Parent/Student Handbook Parent/Student Handbook
Principal: Mrs. Amanda C. Jones
Assistant Principal: Ms. Deidre Jefferson
2015 Theme:
“Holding firm to our roots as we branch into the future.”
History of Mary B. Austin School
Mary B. Austin School began as Spring Hill School just prior to 1900 on a site across Stein Street from our present location. The main building was opened on the present site in September, 1910, with a principal and two teachers. Additions were made in 1929 to the small building. In 1943, the name was changed at the request of the parents to honorMiss Mary B. Austin, who had served for over 20 years as principal. The school system built the "annex" in 1946 with parents adding the cafeteria in 1947. The PTA added two extra classrooms in 1959. The facilities were renovated in 1967. The original Spring Hill School wood frame building was moved onto the campus by the PTA in 1988 and currently serves as an open classroom for our student body. In September 2002, Austin was placed in a new two-story building. A new administration, media center and classroom addition was completed and opened March 2003.
Bricks and cornices from the original main building were saved before its demolition and are now incorporated into the school sign located at Stein and Provident.
In addition to Miss Austin, principals have included Miss Catherine Lining (1943-1966), Miss Flora Mary Pearson (1966-1978), Mrs. Glenys Mason (1978-1989), Mrs. Lexie Barnett (1989-1999) , Mrs. Jackie Zeigler (1999- 2013) and Mrs. Amanda Jones (2013-present).
Austin serves a student body of racial, economic and cultural diversity. Many prominent citizens are Austin alumni who retain fond memories of "Old Ann," Play Day, and excellent teachers. Austin is noted for achieving a high rate of academic success forits students in an atmosphere of caring concern for each individual and with the involvement of the parents, community and staff, past and present.
For the School Year 2006-2007, Austin received the prestigious national award of NCLB-Blue Ribbon School by the US Department of Education. Austin was one of only two schools in Alabama at the time to be recognized for this honor.
Austin School is accredited by the state of Alabama (1978) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Mary B. Austin is currently a Talents International Demonstration Site and a mi-Device school. All classrooms have smart boards and additional devices. Additionally, a project-based technological center, including a 3D printing lab and robotics, have been added. Austin recently received renovations including an artificial turf field and an updated cafeteria- “The Mary Bistro.” This school year, Austin will house two remodeled innovative labs- a communication lab and an emerging technologies lab. Austin continues to hold firm to our roots as we branch into the future.
The vision of Mary B. Austin is to develop life-long learners who graduate from high school prepared for future endeavors.
The mission of Mary B. Austin is to engage all students through relevant, individualized instruction that empowers students to take ownership of their learning and gain the skills necessary to think creatively, critically and independently within a safe and encouraging learning environment.
Our Oak Tree, “Old Ann”
“Roots to Success”
Respect Ourselves and Others.
Own our Learning.
Own our Actions.
Treasure our Talents.
Serve our Community.
These are our “Roots to Success”.
2015-2016 Theme: Holding firm to our roots as we branch into the future.
You’re a grand old school
You’re the best of them all.
And together we all sing your praise.
You have brought success and made us one
For learning in challenging ways.
Everyone feels true to the red and the blue
We know effort and honor’s the rule;
As long as “Old Ann” stands so tall,
We’ll be proud of you, Austin School!
Dear Parents,
Welcome to another fabulous school year at Mary B. Austin Elementary. Mary B. Austin has a tremendous history of excellence, and with the help of our wonderful staff, PTA, parents, students and community, we will continue this tradition.
Austin will continue to pursue academic excellence by implementing the Talents Unlimited Program which prepares our students to generate ideas, think creatively, reason, problem solve and communicate effectively. We will continue to implement the College and Career Ready Standards adopted by our state. With the support of PTA, Austin will continue its focus on the arts, understanding that music and art instruction develops a well-rounded individual and can also improve student academic success.
In addition to the aforementioned activities, Austin will prepare our students for their future by integrating 21st century skills through the 4Cs model: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration and Communication. Austin has been named a Mobile County Public School of Innovation. We will integrate the latest technologies into our instruction, using technology as a tool for more personalized student learning and promoting project-based collaboration in our innovative communication and emerging technologies labs featuring 3D printers, a 3D scanner, robotics, coding, programming, video production, editing and filming. With your support and partnership, there will be no better place in Mobile County for your child to receive his or her education than Mary B. Austin Elementary School. I look forward to meeting and working with each of you this 2015-2016 school year!
Mrs. Amanda C. Jones
Lunch Schedule 2015-2016
10:30 – 11:00 / Fifth10:55 – 11:25 / Fourth
11:20 – 11:50 / Third
11:45 – 12:15 / Second
12:10 – 12:40 / First- Cink
12:20 – 12:50 / First- Haywood
First- Jones (12:25)
12:30 – 1:00 / First- Beck
12:35 – 1:05 / Kindergarten (Parker/Winsor)
12:45 – 1:15 / Kindergarten (Martin/Curtis)
*We welcome parents/guardians to visit and eat lunch with your child. This can serve as a special treat to your child! We ask, however, that lunch visits be treated as a special time and not a daily occurrence. While we know parental support is critical to a child’s education, we also want children to become independent learners and become accustomed to daily routines and expectations. Round tables nearest the cafeteria line are available for parent and child. Thank you for understanding!
*Please note that according to federal guidelines, outside food containers (i.e., fast food bags, boxes) are not to be brought into the cafeteria. If you bring outside food items they must be in non-labeled bags or packaging.
The uniform is mandatory for grades K-5. Parents may be called to bring uniform attire if students are out of uniform.
Preferred: Solid Red or White Austin patched polo shirt OR Solid White buttoned oxford patched shirt from Zoghby’s
Option 2: Solid red or white polo shirt or white buttoned up oxford (Peter Pan collar acceptable for girls)
ALL Navy UNIFORM pants or shorts that sit at natural waist (NO “skinny”, cargo, etc.)
*Shorts may only be worn when temperatures are 60 or above for the entire school day
*Shorts MUST NOT be shorter than 2 inches above knee
ADDITIONAL GIRLS’ OPTION-Zogby’s Austin Plaid Jumper (178-82 and 162-82)
Solid Navy Jumper (NO Polo OR Knit Materials) or Solid Navy Uniform SKORT (No shorter than 2 inches above knee)
Zogby’s Plaid Skirts/Skorts may be worn by FIFTH GRADE only. (143-82)
*5th Grade skirts MUST be NO SHORTER than 2 inches above knee and MUST have shorts underneath.
Accessories: Brown leather-style belt must be worn with uniform pants.
WHITE socks must be worn with shoes at all times.
Girl’s Tights/Leggings underneath Jumpers MUST be SOLID White or Navy
Girl’s headbands and bows must match uniform, be worn in hair (not across forehead) and not be distracting
Undershirts: SOLID WHITE only and not seen below shirt sleeves
MBA T-shirts: Austin spirit t-shirts (purchased at school) can be worn on FRIDAY.
Sweatshirts: Austin sweatshirt (sold at school) preferred OR Solid red or navy (NO designs or logos)
SHOES: Navy and White Saddle Oxfords
(“Keds” brand navy/white saddle shoe IS acceptable & boys equivalent navy/white ked-style dress "tennis")
OR Brown or Tan dress-type shoe (example: Oxford/Buck or Boat Style Shoe)
Backpacks: No rolling backpacks or distracting/inappropriate logos.
Jewelry: Stud earrings only. (No other jewelry should be in view.)
OUTERWEAR: Solid navy, red, or white jackets or sweaters may be worn in the classroom. Additional outerwear may only be worn outdoors. 5th Grade students may also wear navy blazers, but this is not required. (Patches can be purchased at Zoghby’s)
PLEASE NOTE: The following items are not allowed.
o Tattoos (fake/other)
o Hats/ Hoods
o Unnatural hair color, cuts or body adornments that will serve to distract from the instructional program.
o Hair scarves
o Fake nails, bright nail polish, make-up, and strong odor perfumes, colognes and lotions
· The first bell will ring each morning at7:50 a.m. to notify admittance into
the building. Students should not arrive on campus prior to 7:50 a.m. unless
they are attending Before-School Care.
· Your child should enter the building by 8:15 a.m. to be considered “on-time” for school. Students not in class by the end of morning announcements will be marked tardy.
· Afternoon announcements will begin at 3:00 p.m. Carpool and bus students will be dismissed after announcements. Walkers will dismiss at approximately 3:15 from the front of the building. Students walking along Provident (with the crossing guard) will be dismissed first. Students walking along Stein will be dismissed at approximately 3:20, once traffic begins to decrease.
Please observe these school hours. Children are not to be on the school grounds before 7:50 a.m. Students are to be picked up in the afternoon by 3:30 p.m.
Teachers are officially on duty from 7:50 to 3:20. Although the staff spends many extra hours beyond these times on campus, we may not be aware of or responsible for children on the grounds or in the buildings before or after these times.
Students remaining on campus after 3:30 (or the end of carpool line) will be escorted to after school care and a $15 fee will be charged. Please remember punctual attendance (both before and after school) are a part of your child's transfer, if applicable.
Note: There will be no early dismissals after 2:30.
If you have a medical, dental, or other approved appointment, please come for your child before 2:30.
A child arriving late for school must be accompanied by their parent/guardian. Parents MUST come into the office and sign students in on the TARDY LOG.
School attendance is important to success. In case of an absence, a dated written excuse must be brought on the day the student returns to school. The note or doctor’s excuse must be sent to school within three (3) days of the student’s return to school to be counted as an excused absence. If this excuse is not filed with the teachers, an unexcused absence will be marked against the student’s record and cannot be changed! Excused absences include illness, death in the family, inclement weather that is hazardous to the child, legal quarantine, prior permission of the principal and consent of legal guardian or an emergency condition as determined by the principal. A written note from parents or guardians, as described above, will excuse absences for up to but not exceedingeight (8) absences.
In addition, transfer students who accumulate more than 5 unexcused absences or 8 excused absences (and/or excessive tardies or early dismissals) may have their transfer revoked.
Excessive absences and tardies will be investigated by the attendance counselor from the Central Office. It is helpful to us if parents call the office when a child is absent, since there are some illnesses that must be reported to the Nurse’s Office. It is the students’ responsibility to complete any work missed due to absences. The student will have three (3) days to complete this work. Please note: Suspensions are considered UNEXCUSED ABSENCES as per the MCPSS student code of conduct.
A dated written excuse is also required when a student is sent home by the school for illness. Students are counted absent if they miss more than half of the school day, even if sent home by the school for illness.
Absences cause us to lose valuable instructional time and teacher allocations. Let us work together to have our students in school, on time, and for the full school day every day for maximum learning.
Do not arrive within the neighborhood prior to 2:00 and preferably not until 2:30. Arriving early can cause unnecessary traffic congestion. Cars should begin forming a line approximately one car length from the Provident/Stein stop signs. Do not block drive ways and intersections. Remain in your vehicle at all times unless you are scheduled to volunteer inside the school.
An Austin teacher or employee will direct cars to pull into the carpool line, forming two lines at 2:45.
Pull up to the white line located in the driveway. All cars will turn right onto Provident Lane when leaving the parking lot. Do not park on surrounding streets to have your children walk to your car. Students will not be allowed to go to a parked car that is not in the carpool line. This rule is to ensure the safety of your child and to ensure the orderly flow of traffic. Parked cars on side streets can cause traffic jams and are dangerous to children who walk home nearby.
· Students/Parents are assigned a car pool number/tag.
· Parents will receive two car pool numbers.
· Display the car pool number so it can be seen easily by staff members on duty. Signs clipped from the rear view mirror expedite the calling of numbers.
· When your child is in the car, remove the carpool number from sight. This will help staff know when we are ready to safely move vehicles.
· If you do not have a car pool number assigned by Austin personnel, you may be required to show identification. If you are not on the student’s pick-up list, you will be asked to park and come indoors for further identification. This is for the safety of our students.