, our philosophy that ‘every child is good at something’, that we should offer ‘as much as possible, to as many as possible, as often as possible’, that every young person will achieve and feel you can contribute to the school’s continued success, then please apply. In your letter of application please outline your achievements to date, your vision for this role, how you are equipped to deliver this and any other strengths you have.

Please apply online today or send your completed application form, letter of application and C.V. as soon as possible via email to or post to:

Mrs. C Crane,

Executive Vice Principal

The Canterbury Academy,

The Canterbury High School,

Knight Avenue,




Finally, may I thank you for your interest. I hope you are encouraged to apply. If you do but do not hear from us please assume your application has not been successful. We are not being rude but are merely economising. Should you be called for interview you will be contacted with full details as to the date and format of the selection process. Either way, may I take this opportunity to wish you all the best in your career.


Claire Crane

Executive Vice Principal

In addition to providing the highest quality of teaching and learning, the priority of the school is the safety and welfare of its students. Therefore all staff undergo an enhanced DBS Check.