A Sampling of Wordless Picture Books

Compiled by Maggie Chase, Eun Hye Son & Stan Steiner, Boise State University 2018

Armstrong, Jennifer. 2006. Once Upon a Banana. New York: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers.

Baker, Jeannie. 2004. Belonging. Boston: Walker Books.

Baker, Jeannie. 2004. Home. New York: Greenwillow Books.

Banyai, Istvan. 1995. Re-Zoom. New York: Viking.

Banyai, Istvan. 1995. Zoom. New York: Viking.

Banyai, Istvan. 2005. The Other Side. San Francisco: Chronicle.

Burke, Tina. 2006. Fly, Little Bird. La Jolla, CA: Kare/Miller Book Publishers, Inc.

Chung, Arree. 2017. Out! New York, NY: Henry Holt.*

Day, Alexandra. 1998. Follow Carl. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.

Dornbusch, Erica. 2001. Finding Kate’s Shoes. Toronto: Annick Press.

Fitzpatrick, Marie-Louise. 2017. Owl Bat: Bat Owl. Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.

Fleischman, Paul & Hawkes, Kevin. 2004. Sidewalk Circus. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.

Geisent, Arthur. 2006. Oops. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin.

Hegbrook, Thomas. 2017. Story Worlds: A Moment in Time. Wilton, CT: Caterpillar Books.*

Hyewon, Yum. 2008. Last Night. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.

King Stephen Michael. 2009. Leaf. Australia: Porter/Roaring Books.

Krans, Kim. 2016. ABC Dream. New York: Random House.

Lee, Suzy. 2008. Wave. San Francisco: Chronicle.

Lehman, Barbara. 2004. The Red Book. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin.

Lehman, Barbara. 2006. The Museum Trip. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin.

Lehman, Barbara. 2007. Rainstorm. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin.

Luthardt, Kevin. 2001. Mine! New York: Atheneum.

Mayer, Mercer. 2003. A Boy, a Dog, & a Frog. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers.

McCully, Emily Arnold. 2001. Four Hungry Kittens. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers.

Nyeu, Tao. 2008. Wonder Bear. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers.

Rogers, Gregory. 2004. The Boy, the Bear, the Baron, the Lord. Brookfield, CT: Roaring Book Press.

Rohman, Eric. 1994. Time Flies. New York: Crown.

Schories, Pat. 2004. Breakfast for Jack. Ashville, NC: Front Street.

Simler, Isabelle. 2017. Plume. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Books.*

Tan, Shaun. 2007. The Arrival. New York: A. Levine Books.

Varon, Sara. 2006. Chicken & Cat. New York: Scholastic.

Vincent, Gabrielle. 1999. A Day, a Dog. Ashville, NC: Front Street.

Wakeman, Daniel. 2005. Ben’s Big Dig. Victoria, BC: Orca Book Publishers.

Wakeman, Daniel. 2007. Ben’s Bunny Trouble. Victoria, BC: Orca Book Publishers.

Weitzman, Jacqueline. 1998. You Can’t Take a Balloon into the Metropolitan Museum. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers.

Weitzman, Jacqueline. 2000. You Can’t Take a Balloon into the National Gallery. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers.

Wiesner, David. 1991. Tuesday. New York: Clarion Books.*

Wiesner, David. 1999. Sector 7. New York: Clarion Books.

*Books with limited text that could be used in wordless book applications

Professional Articles:

Crawford, P. A., & Hade, D. D. (2000). Inside the Picture, Outside the Frame: Semiotics and the Reading of Wordless Picture Books, Journal of Research in Childhood Education 15(1), 66–80.

Jalongo, M. R. et al., (2002). Using wordless picture books to support emergent Literacy. Early Childhood Education Journal, 29(3), 167-177.

Louie, B. & Sierschynski, J. (2015). Enhancing English language learners’ language development using wordless picture books. The Reading Teacher, 69(1), 103-111.

Lysaker, J. & Hopper, E. (2015). A kindergartener’s emergent strategy use during wordless picture book reading. The Reading Teacher, 68(8), 649-657.

Pantaleo, S. (2007). Reading Banyai's "Zoom" and "Re-Zoom". Language Arts, 84(3), 222-233.

Reese, C. (1996). Story development using wordless picture books. Reading Teacher, 50(2), 172-73.

Ricky, Virginia & Packett, Kathryn. Wordless/Almost Wordless Picture Books: A Guide. 1992.

Serafini, F. (2014). Exploring wordless picture books. The Reading Teacher, 68(1), 24-26.

Trinkle, C. (2006). Using Wordless picture books. School Library Media Activities Monthly.23(3), 11-12.