A Reluctant Leader Steps Forward

Exodus 3-5


The period of time between the end of chapter two and the beginning of chapter three is about 40 years. After Moses fled from Egypt and settled in Midian, he spent the next 40 years tending his father-in-law’s flocks. We really do not know what went on during those years. Some commentators speculate that Moses developed his relationship with God during those years. What we do know is that God does not waste time. He used those years to shape Moses and prepare him for what God had in store for him.

In chapter three, Moses’ faith moved from knowledge about God to knowledge of God. Moses may have felt that he was going to spend the rest of his life tending flocks. God had different plans for him. For the first time, Moses came face to face with God.

Chapter four lets us in on Moses’ struggle to accept God’s call. Like many of us, Moses did not immediately embrace what God was telling him. Apprehension and fear got in the way. By the middle of chapter four Moses is on his way to Egypt.

In chapter five, we see the first encounter with Pharaoh. Things don’t go very well, which causes Moses some problems. The people of Israel who first welcomed Moses began to question if that was a good idea.

The story of God’s call of Moses is similar to our experience. The story is realistic and resonates with some of our own reluctance. It also begins to highlight that the path of faith is not always a smooth path. A big part of living a life of faith is facing the obstacles that are placed in our way.

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. Hebrews 10:35-36

Study 1: Exodus 3:1-10

Exodus 3 opens with one of the most dramatic encounters with God recorded in the Bible. It is here that God takes a broken and humbled man and turns him into a powerful leader.

1. Verses 1-3set the stage for this amazing encounter.

a. What information is given about Moses and his situation in verse 1?

b. How did God grab Moses’ attention?

c. How does the author emphasize that this was not a natural phenomena?

2. In verses 4-5, God reveals Himself to Moses.

a. Why do you think God called Moses’ name twice?

b. How did God set the stage for what was to come?

c. How did Moses react?

3. What did God reveal about His heart for the Israelites?

4. What did God reveal about His intensions toward Israel?

5. What do you think was Moses’ initial reaction to this news?

6. What surprising thing that God reveal to Moses?


1. Most of us have never had a burning bush experience. How does God get our attention today?

2. How does the fact that Moses was a defeated man spending his life in a menial job relate to God’s ability to use us?

3.Moses did not immediately recognize that it was God who was calling him. What does that say to us about listening for God’s voice in our lives?

4. God established His authority with Moses. Why is it essential that we understand who God is and recognize His ultimate authority?

5. How is the plight of the Israelites much like the plight of people today who are slaves to sin?

6. What does this passage teach us about the compassion of God? (2 Peter 3:8-9)

Study 2: Exodus 3:11-4:17

Moses is one of the greatest heroes of the Bible, yet he didn’t begin very well. Not only did he take matters into his own hands when he killed the Egyptian taskmaster (Exodus 2:11-12), when God enlisted him for service, Moses dragged his feet!

1. When Moses realized what God was saying, his apprehension went up.

a. What was Moses’ first objection to God’s command?

b. How did God answer Moses?

2. Moses moved from his sense of inadequacy to his lack of authority.

a. What objection did Moses raise?

b. How did God answer Moses?

c. What other information did God add to give Moses confidence?

3. Even in the face of God’s clear statement of success, Moses held back.

a. What new objection did Moses raise?

b. How did God answer this objection?

4. Moses was not done resisting.

a. How did Moses continue to object to being called?

b. What was God’s response?

5. Finally Moses pleaded for God to send someone else. How did God react to this and what did God do?


1.Moses’ different objections highlight many of our reasons for not answering God’s call to service. Which of these objections do you identify with the most?

2. How can Moses’ experience help you overcome your apprehensions?

3. How does God answer our sense of inadequacy? (2 Cor. 3:4-6)

4. How does God answer our lack of authority? (Matthew 28:18-20)

5. How does God answer our lack of power? (Acts 1:8)

6. How does God answer our feeling of weakness? (2 Cor. 12:7-10)

7. How can an better understanding of God’s faithfulness help us overcome our fear and apprehensions? (Hebrews 10:23)

Study 3: Exodus 4:17-31

God was determined to use Moses, and Moses could no longer resist. So Moses put his house in order and started moving in God’s direction.

1. Why would Moses ask permission of Jethro to return to Egypt?

2. What assurance did God give Moses in verse 19 to encourage him?

3.How did God prepare Moses for the obstacles he would encounter in his interaction with Pharaoh?

4. What do you think is the significance of the incident recorded in verses 24-26? (Genesis 17:9-14)

5. How did God fulfill his promise to Moses to provide him with a helper?

6. What was the initial reaction of the elders to Moses and Aaron?

7. In what way was Aaron an asset to Moses within the Israelite community?


1.How can our family either help us or hinder us from responding to God’s call?

2. How had God prepared the way for Moses to return to Egypt? What does this say to us about God’s preparations for our mission?

3. God warned Moses that there would be obstacles in his way. Why is it important for us to understand that obstacles are part of our spiritual journey?

4. It seems very odd that God would call Moses to go back to Egypt and then attempt to kill him along the way. Circumcision was one of the essential requirements of being a part of God’s covenant family. What does this say to us about aligning ourselves with God’s spiritual requirements before we can be fully used?

5. Although Aaron seems to have been a concession to Moses by God, having Aaron at his side was a great help to Moses. How does having another believer by our side help give us the courage to act more boldly?

Study 4:Exodus 5:1-21

Exodus 5 begins the confrontation between Moses and Pharaoh. The battle lines are quickly drawn.

1. How did Moses and Aaron approach Pharaoh?

2. How did Pharaoh respond to this initial request?

3. How did Moses and Aaron add weight to their request in verse 3?

4. How did Pharaoh punish the people for Moses’ request?

5. How did the Israelite foremen respond to Pharaoh’s edict?

6. What was Pharaoh’s attitude toward the foremen?

7. How did this situation affect the people’s relationship with Moses and Aaron?

8. What would be some reasons why God would set up this negative situation? Consider how long the Israelites had lived in Egypt.


1. How does Pharaoh’s first response to Moses and Aaron reflect the attitude of many people today?

2. In what ways is the practice of our faith a threat to our secular world?

3. Pharaoh used oppression to subdue the Israelites.

a. How was his edict actually bad for himself?

b. How does our society use oppression to subdue people?

c. In what ways is that bad for all of society?

4. Many people believe that “the system” is stacked against us. How can this actually be a part of God’s plan for us?

5. The people of Israel had settled into a comfortable symbiotic relationship with the Egyptians. (Ex. 16:3) How can being comfortable in a less than ideal situation hinder us from listening to God?

6. Why would God allow us to face hardships?
