A sneaky peak into Year 1!
In this newsletter, you will be able to find out what we will be learning and also any important dates for this half term.
This half term our topic is called…..In topic…
In science…
In writing, we are learning how to apply our phonics skills to write sentences which makes sense. We are looking in detail at everyday objects and using our imagination to write about them at length. In between these longer writing tasks, we are practising our basic grammar, spelling and punctuation skills so that we can improve our writing.
In reading, we are applying the phonics sounds we know to help us blend words quickly so that our reading becomes smooth. We are learning to use a range of strategies when we come to a word we don’t know such as sounding it out, looking at the pictures, looking at the length of the word or missing it out and coming back to it. We are developing our understanding of what we have read by asking and answering questions linked to the books we are reading in class.
In maths we are learning about the number system through recognising numbers and counting carefully so we understand their value. We are learning how to count forwards and backwards to 100 quickly (we find it more difficult to count backwards than forwards!). We are using our understanding of the value of numbers to order numbers into sequences. We continue to develop our mental maths skills through daily practice of counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s and practising our number pairs.
hese are the maths words that we will be learning and using: place value, counting on and back, next, first, before, after, sequence, ordering, amount, value, worth, position, 1 digit, 2 digit
Our special new words…
How you can help your child
You can help your child by practising their number pairs to 10 and 20 (eg 9 + 1, 19 + 1, 3 + 17) and talking about numbers and their value in the world around them. You can help them with their spelling by practising the words which are sent home every Friday.
Trips and Visitors
Important Dates