Gen3 QRV & hex head screw change
A product improvement has been introduced on the Gen3 QRV.
1. A new style diaphragm has been introduced which offers greater life expectancy and improved resistance to oils and chemicals.
2. The torx head retaining screws (T25) are being replaced with hexagonal 10mm head screws, to improve QRV serviceability.
The updated Gen3 product will be introduced from week 18 2017
Introduction will be handled by running change without further notice.
Torx head screws (3 off) M6 x 16mm hexagonal head screws (3 off)
Where necessary, this change should be discussed with the customer to see if PPAP or further documents are required.
Haldex Brake Products, MIRA, UK
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Issue: 03 GF408 Issued by: J.Ralph
Issue Date: 28/05/2012