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A step closer to the heaven: Premium Route Extended Tour

On the 21st of June 2009 is the opening of the new certified Premium Route Extended Tour: “Buchenegger Waterfalls”, taking the walker through the famous Natural Reserve Nagelfluhkette mountain range. To celebrate the occasion the pathway will be officially blessed with an open air Holy Mass and festivity, with an additional option, of taking part on the Premium Tour to the Buchenegger Waterfalls.

The meeting place is the mountain station “Hündle”, this is the summit of the Hündle mountain. The chair lift will take the visitor to the top and guests holding the “Oberstaufen Plus” guest card can travel for free (cards are offered by over 300 hosts). The Holy Mass is starting at 10.30 a.m.

There is no better place to pray and worship for people who are believers, as on the top of a mountain close to the heavens surrounded by Mother Nature. This religious occasion stems from the Allgäuer locals, who meet up with guests and people on vacation, to celebrate together the longest day of the year, the mid-summer night. Joining in prayer in celebration of a catholic mass. Even non-believers feel touched by this experience.

Instead of hearing organ pipes the guest is surrounded by the gentle sounds of alpenhorns and local musicians. After the Holy Mass the festivities start with traditional band music, tasty local food and great German beer. The nature lover can join the local conservation guide, Theo Palecek on the 11km Premium Route Extended Tour and, afterwards enjoy the well earned refreshments.

The Premium Tour to the Buchenegger Waterfalls is the first to be opened, along the Nagelfluh mountain range, and a further 10 are planned. The official German certification for such walkways is based upon various characteristics. Changes of scenery and flora, forest areas and open meadows, waterways and cascades, alpine huts and various breathtaking views by ascent and descent are just a few to mention. The walker experiences along the 3 hour tour between 800 and 1100 metres climatic levels and panoramic alpine views.

Other benefits of the “Oberstaufen Plus” guest card, include free travel with the shuttle bus, and use of the summer toboggan run, free parking and also free use of the cable-cars and chair lifts. The visitor has free access to the local outdoor summer swimming pool and indoor adventure swimming pool with sauna amenities – the “Aquaria”. The Mini Golf area and local attractions such as the indoor Model Railway and Local Museum are also included. The guest doesn’t pay any extras, and the hosts offering this special service see it as an extra bonus for the Oberstaufen tourist.

More information: Oberstaufen Tourism, Tel. +49 8386 93000,

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