
“The God I Know!”

II Chronicles 25:1-9

Pastor Steve N. Wagers

April 23, 2006

Sermon Outline

1. A God Who Is Able In His Person!

A) Beyond Our Consideration

B) Beyond Our Comprehension

2. A God Who Is Abundant in His Provision!

A) How It Is Indicated

B) How it is Illustrated

3. A God Who Is Awesome In His Promises!

A) Promises We Can Lean On Personally

B) Promises We Can Live By Perpetually

In his book on “Evangelism,” A. Skevington Wood said, “We can never talk about God behind his back. We cannot speak of God in His absence. The God who is being discussed is also there. The attitude people take to Him can never be merely theoretical. To deny Him is to spite Him to His face.”

H. G. Wells was never particularly religious, but after he had studied the history of the human race and had observed human life, he came to an interesting conclusion: “Religion is the first thing and the last thing, and until a man has found God and been found by God, he begins at no beginning, he works to no end. He may have his friendships, his partial loyalties, his scraps of honor. But all these things fall into place and life falls into place only with God.”

A recent ABC News Gallup Poll taken January 7, 2006, revealed the percentages of what Americans believe.

86%--in God

81%--in Heaven

78%--in Angels

70%--in Hell

70%--in the Devil

60%--the stories in the Bible are literally true.

13%--that human evolution occurred naturally without divine intervention.

The story before us finds Amaziah, the king of Judah, strengthening and fortifying his army that totals around 300,000 men. He feels that his army of 300,000 is not adequate and sufficient.

He first organizes his army by putting a captain over each 1,000 men and a captain over each 100 men within each thousand (Brigades with units in each Brigade). Next he hires 100,000 men from Israel as hired mercenaries for 100 talents of silver.

It is shortly thereafter that he has a visit from a prophet with a message from God (Vs.7-8). The prophet tells him that if he wants to go into battle with his 400,000 he is welcome to do so, but he will go without God's blessings. The prophet also tells him that God will see to it that he will fail and be defeated.

Why? Amaziah was relying on human ability rather than Heavenly ability. He had turned to men rather than to God. He had left God out of all his plans. He did not look to God or lean on God. An army of 300,000 with God's blessings is far more powerful than an army of 400,000 without God's blessings. Tragically, he had left God out of all he had done.

How often in our plans we leave God out and rely on what we can do. All too often we do not trust God and bring him into the picture. Human means at their best are still insufficient. When we feel we are lacking, it is not human ability we need, but Divine ability.

Within in the message of the prophet was a wonderful word to both Amaziah and our hearts. In answer to Amaziah's question about the money he had spent for the soldiers, the prophet said, "The Lord is able to give thee much more than this."

That statement speaks to me, and reminds me of the God I know. “The Lord is able to give thee much more than this.” I say to you that the God I know is:

1. A God Who Is ABLE In His PERSON!

The prophet of God emphatically declares to Amaziah, "The Lord is able." I ask you, do you really believe that God is able? With the man of God, could you say from personal experience that the “Lord is able?”

I think of a little boy who just got out of church. The pastor saw him standing around and thought he would have some fun with the boy. He wanted to find out how much he had learned in Sunday school, so he asked him, “Johnny, if you can tell me one thing God CAN do, I’ll give you an apple.” Johnny replied, “Pastor, if you can tell me one thing God CAN”T do, I’ll give you a whole truck load of apples.”

One of the great revelations of the God of the Bible is that He is a God who is able! According to the Word of God, there are only 3 things which God cannot do. In James 1: 13 we see that God “cannot be tempted with evil.” In 2 Timothy 2: 13 we learn that God “cannot deny himself.” And in Titus 1:2 we read that God “cannot lie.”

Those statements declare things that God cannot do. However, when the Bible speaks of what God cannot do, it in no way diminishes what He can do. His inability with what He cannot do doesn’t minimize, but only magnifies His ability of what He can do.

I think of Mary who, when she heard of God’s plan to bring Jesus from her virgin womb, asked, "How shall this be" (Lke.1:34). The angel replied,"For with God nothing shall be impossible" (Lke.1:37).

Whenever we think of what God is able to do, we begin to find out that His ability is:


I love Ephesians 3: 20. You often hear me quote, or refer to that verse of scripture. In it, Paul declares that our God, the God to whom the prophet was describing to Amaziah, is “able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think.”

The word "exceeding" speaks of that which is "beyond and above all in a measure exceeding all this." In other words, His ability is far beyond anything we could ever consider.

What is the biggest thing you could imagine God doing? He is not able to do it, but also able to go beyond it. What is the biggest thing you could ask God for? He is not only able to do, but He’s able to go far beyond our considerations.

The Bible repeatedly proves the able person of God. In fact, we are reminded that there is no problem God cannot solve.

If He can:

Step out from behind the curtain of nowhere onto the platform of nothing, and speak everything into its existence.

Provide a ram in the bulrushes to spare Isaac from imminent death.

Part the waters of a sea so that 2-4 million people could cross, on dry ground; and, then sustain 2-4 million people on manna, quail meat and water so that none died of starvation.

Cause the walls of a fortified city to come crashing to the ground simply by the sound of a trumpet.

Sustain one of his servants by a brook with heavenly ravens.

Deliver 3 young boys from a fiery furnace so hot that it smote the servants who threw them in; and, bring them out without a hair of their head singed, coats changed, or without any smell or smoke…

If He can do that, then there is nothing in your life, my life, or any life that He cannot do.

He is so able that there is no problem God cannot solve, and there is no prayer He cannot silence.

He heard Abraham in his hour of despair.

He heard Jacob in his hour of deception.

He heard Moses in his hour of discouragement.

He heard Samson in his hour of disappointment.

He heard David in his hour of disgrace.

He heard Elijah in his hour of depression.

He heard Nehemiah in his hour of decision.

He heard Hezekiah in his hour of derision.

He heard Jeremiah in his hour of disillusionment.

He heard Daniel in his hour of delay.

He heard Jonah in his hour of disobedience.

He heard a woman with an issue of blood in her hour of desperation.

He heard Peter in his hour of denial.

He heard Thomas in his hour of doubt.

He heard Paul in his hour of discovery.

He heard Jesus in his hour of death.

If He can hear those prayers, then He can certainly hear and answer your prayers, and my prayers.

We are not only reminded that there is no problem God cannot solve; and, there is no prayer God cannot silence; but, thank God, there is no person God cannot save.

He saved Levi in a custom-house (Mark 2:14). [A custom-house was a tax-collectors office. That’s like getting saved in an IRS office!]

Peter and Andrew were saved on the seashore while they were working (Cp. Matt 4:18).

The paralytic man was saved in a home (Mark 2:1).

Zaccheaus was saved at the foot of a tree (Luke 19:4).

Paul was saved in the middle of the road (Acts 9:3).

The Samaritan woman was saved at a well (John 4:11).

The Ethiopian Eunuch was saved in a desert (Acts 8:26).

The Philippians Jailer was saved in a jailhouse (Acts 16:26).

The thief was saved on a cross (Matt 27:38).

He saved the harlot Rahab.

He saved the demon-possessed Mary Magdalene.

He saved a moral man like Nathanael.

He saved a religious man like Nicodemus.

He saved a rich man like Zaccheaus.

He saved a poor man like Lazarus.

He saved a doctor like Luke.

He saved a government official like the Ethiopian.

He saved a lawyer like Zenas.

He saved a thief on the cross.

And, if that’s not enough, He saved hell-bound, hell deserving sinners like YOU and ME!

I say with the prophet, “The Lord is able.” What is He able to do? He is able to do anything and everything that is far beyond our consideration. But, what He is able to do is also:


I think of a time when the Pope was visiting Washington, D.C. He decided that he wanted to see the city as a regular tourist so he drove. He was stopped by a policeman for running a stop sign. The policeman was overwhelmed when he walked up to the car and saw the pope driving.

He immediately radioed his chief, "Chief, I have stopped someone really big and I don't know the protocol." The chief asked, "Congressman?" The policeman replied, "No, it’s bigger than that." "Senator?" "President?" To each question the policeman replied, “No, it’s bigger than that. The chief asked, "How can it be bigger than that?" The policeman replied, "I'll give you a hint, the pope's the chauffeur."

Again, in Ephesians 3: 20 we read that God is able to do “exceeding abundantly above." The word “abundant” carries the idea of "exceeding some measure or number, over and beyond, more than necessary."

When you put the 2 words together, “exceeding abundantly” you get a compound word that means God's ability is beyond all things, that ability being more than enough, and then some on top of that.

We can't even begin to comprehend how great God's ability is. He is a God who is able in His person to the point that what He is able is to do is far beyond our wildest consideration, and comprehension.

Secondly, the God I know is:


The prophet continues in his declaration of the God that I know by saying that the “Lord is able” to do "much more than this."

In other words, the prophet was reminding Amaziah that, if he would trust Him, he would discover that God wasable to provide for him. The prophet speaks of the sufficient and surpassing provision of God. It is not just "more" but "much more."

Notice the provision, and:


The “much more”provision of God is indicated in 2 ways: by His reputation, and His declaration. In other words, we have His name and His Word which are God’s glory-guarantee that He will provide, and take care of His people.

We read in Psalm 37:25, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. [24]Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand. [25]I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.”

We hear the Apostle Paul’s declaration in Philippians 4: 19, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

D.L. Moody called this promise, "God's Check." He described it this way:

"My God" - the name of the firm printed on the check
"Shall supply" - the promise to pay
"All your need" - the amount to be paid
"According to His riches" - the deposit in the account against which the check is drawn
"In glory" - the address of the bank
"By Christ Jesus" - the signature which appears on the check

Friend, you can take it to the royal bank of Heaven. His name proves it, and His Word promises it. You can bank on anything that comes from God’s bank book.

The journal of David Livingston can be found in the BritishMuseum. One notation that is special is in reference to Matthew 28:20: "It is the word of a gentlemen of the strictest and most sacred honor, and there's an end of it."


God's provision is not only repeatedly indicated, but also repeatedly illustrated.

I mentioned the children of Israel earlier. For 40 years, God sustained them, and kept them alive without the use of Bi-Lo or Burger Kings. We do not read where one single Israelite died of malnutrition or starvation. Why? Because “the Lord is able” to do “much more.”

A British army officer studied the record of the immigration of the Israelites and calculated the amount of food and water they would need. If they ate one pound of food per day per person that would equal 900 tons of food per day for 40 years. If they utilized one gallon of water per day per person, it would take 29 wells pumping at the rate of 6,000 gallons an hour for 40 years.

Yet, God sustained His people, for 40 single, solid years on manna and water.

I think of the wealth of Bill Gates. Someone recently calculated his wealth based on if he worked a 40 hour work week: $923, 076,292.31 per week, $2,307,692.31 per hour, $38,461.54 per minute, and $524.19 with every beat of his heart.

To illustrate Bill Gates’ wealth another way, imagine an endless line of $1 bills laid end to end. That line would go from the moon and back 7 times. If you began travelling along this line picking up dollar bills on March 13, 1986, the day Microsoft went public with their stock, and you wished to accumulate wealth at the same rate Bill Gates has since that date, you would need to travel that line at a rate of 22.91 mph.

According to the U. S Census Bureau, the population of the world on November 14, 2004 was 6.45 billion people. This means that Bill Gates could give $5.55 to every person on the entire planet, and he would still have $46,231,695 left over.

But, ladies and gentlemen, compared to God, Bill Gates is a pauper. He is the God who owns it all and has need of nothing. He is the God that owns the cattle on a thousand hills, every hill, and every tater in the hill.

The God I know is a God who is able in His person and a God who is abundant in His provision. He is abundantly able to do anything to us, with us, by us, and for us that we need Him to do.

Finally, the God I know is:


Again, the prophet of God is giving Amaziah a word of caution, as well as a word of comfort. He is warning him against going into battle alone. He could take a million man army into battle, but without the Lord a million men army would be no more powerful than a single man army.

He says, “Amaziah, if you will turn to God, and trust in God you will find that ‘the Lord is able to GIVE THEE much more than this.’” What was he saying? Notice the words, "give thee." God, through the prophet, was extending His promise to Amaziah. He was reminded Amaziah, as well as us that God is awesome in His promises.

His promises are:


The prophet says, “Amaziah, ‘the Lord is able to GIVE THEE much more than this.’” In other words, it was a promise Amaziah could lean on personally. If he chose to do so, Amaziah could pillow his head on the promise of God.

Thank God, you and I can look at God's promises and say, "This is what God has promised me."Before the dawning of the great era of modern missions, Leonard Dober and David Nitschmann left Germany to take the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the world.

They were arguably the first missionaries in Protestant history, sent out by Moravian Christians, to go to Copenhagen for passage to the West Indies. But, in Copenhagen, the two men encountered opposition. Local authorities ridiculed their cause, and sea captains refused them passage. Even the man who had

invited them to the West Indies changed his mind.

Just when the spirits of these two men faltered, they found this verse: "God is not a man that He should lie....Has he not said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good?" Buoyed by those words, Dober and Nitschmann pressed onto the West Indies where they made missionary history and paved the way for thousands of others who have come for nearly 300 years all because the took God at His Word.

The early years of my ministry were ones of learning how to trust God. Kim and I learned that God's promises were promises we could lean on personally. God told us He would “never leave us or forsake us,” so we leaned on it. God told us if we would “seek first the kingdom of God” then “all of these things shall be added unto you” and we leaned on it. God told us that if we would “delight ourselves in the Lord” that He would “give us the desires of our heart” and we leaned on it.