Excess and Disposal
Q. Have the methods of sanitization been changed to align with the new technology of hard drives? What are the acceptable standards for clearing, wiping, etc.?
A. Please contact your IT Security Official.
Q. Are we required to remove barcodes?
A. Yes. All DOC and NOAA identifying marks are required to be removed before releasing asset to another federal, state agency, recycler or to the public.
Q. Why do Monitors have to be sanitized when there isn't anything to sanitize?
A. Based on the Federal Supply Code (FSC) 7025, the Department requires all assets under this FSC to be sanitized.
Q. If I enter more items in 15 days to my draft do I get an additional 30 days?
A. No.
Q. Must the Automated NF37-45 be used or can the paper (pdf) form still be use?
A. Either automated or hard-copy NF 37-45 can be used. However, the automated form reduces the chances for errors and time spent creating the form.
Q. Who notifies the PM of the request-PC, PAO, or LOR?
A. Currently there is no notification sent via Sunflower to the PMs for retirement requests.
Q. If you use the paper version of the 37-45? How do you attach it in sunflower?
A. Attach it in Accept/Deny Retirement of Asset before approving, link is;
Q. Sometimes the 37-45 gets corrupted when I as the PAO try to open it. Do you know what is causing this issue? It looks fine for some other PC's using both Chrome browser and IE?
A. Contact your local IT.
Q. At which point would an office choose to do an abandon in place?
A. Please refer to the NOAA National Disposal Plan (NNDP), chapter 8.6.5 pg.14, link is;
Q. For assets which don't have a hard drive, but for which we are required to enter a value in the Hard Disk Status field, is there a specific value that is recommended?
A. Yes. Removed is used for assets that cannot be sanitized. Refer to the NF 37-45 instructions located on the form, link is
Q. What if the recycler needs to check off each item? Should we bring two copies, one they sign and one they mark up when they check off each item?
A. Yes.
Q. Please explain the process to use a State Agency for Surplus Property (SASP). Do we have to go through the process of putting items on GSAXCESS for the required time period or can we contact the SASP agency immediately?
A. All federal agencies report their surplus items through GSAXcess. State, local governments and eligible non-profit organizations should contact their SASP representative directly.
Q. Is there a way to excess agreement assets?
A. Agreement Assets such as GSA leased vehicles and copiers are not NOAA property and would not be excessed. Contact your LOR if you have an exception.
Q. What causes the model number to have a tilde mark in it?
A. Tilde marks come from legacy data. However they should be updated, link to the Catalog Management form is;
Q. Can a Property Contact submit an NF 37-50 and/or NF 37-45? Or must this be done by the Property Custodian?
A. Yes, the Property Contact and Property Custodian can create and submit the NF 37-50 and NF 37-45 request in Sunflower.
Q. Is there a way for sunflower to notify you that your final even is going to expire?
A. Sunflower sends a final notification to the PC and the LOR 15 days before it expires.
Q. Are we required to keep the barcodes in our files after we recycle?
A. It’s not a requirement, only a suggestion to show proof the barcodes were removed or to explain it was scraped off.
Q. On NF37-50, why do marks within the margins require it be kicked back?
A. It alters the form.
Q. If you add Sanitization Method on the 37-50 will it change the CD50/52 for the item change or will I need to make the type of sanitization on each individual CD50/52.
A. No it will not change it. Each asset needs the HD Status updated in Maintain Assets before creating and submitting the Retirement Request.
Q. I do have a question about books. I have old books that were for coding and such. Can we donate to the Friends of the Library? They have a sale every year. I am thinking no, but just want to check.
A. No, donation for the purpose of re-sale is not allowed. The public library should contact their State Agency for Surplus Property (SASP).
Q. Why can't they change the 30 days? Coordinating with vendors to pick up/drop off take time. How about 60 days?
A. Ask your recycle vendor what date(s) are available for pickup so you will know when to submit your retirement request.
Q. On the 37-50, who is the releasing official? The PC or PAO?
A. It is the NOAA employee physically releasing the property to the accepting official.